diy solar

diy solar

Upconvert high-output 12v alternator output to charge 24v system?


Resident Idiot
Feb 21, 2020
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
I'm looking at installing a 24v LiFePO4 400AH system in my coastal cruiser. I'm planning to keep all my electronics, lights, and systems at 12v and using a couple of downconverters to provide 12v power to those systems... I think this will work pretty good for most of my needs, but I don't want to rely on solar for charging. I have a high output alternator on my diesel inboard (135A) but of course it's at 12v. I'd like to upconvert this to roughly 70A/ 24v for charging the batteries. Is this doable? If so, what do I need to make this happen, equipment-wise?
I've never come across a commercially available 70A boost converter. You may be better off sourcing a 24V alternator. If there's room under the hood, keep both alternators to eliminate the need for the 24V-to-12V buck converters.
I believe Sterling Power has a 60A DC-DC charger for this purpose, they may even have one that handles over 100A but I'm not positive, the other company to look into is Victron, but I'm not sure they make anything above 30A (I believe you may be able to parallel them for higher throughput).
Stick to a 12 volt alternator... I run a balmar 95 amp with a charge controller..... easier than dealing with multiple voltages... cheers!