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diy solar

best batteries for cold weather in 2023


New Member
Mar 26, 2022
Greetings, everybody. Thanks for having me in this forum. I did a quick search for "batteries cold", but didn't see anything recent. I plan on driving my camper van to areas with sub-freezing weather for snowboarding, etc. What are the best cold weather batteries to purchase in 2023? I do recall that these batteries have a heater option. Is this the best choice?

Thanks in advance.
I personally prefer batteries with an external input for heating control, so you can run them when you choose instead of relying on the BMS to decide for you. The ones above work, but I feel like you have to do everything perfect to get them to run the heaters and there is somewhat of a learning curve associated to it.

It was my advice to SOK to add a separate input for heating, so you can choose to use the BMS or external control, but they have not implemented anything like this.
Great question I was getting all excited to finally upgrade to lithium after some funds became available but I live in cold temperatures so it’s just easier sticking with AGM marine rv I guess. I think RenoGy has a 100/200 amp hour self-heating battery but they’re pricey, and who knows how well they work? ,, I think that’s the solution at the moment if you’re ready to drop that...
I have trophy batteries at 7550ft elevation. It got in the negatives outside a few times this winter and with extreme winds. But my solar shed is tightly sealed. The heaters never came on due to the proper insulation of the shed. But theses batteries are SOLID!! Their efficiency and output are flawless even in garbage weather. I can't recommend them enough. Although it was Wil that recommended them. Watch his videos on Trophy Batteries