diy solar

diy solar



AKA Dexter - CTO of Current Connected, LLC
Sep 23, 2019
When reporting a post, users have no way to see any responses or if the report has been marked resolved, unless someone DMs them, for example. I recall from when I was a mod that there is some backend discussion but that never makes it to the user who filed the report.
I can understand users not being privy to what the mods discuss about a posting that the user has reported, but I agree it would be good if there was a 'read-receipt' mechanism to know that the report has been considered, even if not acted upon.
Also would be good to comment if you later found more information or needed to cancel the report
Any time I have reported a post. I either see it handled. Or receive a message saying that it's ok, because of xyz.
A report cancel option would be nice.
I have accidentally reported the wrong post, before. Or after re reading, realized that I had misinterpreted it.
The mods should create a thread with the funniest reports in it - a bit like outtakes on movies... that would be a laugh, especially if they don't redact the reporter's name!