diy solar

diy solar

The Great Reset. Globalist Scumbags. Things that don't fit somewhere else.

Anybody listen to Levin?

Levin is type person that tries to light his own farts. Gas lighter. Money grabber Merchant Patriot.

Blah blah blah




Whoops… don’t notice who is running these LIBERAL colleges. Rut ro. Let’s see Palestine ppl forced to move here what could go wrong. Btw if you don’t like way colleges have been run you are antisemitic. 🤣🤡 Just listen to Levin blame colleges…nasal voice like most of popular money grabbing merchant FAKE PATRIOTS. Ooooo ooooo ohohhoh zowie. Gas lighter - Levin.

Why you will be a bitch until die. Cracked me up listening to him say it was Romans killed Jesus….he didn’t lie but wasn’t honest either. Nero in Rome was convert. 🤣 would not amaze me if Trump wasn’t a convert too.

Levin was Dept of Education….. 🤡 Why you can’t win. Why you will be replaced. Sorry. That is the breaks. Ppl just can’t figure it out. So They must like it ….I just wish they would stfu complaining about our poor college education system. 🤡🤣 Snicker.

Listen to Levin some more. Israel Israel Israel. 2% of the population are running the shit show you are pissed about.

If you tie rope to tree limb, let it hang down - touch ground, then lay under it, and piss straight up at the rope just might do better then listening to Levin. Piss up a rope. Try it. That is also form of gas lighting. You really need to look at the Ruling 2%

Blow this up:


Rut ro

I’ll let you figure out why NYPD wanted offices around the country. Why they were at Epsteins Island with FBI and so on. Hmmm I wonder did - do they work with the Chinese Police Dept that was - is in NYC? Hmmm Israel. At some point ppl have to go hmmm maybe we should look at this… but wait …. 🤣🤡 Snicker….. some ppl never get it…. You better Figure it out before it is to late 2% control rule.



There’s a big push on the biometric payment issue at the moment, with numerous platforms and outlets talking them up as the next big thing.

This piece in TechRadar from April 29th is the best example, claiming that PayPal is “battling the beast” of online fraud, and that biometric payment systems using fingerprints and face scans will help keep us all safe from hucksters, charlatans and Nigerian Princes:

The biometric verification system not only enhances security but also makes it user friendly. The traditional approaches to authentication, with their repeated entering of passwords, attempts to remember some kind of passwords, or secret questions, are rather cumbersome and slow. Biometrics suggest a seamless alternative. A quick touch of a glance at a camera secures access to your account—this adds up to great convenience in login time with high efficiency customers prefer, without compromising security.
So, go ahead and let Google/PayPal/whoever scan your face and retinas and fingerprints and record your voice patterns.

After all, it’s not like there’s advanced AI technology out there that could use your face and voice scans to create fake videos of you.


Florida Governor Ron De Santis signed a ban on lab-grown meat in his state this week, claiming it will protect the beef industry.

The real reason is to steer the conversation. By associating reluctance to eat “cell cultivated meat” products with prominent right-wingers they turn it into a partisan issue.

This way they are encouraging the young liberal set to embrace the “food transition” as a way of “owning and trolling right-wing chuds”, while simultaneously making left-leaning types who are reticent to “eat ze bugs” afraid of speaking up for fear of being associated with MAGA hats.

(Just wait for the “I ate lab-grown meat and it was better than the real thing” reviews to appear in Vox or the HuffPo and the like.)

Then, sometime down the line, a prominent right-winger will claim “lab-grown meat causes AIDs” or something equally asinine, and totally discredit any-and-all resistance to the fake food revolution.


Student protests against the ongoing bombing of Gaza by the IDF have been raging across US college campuses for weeks now, with increasing ferocity. They have inevitably been accused of anti-Semitism.

At the same time, counter-protests from dude bro types made the news as well, this time for being potentially racist towards black people,

It’s all so wonderfully divisive. And has allowed the US Senate to further criminalize free speech by “expanding the definition of anti-Semitism”.

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein was arrested at one such protest, this was totally an organic thing that happened, and not even slightly a contrived event to increase her pro-peace bona fides before the election in November.