diy solar

diy solar

Dangerous junk


Solar Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2023
North Ontario
In another thread about bus bar I started down a rabbit hole.
So I'm going to talk about junk here.

This is all junk leave it alone.....
We can zoom in good on this ebay auction stuff.
This switch is junk its worthless and its made of asbestos and lead paint.
You can see the asbestos fibers in the plastic.
You don't want this avoid it if your digging around the scrap yard and see stuff that looks like this...
How very interesting the glue in the door is still there but there was a thick peice of felt like paper grey in colour made of guess what???
Asbestos and its gone.
The switch is junk you don't want it...


This is a modern all plastic square D and its not junk this would be a good switch.
But its worth scrap metal prices so don't pay more than 20 bucks...

This would be nice to not call junk!
It would be very nice to have if you wanted a transfer switch.
BUT Look again more asbestos on the arc chutes.
What could you do?
Well paint it with Glyptal so the asbestos cant move I guess but is it worth it?
I would say probably not.


Just think about what you being into your home or modify for other purposes...
Ya thats white asbestos,
There are different types the white was the best and doctors say the least dangerous to your health.

If full of asbestos and PCBs among other things they told me not to worry about.
Well I'm worried I wonder if I will be worried long
