diy solar

diy solar


Bob bob bob..... always hoping somebody else will fix the country for him, LOL
I have no doubt Biden will not drop out. They are have put pressure on him. They wanted him in office to suck the guts out of America in front line blame fashion. Robbed us blind just like with covid under him and Trump. Honest.

I think he will use the court cases against Trump in debate. I think Trump will respond Biden is deemed not capable to stand trial due to his declined mental condition thus not able run country. End of debate.


Who replaces Biden ….. Hillary has been trolling around. Are we ready for next step Bernie Sanders….socialism? Who would replace Biden?

VP Harris? CA Gov Newsom? Michigan Gov Whitmer, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, Maryland Governor Wes Moore. All picks at msn link

My guess is he has done such good job in California = NOT. This is their hopeful. He would beat Trump. It is to Trump’s advantage if biden stays in. Women would flow and vote for Newsom and want a Bill Clinton treat on their dress. Women are worse then men when it comes to voting with sex….they elected Bill Clinton and Obuma. Women would vote Newsom to swallow.

Who replaces Biden ….. Hillary has been trolling around. Are we ready for next step Bernie Sanders….socialism? Who would replace Biden?

VP Harris? CA Gov Newsom? Michigan Gov Whitmer, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, Maryland Governor Wes Moore.
Don’t rule out Michelle Obama. They want someone who is super popular and can take instructions from Barack [like Biden does now]. She is dynasty. Leadership or experience means nothing. Who else can excite the voter base like her?

Biden will be dropped like a Boeing quality inspector. He is too much of a liability.
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Don’t rule out Michelle Obama. They want someone who is super popular and can take instructions from Barack [like Biden does now]. She is dynasty. Leadership or experience means nothing. Who else can excite the voter base like her?

Biden will be dropped like a Boeing quality inspector. He is too much of a liability.
Big Mike, no I don't think this time around but next time you bet. (s)he is still young enough to do it in 4 years time.
I always find these discussions humorous. The 'left -vs-right' false dichotomy that most of us have installed in us as part of our 'belief system' is what drives this. If one simply looks *objectively* at what has happened since the end of WWII, one can easily see that we the People are in a constant state of being pushed towards a precipice. Only the speed of which we are being pushed in that direction changes with the 'turning' of the Government: 'democrats' accelerate it; while 'republicans' simply slow it down. There is a single face behind all of this - and no, it's not the 'devil', it's flesh and blood people.

In the end, we are still going to go over the edge. The only way to win, is not to play at all.
In the end, we are still going to go over the edge.
Unfortunately if we allow the uniparty to continue unchecked, indeed this is the inevitable outcome. The only thing that can reverse the course is a convention of the states: pass federal term limits and balanced budget amendments.

The 10th Amendment to the Constitution makes clear that any powers that are not specifically given to the federal government, nor withheld from the states, are reserved to those respective states, or to the people at large.
Unfortunately if we allow the uniparty to continue unchecked, indeed this is the inevitable outcome. The only thing that can reverse the course is a convention of the states: pass federal term limits and balanced budget amendments.

The 10th Amendment to the Constitution makes clear that any powers that are not specifically given to the federal government, nor withheld from the states, are reserved to those respective states, or to the people at large.
I agree - In theory, this would do it. Unfortunately, you can't 'vote out' what was never 'voted in', so I'm thinking this won't be enough. I see you're 'prepping for the next hurricane' lol. Me too!
lock him up...

You got a point Trump acted like he thought it was a fake professional wrestling event. Doing a show for ppl in trailer park. He tried to be their clinton friend vs actually going after them once elected. He broke that campaign promise and never intended to carry it out. Kind of funny to watch them do it to him. I seriously hope on July 6 day of sentencing that Trump gets locked away. 1 in 10 go to prison for his felon convicted crimes.

I hope as he is laying in there thinking that 1 thought = stays planted he should have declared martial law over blm and antifa riots. Had them and soros Clinton's locked up.


So Leo why did you change names? George tell you to do it or what.