diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Battery wire length

    I have a quick question about this. Do you add the class T fuse length together with the positive cable to get your total length ? Or is the length defined by the section of positive cable on each side of the class T added together? Sorry for jumping in but it’s a part of solar systems that...
  • Post in thread: New Tariffs in the States

    The industry will just move products to other locations for shipping. BYD is already discussing building in Mexico to avoid US tariffs. What happened to the good old US of A and free markets ….. Let companies fail if they can’t compete, it’s really that simple. I’m all for letting BYD sell...
  • Post in thread: Sold

    I Talked with him again last week and he promised to take care of me And send extra for the trouble of him not sending what was promised……, Now it’s been another week and he still hasn’t delivered. I’ll update when he finally delivers what was promised more than a month ago.
  • Post in thread: Anyone in the Sierras? Looks to be quite the storm coming!

    We have a place at Kirkwood but I’m not there now, should be a good dump.
  • Post in thread: Victron charge settings

    I can get it to around 99% before OVP triggers with it plugged in to the Cerbo, with it unplugged it gets to 100% but when it’s unplugged it charges with way higher Voltage and if I understand what Sunshine Eggo is saying it’s best I just charge with the Cerbo on so I can control the Voltage...
  • Post in thread: Santan solar deal

    I decided to just have them ship the panels my total shipped was just under 2k to our business address.
  • Post in thread: SOK batteries shutting off

    So to try and clean up my thread…. I originally started this thread with 1 router and 1 modem tied to my multi. This setup pulled around .5 amps. Now I have 1 router , 1 modem, 1 light and 1 floor fan running. This setup pulls around 1.2 Amps and should hopefully keep the batteries awake while...
  • Post in thread: SOK batteries shutting off

    They are running internet at the cabin and that’s it while nobody is around. I’ll get the numbers when it happens again on both. I have to physically restart the batteries when this occurs and yesterday one LED light was on, on the primary battery but it had no function till I forced the BMS to...
  • Post in thread: SOK batteries shutting off

    Thanks for pointing that out, I’m currently thinking of the best way to manage the system while I’m away to use least amount of battery , all while trying to keep the batteries from falling asleep.. I’m sure I can come up with a simple solution after brainstorming for a day or two.
  • Post in thread: Solar Tracker Design

    Sure look like pool noodles cut up and re purposed.
  • Post in thread: How can Current Connected improve?

    Now that makes sense. I did make it very clear I was planning to order a whole rack of batteries after we got the system up and running. We are just using it for internet and one light bulb, so the battery is just to get it working and to let us work the kinks out. After we get use to it we will...
  • Post in thread: New Tariffs in the States

    Exactly, and our government has heavily subsidized Tesla. There would be no Tesla without California subsidies and Federal subsidies. I honestly see no difference between them and the car makers from China, let the market decide who survives and who dies. Our government loves to give handouts...
  • Post in thread: Victron charge settings

    Thanks for taking the time to explain this.
  • Post in thread: Victron charge settings

    Ok I have a breaker question. I have 15amp 300VDC midnight breaker for my solar string. I can’t seem to figure out if I add up VOC to get the volts I need to stay under or do I add up VMPP and stay under that ? My VMPP comes out to 276.8 VDC and my VOC comes out to 328 VDC. So if I go off...
  • Post in thread: Victron charge settings

    Ok I’m now onto setting up the MPPT side of our system. I have one Victron 450-100 , I’m wondering how many of these panels can I run in series ? Our cabin does see freezing temps since we sit right above Lake Tahoe. I want to play it safe so I was thinking 4 panels in series on each controller...
  • Post in thread: Victron charge settings

    I think the system is working right and I’ll monitor it today as it charges back up, hopefully I can get the SOK’s to communicate with the Cerbo after a few charges open loop. Naz Solar talked with me for quite awhile and I have a much better understanding of how this all works together...
  • Post in thread: Victron charge settings

    How do I calculate the start up voltage the controller needs. Is this the VMP x how ever many panels I have in series ? Or is it the VOC x the number of panels in series ? I’m just trying to understand what calculations I need to start the controller. Start up voltage is 120V
  • Post in thread: Santan solar deal

    Definitely, originaly I was going to have a friend pick up the panels, then I thought I seen where shipping was included, so I wrote and asked… they say shipping isn’t included and they can only give an estimate on shipping costs if you need the panel's shipped
  • Post in thread: Victron charge settings

    I was going to go with 4 in series on each tracker just to play it safe the first year.
  • Post in thread: Fried Inverters for sale...

    I believe he has been banned from the forum.
  • Post in thread: Victron charge settings

    8 panels
  • Post in thread: Please check my new Victron setup

    I used the free form app on my iPad. I just took screen shots of each item and inserted them onto the page. Honestly anyone can do it if I did, I’m not computer saver at all…
  • Post in thread: NEM PGE Application Questions

    Yes. As in the two tier system would eventually go away. Hopefully that’s not the case, just wondering if there is actually anything out there in writing mentioning this.
  • Post in thread: SOK batteries shutting off

    Every thing seemed fine when I charge them with the generator today. thanks for this info, I was confused on what I needed to do but it sounds like hooking up the panels is the simple solution. Thanks again
  • Post in thread: SOK batteries shutting off

    So system is running fine on one battery, not sure how to fix the other battery or why it cause the system to shut down when I put it in paralle. I guess I will give it a few more days on one battery and if system continues to run without the battery shutting off that will narrow it down to...
  • Post in thread: Please check my new Victron setup

    I own everything in the pictures but the battery, I’m planning on ordering that battery to get the system going and add more in the future. I’m not sure fuse size for the shunt. Also not sure on fusing for all the wires including the AC side. Thanks ahead of time…..
  • Post in thread: Victron charge settings

    Ok I have another question. I hooked up my 450-100 MPPT today to my system/ Cerbo / multi plus . I have not hooked up my solar panels yet so maybe this is my issue, or maybe I don’t have an issue and it’s just me not understanding how this works. So the MPPT screen is on, button is turned on...
  • Post in thread: Off grid cabin above 8k

    Hi all, Im a solar newbie and need help with what components I should buy to run just my wifi and security cameras in the winter. I would like to stick with either Victron or midnight solar…buy once cry once is my motto always. Im Planning to buy one of the 12v silicate batteries off watts...
  • Post in thread: Victron charge settings

    The system is still on my wife’s dining room table, this is my last item I need to get functional before I load it all up in the snow cat next week and head out to the cabin for install.
  • Post in thread: Santan solar deal

    We are picking it up.