diy solar

diy solar

The world's a big place - specify your location!


Let it shine!
Jan 2, 2020
The answer to many DIY solar questions will depend where you're located:
  • Insolation and climate/weather
  • Jurisdiction - power company, approving authorities, local electrical code
  • Equipment supplies - distribution areas and availability
So let's try to keep this bigger picture in mind when posing (and answering) questions.
People will have to balance their anonymity against the value of getting a good answer to their localized question.
Actually, this brings up an important question. Just finished looking at my own profile and can't find a spot to designate a location? So, in fairness, how do you actually do that?
Actually, this brings up an important question. Just finished looking at my own profile and can't find a spot to designate a location? So, in fairness, how do you actually do that?
Account details, then location
Or, if you want to preserve your anonymity (as some do) you could reveal more only if/when posing a "localized" question.
The trick comes in recognizing when that is!
Something to think about.
you could reveal more only if/when posing a "localized" question.
I think knowing the location of someone who responds to a question/post is important too.
If I see "USA" for example, i would be neutral and accepting. If i saw California, Florida, New York or Texas, I'd be more skeptical...
I think knowing the location of someone who responds to a question/post is important too.
If I see "USA" for example, i would be neutral and accepting. If i saw California, Florida, New York or Texas, I'd be more skeptical...
In the absence of the sender's location, the
responder can only say this is how it works where I live.
Maybe it's because the owner, Will, is in Vegas but it seems the presumed location of asker's and answerers is often the US SW Which is fine but it sometimes seems a little inbred.
Edit US SW
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Or, if you want to preserve your anonymity (as some do) you could

So, how does posting your location affect your "anonymity"?
I live on a small island. Roughly one million other people do so too.

And some people are wary of posting their approximate location on a forum... most likely using a device which is designed for spying and can pinpoint it almost exactly. Oh well :·/
It is a good point. I live in one of the sunniest places on earth, and my off-grid setup would be very inefficient in many areas.

In fact the extreme individuality of requirements for off-grid systems is one of the reasons I mainly stay out of generic discussions.
It is a good point. I live in one of the sunniest places on earth, and my off-grid setup would be very inefficient in many areas.

In fact the extreme individuality of requirements for off-grid systems is one of the reasons I mainly stay out of generic discussions.
And the requirements for grid-tied systems are even More specifically local, since you have to satisfy your local power company.
The answer to many DIY solar questions will depend where you're located:
  • Insolation and climate/weather
  • Jurisdiction - power company, approving authorities, local electrical code
  • Equipment supplies - distribution areas and availability
So let's try to keep this bigger picture in mind when posing (and answering) questions.
I'm lost.
I think I've included my location down to the nearest small town more than once. I'm gonna assume most can guess the state. I understand people wanting to maintain some anonymity on the internet but there's always a balance. Then sometimes those same people put all their stuff out there on Facebook or some other social media platform. I don't mind sharing my location if someone asks but then I don't much worry about anyone trying to do something with that information. That said, if you did have all my personal info you still wouldn't find much about me on the web. That's probably the IT part of my background, among other things.
To each what they feel comfortable with is fine with me. A bit of a hint at location can be helpful to assit with a reply to many questions, for sure, and typically lets us know what type of electrical system applies. ie knowing if US-style split phase or EU-style single phase 240. If long winter conditions might apply, if snow cover is possible, even the degree of regulations that apply.