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January 24, 2022
Heather Greene

RNS) — Stormy Daniels, the former adult-film star who was once paid to keep silent about her relationship with former President Donald Trump, is expected to testify this week in the trial of her former attorney Michael Avenatti, who is accused of stealing some $300,000 from Daniels’ book advance.

But Daniels may end up having to defend herself against attacks from Avenatti’s lawyers that her religious beliefs make her a flawed witness.

In a June 2020 court filing, lawyers for Avenatti tried to discredit Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, saying that “Ms. Clifford has made any number of bizarre, fantastical claims that call into serious question her truthfulness, mental state, and ability to competently testify.”

The “bizarre” claims focus, according to the document, on various statements made by Daniels in interviews about her work as a paranormal investigator and her psychic history. The filing also notes that Daniels says that “she is a ‘witch’ who practices witchcraft and can rid people of spirits (a ‘service’ for which she charges).”

Daniels produces and stars in “Spooky Babes,” a TV show about paranormal activity, including ghost sightings and haunted places. She is also a tarot reader, medium and energy worker.

She is expected to be called to testify in the latest case against Avenatti, who helped Daniels sue Trump in 2018 to gain her release from a nondisclosure agreement. Federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York allege that Avenatti later forged documents to steal $300,000 from Daniels’ book advance and then used the money for personal expenses and to pay his employees’ salaries.

Avenatti, who was indicted on charges of wire fraud and identity theft in May 2019, has pleaded not guilty and has denied any wrongdoing, stating on Twitter, “No monies relating to Ms. Daniels were ever misappropriated or mishandled,” and he looked forward to a jury reviewing the case.

In reaction to Avenatti’s lawyers’ assertions about her new career and her practicing witchcraft, Daniels stated in a June 2021 public Facebook post, “Let me get this straight. They are going to use my religious (beliefs) and profession to discriminate against me.”

“This is literally a modern-day witch hunt,” she wrote. “The precedent this sets moving forward is absolutely terrifying! It opens the door to attack and discrimination against every person that identifies as something other than Christian, reads tarot, is a medium and works in energy healing and paranormal in any capacity.”


“‘Witch Hunt”’’

Who says that all the time?

All these people have a screw or 2 loose.
They certainly didn’t prosecute him for stealing that money think it was ~$80,000 or so. They said Bragg knew about it…no doubt made some kind of deal like we are seeing played out now. Notice similar lying like Fanni in Atlanta allowed by judge. The judge is suppose to be on that. The judge is a tool. Just like judge in Atlanta. Same as the judge in E Jean Carroll case…. Tools. It is obvious the left half way admit it too. Games.

I am tired of it.

At point hope some crazy leftist murders Trump then we can get it over or on. Hummmmmm Kennedy was a democrat….Americans allowed it. If a crazy leftist kills Trump will a Civil War follow or over done? Communist take the win.?

Biden is an empty meat sack puppet.

I think they jack him on cocaine. That stash they found might of been joe’s. It would explain his crazy …. Gaffs too. He has always done that gaff shit….lied like crazy too. Joe Biden has the market on lies cornered.
I think Trump will get convicted, but he will definitely appeal the conviction. There are several grounds for appeal in cases like this that are mentioned on, a law firm's site, and one of the most common is the misapplication of the law by the trial judge. If the judge made errors in interpreting or applying the law, Trump's legal team will argue that these mistakes led to an unjust conviction. Believe me, they will do that.
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I kind of hope they do... it will supercharge the base... even a lot of democrats think that the whole affair is fishy. its the dems trying to rig the election and its obvious as heck.
Youre in a cult.
drink the koolaid
Donald Trump is truly the most unifying person in america ever! GOD bless our lord emperor savior DJT, and may our lips always be orange from sucking his dick.