diy solar

diy solar

Server lagging heavily


Call me Icarus
Apr 9, 2022
The last few days the server is lagging heavily for me.
When I click on threads it sometimes times out with an error message.
If I then click on the Reload button on the bottom of that error message from your backend the page loads normally.

Sometimes the pages load normally but with a delay with roughly 5 seconds.

This is with my local time in the evening/nighttime. That would probably put your local time around 7 hrs behind me.

Just my 2c of feedback.
I never get that. I am in the USA, appears you are in Spain.
I have been seeing the same thing. Since the forum moved to the new "server?"
Just kinda gets stuck, occasionally.
I am mostly using it from the 5G phone, so perhaps I don’t notice. When I do use it at the cable router at the house, I don’t notice.

Located in central AZ.
Chrome is playing up on my PC and is very laggy, the same sites on my Android tablet including this site appear instantly. There is an issue with Chrome and windows currently that as yet I have not found a fix for.
Half of the days notifications don’t work for me and half the days the “seem to” work fine
Half of the days notifications don’t work for me and half the days the “seem to” work fine
I'm going to clean the sessions table out tonight after it does its backups and that should fix that.