diy solar

diy solar

Solar panel question


Aspiring apprentice
Feb 25, 2021
In reading the knowledge base of this group, I need to apologize in advance for the basic nature of this question. I am currently designing a basic system from scratch and other than a couple of panels and a couple of tools have yet to purchase anything.

Currently I am considering a 24 volt system.

It is my understand that with series, the voltage is additive with the amps staying the same. For example with a 20 volt panel at 6 amps, three panels connected in series as 20+20+20 would be 60 volts at 6 amps.

If a second grouping were connected in parallel then the results would be 20+20+20 combined with 20+20+20 to total 60 volts at 12 amps.

Am I on the right track? Thank you in advance.
Yes, that's all correct.
Don't buy anything more until you've designed the system, so you don't box yourself into a (sub-optimum) corner.

You'll find under Resources tab info on this topic, on calculating worst-case open circuit voltage (don't kill your charge controller) and lots more.