diy solar

diy solar

Just finished adding the last circuit to the solar setup


Solar Wizard
Dec 24, 2022
Well not really news worthy to most but to me it was the final straw to finishing my primary solar setup.

I moved the last heat pump (mini split) over to solar. So the entire house except for the stove, hot water heater, dryer and a few kitchen outlets are all on solar now.

I will be adding another aio later to put the stove, hot water heater and dryer and kitchen outlets onto.

I wanted to make it all wife proof so that's the reason certain kitchen outlets didn't get moved :)

I wanted her to be able to go hog wild so to speak on big family get together cooking for holidays and such without me nagging her to watch power usage.

Now its more solar panels and 3 more batteries before moving to the next aio.

I'll be buying 2 aio's when I do the next step with one being the dryers and stuff and the second being all crypto mining.

I just wanted to share since no ones home right now and I had that "rush" of finally being done on the first aio....
Love it!

Like you, I have 1 more circuit to move to the critical loads panel.

Mine is also a minisplit.

Unlike you, I'm not quite as ambitious. I'm in florida and have decided to wait until winter to crawl up and do several attic projects, including running the new minisplit to the critical loads panel.

Other attic projects for this winter include:
- fixing a hole in my AC duct work.. something chewed through it)
- installing an attic access on the opposite side of the house
- permanently run some MC for the PV array into my garage
- upgrade the wire guage from main panel to inverter AC input
- upgrade the wire gauge from inverter AC Out, to critical loads panel
- use a infrared heat thermometer, and seal air envelope leaks
- when done with that, add insulation

As you can see, this will be several days in the attic, and I don't particularly want to climb up there when it's 130+!!

For the last inverter wire guage items, I used existing wire that was already there for subpanels, but they are only good for 30 amps. I've got my inverter configured to never go above 80% of that, but.. my inverter can do 60amps.. so it'd be nice to upgrade the wires.
I'd definitely wait till weather cools more before diving into that. The temperatures here in Alabama seem to be fully into fall now. Highs are mid to lower 70's with some days in the 60's for the highs. It got down into the upper 30's a few nights recently.
I'd definitely wait till weather cools more before diving into that. The temperatures here in Alabama seem to be fully into fall now. Highs are mid to lower 70's with some days in the 60's for the highs. It got down into the upper 30's a few nights recently.
Same weather pattern, went through here.
I'd definitely wait till weather cools more before diving into that. The temperatures here in Alabama seem to be fully into fall now. Highs are mid to lower 70's with some days in the 60's for the highs. It got down into the upper 30's a few nights recently.
Weather patterns are just nuts these days. I'm in midcoast Maine and we have yet to see temps in the '30s yet, while you folks in Alabama have. Our leaves haven't even peaked for fall color yet, in mid-October. We actually had the mini-splits on cool a week or so ago. Crazy weather...