diy solar

diy solar

UK question on which Octopus tariff?


New Member
Sep 13, 2022
Hi all
Octopus now offer a 15p/KWH feed in tariff but there is another based on forward wholesale prices. Any ideas how to choose between the two? Many thanks!
I can't understand what Octopus Outgoing Agile offers over Outgoing Fixed - Outgoing Fixed is 15p per kWh all the time, whereas Outgoing Agile seems to be about 9-10p per kWh for most of the day, and only gets to 16-17p per kWh between 4-7pm. I can't find out how much the import charge on Outgoing Fixed is anywhere either, but I don't plan on importing much electricity, and certainly none between 4-7pm, when my batteries will be fully charged (or as charged as they're going to be that day, in the Winter).

This page shows how the Octopus Agile import and export rates change throughout the day:
I would be very careful of Octopus, I left them as they changed direct debits almost continuously without warning and disabled my ability to control them, it seemed to me there intention was to build a large balance in there favor instead of allowing me to pay for the energy I used.
I now pay for exactly the energy i use in arrears with another company (still via direct debit).
Agile tracks the wholesale prices of electricity, so it can go really high when heavy demand is predicted. You could make a lot if you have batteries by charging them fully during a dip in prices, then dumping the whole lot during a peak. With the Agile Import prices you very occasionally get times when the cost goes below zero - that's the time to charge your car and batteries fully and heat as much water as you can as you get paid to use it.

I'm on Octopus Flux, which is aimed at people with solar and batteries. It gives three fixed rates during the day. Export for me is 7.43p/kWh 02:00-05:00, 32.01p/kWh 16:00-19:00 and 19.72p/kWh the rest of the time. You need to have the matching Flux Import tariff to get Flux Export. Import rates are 11p/kWh higher than the Export rates, so 18.43p/kWh 02:00-05:00, 43.01p/kWh 16:00-19:00 and 30.72p/kWh the rest of the time.

Prices vary slightly by region.