diy solar

diy solar

Self-generating dog collar light


Solar Badger
Nov 3, 2019
I have a flashlight you shake to power it. It uses magnetivity to generate DC, which I believe it stores in a capacitor. I can share a pict if someone would like it.

My dog runs all day long. Burns a ton of calories. I'd like a light on his collar that charged during the day, then lit up when it was dark out. He's black, so it is very hard to see if he is standing by the door at night waiting for me to let him in. The light in the closed in back porch doesn't help, because it reflects off the door glass from the inside.

What would it take to build an LED collar light that stored up DC during the day while he chases rabbits, then lights the LED in the dark?
That's solar. I want to generate DC from his activity, converting dog food into light. This will work on cloudy days and regardless of the orientation of his collar. And, I do not want to replace his current leather collar. This will also continue to generate DC at night, when the critters really get him going.

Fun fact, I can let my dog outside for 10 minutes, and when he returns, he's out of breath.

If you can find it online, then by all means, link it.
Notice how weak the light is on those shake flashlights? That’s because it takes a TON of motion to generate useable watts...
they used to make shake winding watches that used motion to wind the spring... I cannot imagine a method for doing this on a dog collar...
Notice how weak the light is on those shake flashlights? That’s because it takes a TON of motion to generate useable watts...
they used to make shake winding watches that used motion to wind the spring... I cannot imagine a method for doing this on a dog collar...

If his dog is a Lab or Border Collie, as soon as he figures this out he'll be trying to figure out how the dog can hold a battery to store all the EXTRA energy!
Mine is called OmegaLight, but can't find it online. I've had it for 20 years or so, and it works just like when new. But, I did find this pict of similar type on wikipedia:

@Supervstech I just need enough light to know he's standing at the door. We go through this every single night of ever day of every year. I have to stare for a minute or two to try to identify if I see his eyes. If he jumps I see him cuz he has a white front on his chest, but he doesn't jump until I open one of the doors and it is clear I'm coming. If you've had a black dog, then you know what I'm talking about.
This one looks identical. The numbers aren't bad. I'm sure an active dog could generate enough "power", but I think it would need to be shorter to survive.

What about one of those "driveway sensors" just mounted outside your door at the correct height? I know that isn't your question but would it solve the problem?
This one looks identical. The numbers aren't bad. I'm sure an active dog could generate enough "power", but I think it would need to be shorter to survive.

Yeah, the challenge here is need a small form factor. I have gotten him one that takes button cells. But only use that when I take him somewhere. Otherwise, I'd be changing the cells once a week.
What about one of those "driveway sensors" just mounted outside your door at the correct height? I know that isn't your question but would it solve the problem?
A motion sensor is a last resort plan. I might end up doing that this summer. What I don't like about that is I don't want a light when I'm out there enjoying it, watching Netflix or having a BBQ. Plus, might get false positives as he runs through there a lot. He runs through so often that he took out two wood beams under the hand rail. I used to put them back, but he'd take them out again. I gave up so now he has an easement there. He was just obsessed with being able to go through there. The groundhog living underneath didn't help the cause. And hunting that ground hog is a part of his routine which he can repeat 6-7 times in one hour lol
If you didn't record the easement at the courthouse, it's not binding.
If you hate money you could get one of those automated dog doors.
You can get ones with a transmitter on the collar. It will only open for the dog.
See how his easement is right next to the door:


When he jumps, I see that little white spot on his chest:

Teach him to bark?
Fortunately, when he REALLY wants in, he lets me know. He pulls the door handle down like it's a door bell. I can hear the snapping. He's not allowed to bark at night. He is allowed to bark all day long. So he'll only bark at night if he's desperate.

But, most of the time, he just stands there hoping I see him.