diy solar

diy solar

What gauge Wiring to use from Inverter to house power box (grid tie)


New Member
Feb 3, 2022
Our system will be a 13.2 KW grid tie, using a Fronius 11.4 Inverter. The panels will be mounted on a shed. The AC 220v run from the Inverter to the distribution box will be 275 feet (100' inside the shed, then another 175 feet underground to dist. box). This will be Aluminum wiring

I know this is quite far, but doable. I'm having problems calculating the gauge of wire needed. Help requested!!! Thanks
See if this one would work for you:

I might start with something like this... I guess it depends on how much voltage drop you care about, so you can play around with the Wire Size field... And what max load current you will pass. I left it at the default of 1 amp there, you will need to plug in your max current required...

So it’s more of voltage rise for your main concern, also how far from your service meter to the utility transformer? Hopefully you have a 25kva can, some utilities will make you upgrade your service drop.