diy solar

diy solar

monitor solar panels


New Member
Oct 28, 2021
Winchester, Ohio
What is the best method to monitor solar panel production?
I have 8 strings with 3 panels connected in each.
I would like to have a monitor system that will show what each string is producing,
It would also be great if the system would keep track of each day & a monthly total.
If there is something out there I can't find it.
It probably depends on something besides just your solar panels.
I have a monitor for battery banks through the BMS.
Also Emporia Gen2 that monitors what I use on circuits on the ac side.
Solar panels are producing great, just like to have a system to monitor there production.
If someone would make something like the Emporia monitor only to work with dc would be great.
Hard to believe a company doesn't make it but I can't find anything.

Let's try this again...

To what is your array connected?
We have 18 panels 250w each wired 3s,
It has 6 positive lines & 6 negative lines going into a combiner box.
From there to a charge controller, then to a bus bar.
I want to be able to monitor each line that comes in from the panels before going into the combiner box.
I use a dc clamp meter once in a while to make sure each set of panels are producing.
This Emporia 16 circuit monitor works great to monitor different AC circuits from the house breaker box.
The same thing for DC circuits is what I want, someone needs to make one, it's very simple to hook up!
I'm not very good at explaining things but I hope this does it.


  • Emporia 16-circuit monitor.jpg
    Emporia 16-circuit monitor.jpg
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I'll give it a try :)

I have 8 x 3s strings that go to combiner boxes for my roof array. Each 3s string has it's own breaker at the combiner box.

If I want to investigate, I can cycle thru the breakers and see what each 3s string is producing. Each 3s string will be similar to the others given the same time of day, no clouds, etc - so it's easy to see if one is under performing.

However, I've never need to do this as the overall output has always been within expectations - e.g. ~90% of theoretical max on clear, cool, no clouds, sunny days.

If you do investigate PV output, make sure you're battery is low so you're getting max charge going into it from the charge controller(s). As you're battery nears full the charge controllers will go into CV mode and draw less that max from the panels.
Like I said, I may not explain things very well, but it seems quite simple to me.
If I could buy a gadget like the Emporia that would do DC I would be set.
Everything is working great, just like to have a way to monitor production from the solar panels.
The bus bar has the charge controller, 48v - 6kw inverter & 280ah battery bank.
I was looking for something similar for my small "hobby" system and ended up buying a transmitting DVM.
Seemed like a good idea but you have to leave it on and it takes a reading every minute, which is way more than I really need.