diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: How do you prevent back feeding the grid during outage?

    I don't consider that a true grid-tie. IMO a "true" grid-tie absolutely needs the grid to be up to function, and everything else is some sort of hybrid. Of course I am old school and was a beta tester for the original Xantrex grid-tie inverter. Yes, this is the way I see it.
  • Post in thread: 4/0 cables & 250ANL fuse heating

    Looks like you have a washer between the fuse and lug, I would have the fuse directly on the lug. And I would clean up that one lug too.
  • Post in thread: Multiple MPPT Solar Charge Controllers to the same battery bank

    Even IF one sees a different voltage (only really matters or at near full charge), the other one will pick up the slack. Really a non-issue. And once you are at the float threshold, current has dropped significantly meaning the minor resistance differences (if any) will also be negligible.
  • Post in thread: CATL 271Ah cell issues.

    Was there any profit to be made by him had things gone smoothly? If so, then that takes it from the realm of just trying to do people a favor, and into a "for profit" business transaction.
  • Post in thread: Your Charge Controller "Charges" the line between your Battery.

    No, what you did was crank it up to make up for the voltage drop you have that is caused by something wrong in your cabling. You can't get more amps out of a system than it could already provide, if it was working properly to begin with. With properly working cables (normal voltage drop) your...
  • Post in thread: Add a remote on an inverter that does not have one

    The simplest way is to just wire a switch in parallel with the existing on/off switch. No need for a huge contactor or whatever was suggested above. The existing on/off switch is low current, so pretty much any toggle switch will work. I've done this on pretty much every inverter I have that...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Ebay fraud?

    I have a wide variety of Renogy products, and they all work fine. <shrug>
  • Post in thread: CHINS battery reads 1.2v, toasted?

    It should be fine. BMS was doing it's job.
  • Post in thread: Texas grid close to edge tonight ?

    Data is only as good as what you put into it or look at. Just like blurb above that makes it sound like climate change alone is causing more electric usage here, but fails to take into account the massive increase in people/houses/businesses.
  • Post in thread: How do you prevent back feeding the grid during outage?

    If it's a true grid tie inverter, it won't run without grid input. That it is how it is deigned.
  • Post in thread: Massive Texas power outage

    Huh? They are mostly unmanned and run remotely.
  • Post in thread: Is it possible to protect your Solar System against EMP?

    I think people will have more to worry about than whether or not their inverter/charger survives. That said, I am a firm believer in backups/redundancy.
  • Post in thread: CATL 271Ah cell issues.

    It's already been noted that UPS will deny a claim for damage that was due to improper packaging (all of these), and it's also doubtful they will do anything for improperly marked batteries. Not saying not to try, but don't hold your breath.
  • Post in thread: CATL 271Ah cell issues.

    While people are free to try whatever they want, I still think there is zero chance UPS will do anything (regardless of who files the claim). These cells were not properly packaged. End of story.
  • Post in thread: DC Circuit Breaker Fires!!

    What does a computer issue have to do with circuit breakers?
  • Post in thread: Gas-Powered Lawn Equipment Will Soon Be Banned In Cali, a broad category that includes generators.

    I did not look at all of the details. Not sure how they would think a riding mower is any more "clean" than a push mower.
  • Post in thread: Minor Backfeed Issue with Utility

    I would bet the number of mechanical generators that are not using proper transfer switches outnumber the number of "dangerous" solar systems 1000:1
  • Post in thread: Run from Signature Solar!!!

    I see no real damage that needs to be controlled. No money was ever taken and SS sent an email explaining how to resolve the issue. Either the OPer did not read the email or failed to respond to it. Cased closed IMO.
  • Post in thread: Global warming is real, why only in USA is there denial ?

    As for the OP's question, I do not think it is only the USA where there is "denial" or skepticism, but here we are allowed to more openly voice our opinions. Well.... at least for now. Censorship of that freedom seems to be under attack more and more each day.
  • Post in thread: How to charge a tablet from dc power supply?

    It says 3000mA output not 3000W. As for the input current rating, no idea. I never pay any attention to that as all that is really relevant is the output voltage and output current capability. The bottom line is we know the tablet is looking for a 12V input, and that is all that really matters.
  • Post in thread: Renogy Scum!!!!!

    Balance the cells and use it.
  • Post in thread: Texas grid close to edge tonight ?

    This is where I actually see it as a disadvantage. IMO the only way to get your money out of a vehicle (any vehicle) is to put a lot of miles on it bringing your actual cost per mile down. An EV that costs $60K and only gets driven 2K miles a year is a very bad investment. Then on the flip...
  • Post in thread: Texas grid close to edge tonight ?

    Waiting for all of the RV owners to see this. ;) And while I hate that a lot of pickup trucks can fall into this range, they are a good investment for those who's livelihoods depend on it.
  • Post in thread: Massive Texas power outage

    It was the big towers that came down. No it's not that fragile, it could have happened anywhere under the same condition.
  • Post in thread: CATL 271Ah cell issues.

    One can call it whatever they want, but it was still a business transaction for profit.
  • Post in thread: Lithium VS Lead Acid and Series VS Parralell.

    Say what? I've had multiple parallel FLAs for over a decade. Just properly maintain them and there will be no issues.
  • Post in thread: 800 watts solar need a parallel branch connector?

    Everyone keeps trying to tell you that the current on the panel side is different from the current on the battery side because the voltage is different on each side. Voltage goes up, current goes down. That is why going series on the panel side is a better option 99% of the time.
  • Post in thread: CATL 271Ah cell issues.

    Sure, but in this case it is beyond obvious that the packaging was not even close to being acceptable. I stand by my previous comments that UPS will deny and damage claim, and this is all just a stall tactic by one or more of the parties.