diy solar

diy solar

Sharing the same PV strings with 2 different manufactured inverters at the same time.

Farm Boy

Solar Enthusiast
Jan 28, 2023
Can you do this. Say I have 4 strings going into a combiner box and then run 3 larger cables (1+/ 1- /1G) to the inverter works fine but adding another inverter to a different load center and in no way connected to the first system, could I share the PV input lines? I see others sharing battery/power with inverters but how about the PV lines both inverters using at the same time? May be this is silly but would it work.
I see others sharing battery/power with inverters but how about the PV lines both inverters using at the same time? May be this is silly but would it work

I can't say I've tried it myself, but have read it is not possible. Apparently they fight for the power
It won't work.
Or at least not in a productive manner.
Neither will produce much. Because they can't get to their MPP. They screw each other up.