diy solar

diy solar

2030 Electricity Prices - Get solar now to avoid the rush


Solar Wizard
Mar 6, 2022
New England, USA
Sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum....

"The U.S alone needs a 40-percent increase in power production to withstand the load demand that EVs will create by 2030."

40% increase in 7 years? I can't imagine the inflationary pressure on electricity. Not only do you need the generation, but you need a transmission and distribution grid to deliver it.

Get your solar now to avoid the cost increase, and grid instability.

Solar accounts for 3% of electricity production in the USA. It will take until 2035 (5 years late) to power 40%.

While it may be 40% by 2035, that does not mean a 40% increase, as plants will have been decommissioned (closed) in the meantime. Also, unless it is Residential Solar, it doesn't solve the problem of expanding the distribution grid by 40%.

BTW: If you start to build a plant today, you will be lucky to have it on-line by 2030.