diy solar

diy solar

Need a way to bottle or can excess solar production.


Solar Wizard
Jul 15, 2022
Not quite Aircon weather and with all the upgrades to my PV setup I am ending up with my batteries fully charged by noon. I don't have an interconnect agreement nor want one. So this leaves me with idle panels during some of the best production time when the weather has been fair.

Sadly you can not fill up a few 5kWh cans of fuel and hawk them to the Tesla tourists as they drive through. Or sell bottles of kool watts on a hot day to dehydrated joggers and the like. No way to make some easy return.

The next frontier for PV has to be a method besides storage batteries to allow easy portability and marketing of watts. Some idle thoughts.

1. A replicator that uses electricity to convert dirt into valuable products such as hairbrushes, beer steins and what nots.
2. Electricity to gasoline converter. Keep the old obsolete gas burner auto still working with this one.
3. Change base metal to gold.

One day someone will solve the electrical power must be used immediately problem.
Convert old window air conditioner into ice freezer using propane as refrigerant. 1 Ton of ice takes 122 kWh of energy to make (from 25°C water). With freezer COP of 2 that would take 61 kWh electrical. Use that ice for cooling in the summer.
Now that I think at it I could use excess PV electricity to harvest worms. Sell bait to fishermen.
Not quite Aircon weather and with all the upgrades to my PV setup I am ending up with my batteries fully charged by noon. I don't have an interconnect agreement nor want one. So this leaves me with idle panels during some of the best production time when the weather has been fair.

Sadly you can not fill up a few 5kWh cans of fuel and hawk them to the Tesla tourists as they drive through. Or sell bottles of kool watts on a hot day to dehydrated joggers and the like. No way to make some easy return.

The next frontier for PV has to be a method besides storage batteries to allow easy portability and marketing of watts. Some idle thoughts.

1. A replicator that uses electricity to convert dirt into valuable products such as hairbrushes, beer steins and what nots.
2. Electricity to gasoline converter. Keep the old obsolete gas burner auto still working with this one.
3. Change base metal to gold.

One day someone will solve the electrical power must be used immediately problem.
Bitcoin mining??? oops been said already.
Gravity battery? Use excess power to hoist very heavy objects high up, which are attached to flywheels, which is attached to an alternator. Release the heavy object, gravity pulls it down making the flywheel go weeeeeeeee and you can generate power from that with the alternator. Or do the same thing with water storage, but that's probably a lot more $$$.
Gravity battery? Use excess power to hoist very heavy objects high up, which are attached to flywheels, which is attached to an alternator. Release the heavy object, gravity pulls it down making the flywheel go weeeeeeeee and you can generate power from that with the alternator. Or do the same thing with water storage, but that's probably a lot more $$$.
This has been suggested or ”invented” numerous times and the problem is always the same: it stores only tiny amount of energy.
Well, seems like gravity storage tank and water pump/ hydro generator, more batteries, or invent cold fusion
Not quite Aircon weather and with all the upgrades to my PV setup I am ending up with my batteries fully charged by noon.
I just hit 100% battery on a beautiful day. I hate that (the 100%, not the beautiful day).

Why? Because I only drained down to 50% this morning instead of 30%, which would have probably worked for today.
Stupid weather forecasts are never right about cloud cover.
However, it was cloudy when I got up, so I guessed wrong.

Does everyone wake up and do this, or am I just obsessive about it?

Oh, and normally on Saturday mornings we use lots of power grilling bacon (electric). But not today.
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