diy solar

diy solar

Mirror Mirror on the wall... Who's the hottest of them all?


Works in theory! Practice? That's something else
Sep 20, 2019
Key Largo
Florida Keys, the hottest day so far had a heat-index of 119.8°F:

So who will get the bragging rights for being the hottest?
Florida Keys, the hottest day so far had a heat-index of 119.8°F:
View attachment 159266

So who will get the bragging rights for being the hottest?
What is actual temp?

hey if we drop around $90 trillion dollars we can maybe - might lower temp it by 1/2 degree. What a bargain. I suggest you sell me any worthless property you might own there. I’ll give you $1 dollar. Then you can move to mountains of colorado where the Liberals roam.

When I was in military over in deserts over in so-called middle east and Africa walking around on a stroll…. the temp would get up to 50C + …. The berets only covered the one ear so the other ear would get crispy… we swapped to bush caps. You should try it with heavy pack on your back. I think everyone should be forced to serve no exceptions. It builds character.

go to the poles and tow an iceberg back. If we get the water levels high enough might run Obamas out of Martha’s Vineyards …. those racist are ruining that place.
no kidding right around mexico city edge of shore on gulf. All red burning melting hot hot hot Nope. Just media bs.


whomever is doing this scare presentation needs to sit on a red hot branding iron that says “Liar”. Ewwweee that smell.
130 degrees by color chart.
scaring the kidos. ??
I bet it was that Darn Climate Change…. They need to check his anus to see if it was a playground for the rich and shameless. Was he sceduled to testify?


As if we didn’t have enough to worry about regarding climate change, such as rising sea levels, increases in extreme weather events, and out-of-control wildfires, now Canadian researchers have linked the alleged human-induced warming of the Earth due to mankind’s use of fossil fuels to increased incidences of blindness.
The study was published in Ophthalmic Epidemiology, a journal specializing in optometry, visual acuity, visual impairment issues.
In studying the prevalence of vision issues among older adults, University of Toronto researchers have found that climate change — which used to be called global warming — may lead to increased blindness, especially in older individuals.
The study, published by Esme Fuller-Thomson, Zhidi Deng, and Elysia D. Fuller-Thomson of the University of Toronto, used secondary analysis of an American Community Survey (ACS) done between 2012 and 2017. It found that people in warmer states such as Florida were under increased risks for severe visual impairment.
According to Briggs, the climate hysterics are “winning” the debate, partly due to the sheer audacity of their claims.
“I may go blind if I am forced to read any more of these ‘climate change’ papers,” Briggs joked. “For that is how the lunatics are winning. They are many, and we are few. They can push out a dozen of these papers a day, almost all funded by the Regime, whereas we can only look at maybe one a week.”
Briggs is correct in that climate hysterics only have to provide a claim in order to make news. Once that claim is made, mainstream media files it away as a “fact” about climate change, whether it’s factual or not.
With almost every climate-change propagandist declaring that the “science” is not debatable and is, therefore, “settled,” it’s becoming increasingly difficult for the other side in the climate-change debate to be heard. But despite what Al Gore and John Kerry tell us, that other side is still out there.”’’

blah blah blah … ?????
I thought for sure by now someone from Texas would post something larger...
  • Haha
Reactions: D71
Saudi Arabia seems to hold the world record at 178°F heat index (ref)
It gets hot in Saudi Arabia Desert in Summer? No shit, batman!
Saudi Arabia seems to hold the world record at 178°F heat index (ref)

“‘’A common way of visualizing the heat index is as a color-coded chart that tracks the growing toll on the body. But some have argued those categories are suspect. In 2020, lawyers for the US Postal Service argued for the invalidation of five citations brought by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for alleged failures to adequately protect workers from heat. There was not enough scientific evidence, they said, to tie “extreme danger” from heat disorders to a particular range of heat index values. “Where did the legends and color-coding come from? I had to dig that out,” says Arthur Sapper, one of the lawyers who represented USPS. “I found out that they originated from an unlikely place: not a peer-reviewed scientific journal but a popular magazine called Weather Magazine.” The judge agreed.

That reflects how niche the heat index really is, says Matthew Huber, director of the Institute for a Sustainable Future at Purdue University. Though second nature to US forecast consumers, it’s mostly unknown to the rest of the world. And in scientific circles, it's not held in the highest regard. Much of the research done on physiological responses to heat is instead tied to other scales, such as the wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT), which includes factors like wind variability and solar radiation that the heat index leaves out for simplicity. “It has a very sound physiological basis and a very sound empirical basis,” Huber says.
One reason the heat index has stuck around is that measuring those extra variables involves cumbersome tools that aren’t available at most weather stations. And WBGT is also trickier to read, because the readings don’t map as closely to our understanding of humidity-free temperature. But ideally, we’d learn. “If I had a choice of which metric to use, the heat index would be near the very bottom,” Huber says

Got an emergency alert from the county on my cell phone for heat;
first time that's happened despite all the national weather service warnings.

What's the heat index you ask? A new high: 125.1°F.
The heat is really doing a number on the corals.

Hope everyone is staying cool!

On the related note, its a very comfortable 77F here in NYC area. The last week has been very very cool, much better than typical start of August here.

Keep sane and ignore the hype. (Especially "Feels like" hyperbole LOL)
Remember climate isn't weather.

Unless you want to charge a carbon tax.

And somehow, tree rings and ice cores tell you how how it on August 8th 300,000 bc during the last deglaciation.
And somehow, tree rings and ice cores tell you how how it on August 8th 300,000 bc during the last deglaciation.
But can you brag about hot it is where you live? (see the OP if you don't get what that means).
I think the bottom line here is that we must not succumb to the exagerrated and inaccurate hype.
I can put a thermometer in a black box at full sun here in this area (with 77F ambient) and it will show 125F but what does that prove? LOL
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