diy solar

diy solar


I think this guy is more sick than Hunter ..... he just didn't misplace a computer.
They know and are covering for his sicko actions. The Left know it. Young Turks are Leftist. He is a sicko. The daughter’s diary excerpts were nasty. That is why they have it buried. It was posted on telegram. Nasty….SICKO.

I don’t want him forced to quit - Trump will beat him. Trump would have harder time against others.
I'm thinking pathological.
.... Mentally incompetent

I know someone with a brain injury .... They tend to live in the past .... think things that happened 30 years ago happened yesterday .... even remember recent conversations they had with people gone for 10 years.
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The theatrical distraction that is poppyjoe is definitely working.
So .... The special counsel found that Biden WILLFULLY retained classified document KNOWING as then Senator that he wasn't allowed to do that .... BUT, since he is a doddering old man with a poor memory they decided not to charge him because a jury would probably be sympathetic .... WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT.
Willfully ALSO says he knew he was breaking the law when he did this .... They also found that he showed these documents to ...other ... people. Some of them were in his China Town office paid for by the CCP.

Sounds vaguely familiar to the reasons for not prosecuting Hillary for her breaches of classified information.

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So .... The special counsel found that Biden WILLFULLY retained classified document KNOWING as then Senator that he wasn't allowed to do that .... BUT, since he is a doddering old man with a poor memory they decided not to charge him because a jury would probably be sympathetic .... WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT.
Willfully ALSO says he knew he was breaking the law when he did this .... They also found that he showed these documents to ...other ... people. Some of them were in his China Town office paid for by the CCP.

Sounds vaguely familiar to the reasons for not prosecuting Hillary for her breaches of classified information.

View attachment 194418
Republicans should forget about impeachment and just invoke the 25th amendment .... The special counsel report has more than enough evidence that he is not competent to be President of the United States.
best off to leave him in office... The average joe see's him as the issue and since he is determined to run again, he will get run over by a train... the Trump Train. like Wyllie fucking Coyote and all of his acme products.
That is my natural inclination also ..... but there is something whispering in my ear saying sometimes a thing is bigger than politics and leaving this man in power for another year risks the safety of the world ..... He has to go.