diy solar

diy solar

Who is using solar 100% in a vehicle or house?

From THAT perspective, yes. However, when your income is largely based on begging people for charity and handouts (Make sure you like, share, and subscribe and don't forget my patreon!!!"), selling stupid stickers and lying to people about your hardships, you are less than human to me. Nobody is entitled to a free lunch. Nobody. Only this generation Z thinks that the world owes them a living. I have never donated to any of them, nor will I. Nobody donates to me, and I do not accept charity. 80% of that RV community fall into that "gimme" category. They all claim to be poor, but watch videos and see how many of them smoke, drink, and brag about being potheads. When you are poor, vices should be the first thing to go. Bob Wells seems to be everyone's hero, but he is neck deep in payola, accepting free shit from everybody who will send it to him, all in exchange for totally unethical positive reviews.

The solar world I am on board with. The RV e-beggars I despise with more passion than I can express.

Bob Wells seems to be everybody's hero because he knows where to find the world's cheapest trash can. Bob Wells is at the top of the e-beggar list. Add to that the fact that he has no integrity at all, accepting payola from everybody who is willing to send him free shit knowing he will give it a great review even if the thing sucks. He once went on a rant against people who put a high rise top on his van, saying they did a bad job. It was later alluded to that the issue was that he expected them to do it for free for the great Bob Wells, and they did not, so he harpooned them. THAT is as low and classless as it gets. I fail to see why he is concerned with "cheap" when he makes close to $200,000 a year between his youtube income, his Amazon an Walmart affiliate status and his patreon. Then again, if you have so little pride that you are willing to beg for people to order through your Amazon link, you may as well sit at the end of an off ramp and annoy people as they exit the highway with a sign that says you are unemployed. I once drove around with a big pad of job applications from the closest Sheetz station and I stopped wherever there was a bum begging for money and gave them one.

eddie1261, I'm very happy that you will never be my (Judge or Jury) in this life. Even though we absolutely understand you hate Bob Wells, and say he has no integrity at all, and has no class, and is only concerned with "cheap", accepting payola from everybody. To be clear we hear your dreadful opinions of people living only on Social Security or what you call RV e-beggars that you despise is pretty sad by anyone's definition. So can we say "you" despise anyone that is destitute or poor? Can we say eddie that you have not compassion for them at all? I'm not necessarily agreeing with everything Bob Wells says or does but come on dude he's doing a lot for those who are true vandwellers and those you clearly despise. It's obvious where your hate is coming from. So just admit you hate Bob Wells. There are others like Nancy Pelosi who will not admit she hates President Donald Trump. She is a great example of a hypocrite and a liar. This is my humble opinion, and you can do what you want with it sir. This forum is not really the place to vent your hatred and negative feelings about Bob and
From THAT perspective, yes. However, when your income is largely based on begging people for charity and handouts (Make sure you like, share, and subscribe and don't forget my patreon!!!"), selling stupid stickers and lying to people about your hardships, you are less than human to me. Nobody is entitled to a free lunch. Nobody. Only this generation Z thinks that the world owes them a living. I have never donated to any of them, nor will I. Nobody donates to me, and I do not accept charity. 80% of that RV community fall into that "gimme" category. They all claim to be poor, but watch videos and see how many of them smoke, drink, and brag about being potheads. When you are poor, vices should be the first thing to go. Bob Wells seems to be everyone's hero, but he is neck deep in payola, accepting free shit from everybody who will send it to him, all in exchange for totally unethical positive reviews.

The solar world I am on board with. The RV e-beggars I despise with more passion than I can express.

Bob Wells seems to be everybody's hero because he knows where to find the world's cheapest trash can. Bob Wells is at the top of the e-beggar list. Add to that the fact that he has no integrity at all, accepting payola from everybody who is willing to send him free shit knowing he will give it a great review even if the thing sucks. He once went on a rant against people who put a high rise top on his van, saying they did a bad job. It was later alluded to that the issue was that he expected them to do it for free for the great Bob Wells, and they did not, so he harpooned them. THAT is as low and classless as it gets. I fail to see why he is concerned with "cheap" when he makes close to $200,000 a year between his youtube income, his Amazon an Walmart affiliate status and his patreon. Then again, if you have so little pride that you are willing to beg for people to order through your Amazon link, you may as well sit at the end of an off ramp and annoy people as they exit the highway with a sign that says you are unemployed. I once drove around with a big pad of job applications from the closest Sheetz station and I stopped wherever there was a bum begging for money and gave them one.
I wonder what the psychology is of those who are annoyed by derails? :p
I don't throw things out because they get 'Tired', so I know exactly what you are talking about.

When it comes to campers/vans & RVs, I ALWAYS take a ton of crap, so I mostly keep my mouth shut.
Storage (batteries) will always be a struggle, particularly in small vehicles that weren't specifically built for that extra weight...

Transmission/rear gearing is always a struggle, you can have torque to get up the hills,
Or you can have speed on the flats.
When you add a bunch of gearing for both, the weight & complexity becomes the issue...

While I see a lot of people making what I believe to be mistakes using a vehicle alternator for charging secondary/solar batteries (just too much crap on the line dropping the voltage),
When you suggest something like a second alternator dedicated to the secondary batteries, with an adjustable voltage regulator to compensate for charge controller/etc losses/restrictions in the line, people freak...

While dual generators on passenger cars goes back to 1928 from the factory,
And back to 1932 in trucks,
The mere suggestion freaks people out since they (personally) don't have experience with it.

Everyone wants to use the Horror Freight 45 watt or some cheap 100 watt panel on vans/RVs,
And you can NOT make them understand the Watts you DON'T make on the allotted, limited roof space are Watts you can never use.
If the same space can make 100 Watts or 300 Watts, go 300 every time.

I don't talk about this much, but I've been studying psychology/abnormal psychology trying to figure out what was 'Wrong With ME'....
All of it was a little general and kind of muddy until I hit the abnormal psychology chapters on narcissists & sociopaths, then it gelled.

It's a BIG concept, so bear with me.
Narcissist & Sociopaths are CREATED (psychopaths are born) through environment.
A child has narcissistic tendencies, their entire world is them, what they 'Want'...
An adult is *Supposed* to grow out of this as their world expands and they can grasp & adopt the concept of society and turn the concept into reality through practice.

A child that was constantly allowed to get away with everything, grows into an adult with no limits...
They just keep trying to get away with everything, and often do.
A child that is constantly either ignored, or told what a useless pain on the butt they are carry those beliefs and insecurities with them.
Combine the two, and you get the highschool bully that hangs out with others that encourage his bad behavior.
See gang members, etc.

If they continue to collage, they join groups that encourage a different set of bad behaviors, but since they have an education in bad behavior along with a degree, they become bankers, lawyers, etc, jobs where they have power to do and say the worst to/about people and get attention/praise for what a good job they do.

These people are often none too well educated, the material only superficially soaked in, so they are often not very good at their jobs, they take credit for work done by people with a work ethic/morals, so they are found in middle/upper management all the time.
Along with taking credit for others work that went well, they will dump blame anyone/everyone that didn't screw things up.

Nothing is ever their fault...
Something/someone else is always to blame.
When they beat their wives, the wives 'Made Them Do It' for example.

Since these people CRAVE attention, positive or negative, and the center of attention MUST always be them,
They HATE any new idea, new ideas take the focus of them and put it on the subject.
It's always the same pattern,
Deny, insult, deflect, make personal attacks.
First you are 'Wrong' (because you didn't support their ego by agreeing with them)
Then you are an 'Idiot', Inbred, Moron, and usually have your race/religion/ethnic background/looks/family dragged into it... Insulting and degrading are hallmarks of narcissists/sociopaths.
Then the deflection begins, anything BUT the subject at hand, some 'Story' that's supposed to either change the subject or prove some point that no one ask about...
This usually ends in reversal, YOU are the overbearing one and everyone MUST agree with you or be an 'Idiot' (or worse).
If you haven't figured out, seen through the narcissists/sociopath by this point, then the threats, worst attacks/insults start...

Keep in mind these are scared/fearful people, and therefore *CAN* be dangerous.
They will take fists to anyone MUCH smaller than them, over a disagreement about anything, no matter how trivial.
They will take a bat or gun to anyone close to their own size/strength,
Revenge, getting 'ONE UP' on anyone they think bested them or embarrassed them is mandatory, a compulsion.
They will NEVER leave the subject alone, just quit...
It's not about ration or reason, it's about ego, either you praise them or you are a 'Enemy' that's sub-human and brought anything they can dream up on yourself... Because it's never their fault...

I don't bring this up much, it brings out the narcissistic tendencies and the full on narcissists & sociopaths.
The one thing a narcissistic personality can not tolerate is someone knowing the 'Secret' they keep, so they fall like a ton of bricks, en mass since narcissists/sociopaths CRAVE attention, and are scared at the core, they travel in packs...

Once you recognize the traits, it's easy to either outrage or ignore them.
Outrage is feeding your ego, 'Stirring The Pot' is entertaining, but it's not healthy for YOU.
Just make your point, or drop out entirely.
Since they crave attention, just ignoring them is the best for you and the worst for them.
On the internet, they were zero to you before they engaged, and if you break engagement, the become zero again, and you will be a LOT happier!
Unfortunately, I was introduced to a narcissist (my ex). I was very perplexed how that worked, never being in a relationship with one (knowingly) before. I was always perplexed how he would do something wrong and turn it around that I did something wrong and blame me. (I later became friends with his ex from before and we were able to compare notes that he was a narcissist/sociopath.) A lot had to do with his upbringing...that's all I have to say about that.
The forum is Chit-Chat, nothing particularly locked in.
The subjects were about several things, including the internet 'Forced Opinions' types.
You know, people locked into a particular dogma and can't wait to brow beat people down with it.

As for 'Smart Alternators', since the alternator CAN NOT SENSE the voltage drop that happens immediately inside a charge controller, it can't compensate for that voltage/wattage drop.

Every voltage regulator is a 'Smart' charger, and when used properly in a SYSTEM is designed to NOT over volt the battery.
The primary starting battery in a vehicle is the limiting factor,
When battery demands 'More', or vehicle demands 'More', the line voltage, capped to keep the battery alive,
And the voltage regulator 'Smartly' increases voltage until that limit is reached.

Once the current too low for several charge controllers disappears behind the first anti-reversion diode in the charge controller, loosing 1/2 volt to a volt passing through, the alternator can no longer see the voltage drop BEHIND the diode.
While main line power will be maintained at the upper limit voltage,
The charge controller is 1/2 volt to 1 volt low no matter what the alternator produces.

No alternator can sense what's behind a diode... the function of a diode is to stop ANY reversion that could be used to sense/compensate.
There is a reason alternators use 2 or 3 samples (depending on design), it has to have a sample from outside its OWN diodes to regulate power output.

A marketing gimmick of bringing an outside sample into the regulator doesn't mean it works any differently than any other alternator in any significant way...

A folding fishing pole is still a fishing pole, and unless you understand how they work, you won't see any results from folding or non folding.


One way to do it is put a charge isolator on the vehicle battery line, that drops battery voltage inline with the charge controller,
And hook the sense/line sample up to the battery side.

The alternator will have a sample of battery voltage and kick up output voltage,
The increased alternator output will compensate for the charge controller losses when charge controller is hooked directly to alternator.

The voltage to the charge controller will be 1 to 1-1/2 volts higher than the battery.


While mechanically more difficult, electrically more simple,
As I wrote before, dual generators have been on passenger vehicles from the factory since 1923, so it's not breaking any new ground.

A second alternator on the engine that's running the 1 to 1-1/2 volts higher, self regulated, is certainly viable.
The alternator, around $30, with added cost of brackets/belt won't be much higher than a top notch isolator in cost.
It's a simple 2 wire hook up to the charge controller, and it's redundant.
Since the duty cycle will be very low, it should live a good long time.
After what Ped said in his previous posts, I'm not sure how this thread wandered off into the weeds bringing up the psychology of Narcissists & Sociopaths in his opinion of who-is-using-solar-100% in-a-vehicle-or-house. I was beginning to think "Is this Will Prowse's Solar Forum or a Psych evaluation for those who use solar full time"...?

Anyway back to some Solar talk. This is regarding Battery to Battery alternator chargers. Will Prowse himself gave a great review of the Renogy On-Board Battery Charger with MPPT.

The following is the @Will Prowse review and it is very good, and how he thought this would work easily and is basically plug and play for many RV'rs and Vandwellers.
1. Here is a link to his review:
2. Link to the Renogy alternator charger on the Renogy website:
3. Renogy's review of the alternator charger:

Here is a little Description of what this Battery Charger offers. No matter what type of battery chemistry your Batteries have. No ignition wire required unless you have a smart alternator.
Renogy's DCC50S DC to DC MPPT on-board Battery Charger is designed to give you options! This multi-stage, multi-input battery charger can charge a service battery from an alternator connected to a starting battery or by utilizing solar panels connected directly to the unit. While your vehicle's alternator prioritizes your starting battery, this unit will allow your solar system to charge your service battery first! It's the smart way to keep yourself fully charged and off-grid longer! And with multi-stage charging and multi-chemistry functionality, Renogy's DC to DC MPPT Charger has you covered whether you're using Flooded, Gel, AGM, or Lithium batteries.

For those who are not familiar with a Smart Alternator.
- The smart alternator system allows the vehicle to control the output voltage from the alternator based on vehicle operating conditions to reduce electrical load and in turn mechanical load on the engine by the alternator, this renders it unsuccessful at charging a secondary battery system to a usable level.

My question is if you have an All-in-One inverter with MPPT controller built in. Is this charger an option? I don't believe you can connect two different MPPT devices to this setup. Would you have to choose the All-in-One MPPT controller and would this defeat the functionality of having the Renogy battery charger? I realize this is a beginner question. However I would like to have a charger like this newly released charger that is currently out-of-stock on Renogy's website. @Will Prowse was right about this functionality and RV people adopting this easy setup with no ignition circuit required.
Any thoughts on this topic are appreciated.

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You should start your own thread with these questions please. EDITED: There are existing threads on this controller too.
The forum is Chit-Chat, nothing particularly locked in.
The subjects were about several things, including the internet 'Forced Opinions' types.
You know, people locked into a particular dogma and can't wait to brow beat people down with it.

As for 'Smart Alternators', since the alternator CAN NOT SENSE the voltage drop that happens immediately inside a charge controller, it can't compensate for that voltage/wattage drop.

Every voltage regulator is a 'Smart' charger, and when used properly in a SYSTEM is designed to NOT over volt the battery.
The primary starting battery in a vehicle is the limiting factor,
When battery demands 'More', or vehicle demands 'More', the line voltage, capped to keep the battery alive,
And the voltage regulator 'Smartly' increases voltage until that limit is reached.

Once the current too low for several charge controllers disappears behind the first anti-reversion diode in the charge controller, loosing 1/2 volt to a volt passing through, the alternator can no longer see the voltage drop BEHIND the diode.
While main line power will be maintained at the upper limit voltage,
The charge controller is 1/2 volt to 1 volt low no matter what the alternator produces.

No alternator can sense what's behind a diode... the function of a diode is to stop ANY reversion that could be used to sense/compensate.
There is a reason alternators use 2 or 3 samples (depending on design), it has to have a sample from outside its OWN diodes to regulate power output.

A marketing gimmick of bringing an outside sample into the regulator doesn't mean it works any differently than any other alternator in any significant way...

A folding fishing pole is still a fishing pole, and unless you understand how they work, you won't see any results from folding or non folding.


One way to do it is put a charge isolator on the vehicle battery line, that drops battery voltage inline with the charge controller,
And hook the sense/line sample up to the battery side.

The alternator will have a sample of battery voltage and kick up output voltage,
The increased alternator output will compensate for the charge controller losses when charge controller is hooked directly to alternator.

The voltage to the charge controller will be 1 to 1-1/2 volts higher than the battery.


While mechanically more difficult, electrically more simple,
As I wrote before, dual generators have been on passenger vehicles from the factory since 1923, so it's not breaking any new ground.

A second alternator on the engine that's running the 1 to 1-1/2 volts higher, self regulated, is certainly viable.
The alternator, around $30, with added cost of brackets/belt won't be much higher than a top notch isolator in cost.
It's a simple 2 wire hook up to the charge controller, and it's redundant.
Since the duty cycle will be very low, it should live a good long time.

Jeep, apparently you didn't watch the @Will Prowse very good review of the Renogy Alternator charger. No need for a 2nd Alternator because it does what it says it will do. Without any issues to the starting battery. Best Wishes...
This is the chit-chat where things are a bit more relaxed but let's keep it friendly folks.