diy solar

diy solar

Modbus on the gateway vs modbus on the Combox


New Member
Jan 17, 2021
Hoping someone has tackled this ...

I have beautiful communication between python code and the Insight Home with modbus. Got it down the a 100% reliable science.
I still have a ComBox that I wish to use and thought it should be easy-peasy to use almost identical modbus code to do so.
I had no trouble going from gateway to Insight home and back again.
What does the ComBox expect that is different than the later Insight/gateway boxes ?
Is it port number, something to do with a slave parameter ?
I cannot even get to ComBox for the device name at address 0. Yet the gateway responds.
Yes, both boxes are two different IP addresses. And I have two totally different XanBus's to the respective inverters.
fyi - the new stuff is xw6848 Pro and the old stuff I want with the Combox is xw4548.
Both Combox and gateway work fine on their respective local webpages. So I have no issue with config'ing 'em all.
Interesting question, I've been researching the possibility of using a NANO-10 to communicate with the ComBox RS485 port and have read through tons of documentation, user manuals and ModBus maps. I haven't found a single reference to whether the ComBox uses ASCII or RTU. I assume its RTU but don't know for sure. 400bird has mentioned that his Gateway is using Modbus TCP so perhaps that is the difference between the two products.
I just wish there was one source where I can learn all the necessary settings and parameters for the Combox to work properly with modbus.
Slave vs Master, baud rate ?
I see Gateway at 9600 and Combox at 19200

what about XW4548 and XW6848 on same InsightHome and sharing one Xanbus​

Can I safely operate my current xw6848 Pro and mppt60 with Insight with one more device ?
These three work 100%. I also know the xw4548 will not operate in parallel with a 6848.
Can I have the xw4548 on totally separate AC circuits and loads 'talk' to 4548 on the same Xanbus as the 6848 has ?
Could this be a solution to Modbus to both. Will the existing 6848 system be able to continue to operate without trying to complain about the 4548 being there ?

I do not want to tie the AC outputs together, ever.
Sorry for the large text. I pasted from elsewhere and that's what came across
Can you tell me more about your tools to connect to the InsightHome with python?

I have a Schneider WXPro and MPPT80 that are connected to a Kilovault HAB7.5 via the InsightHome.

I am trying to connect my system over an ethernet network to an IoT set up that controls my load (car charger, water heater, etc.) but finding it difficult to get SoC, etc. information from the InsightLocal because they don't have an API.

Did you write the code? Or did you find it somewhere?
I prefer not to use Modbus but needs must so I end up using it a lot, this is the tool I use to monitor what is going on when the comms are stuck or garbled.

I am trying to connect my system over an ethernet network to an IoT set up that controls my load (car charger, water heater, etc.) but finding it difficult to get SoC, etc. information from the InsightLocal because they don't have an API.

Did you write the code? Or did you find it somewhere?
Modbus over TCP is how you get data from the Schneider equipment.
I use Node-Red on a Raspberry Pi, but if you're looking for an API, you're probably more than capable of getting that set up.

Here's a post with the modbus maps:

Thread 'All MODBUS Maps and Schneider XW 6848 PRO integration into Home Assistant via MODBUS TCP'
I know this thread is old but for anybody with an old Combox looking to teach it new tricks.

The combox runs a series of quite simple CGI interfaces that you can quickly access from any scripting language php, python or anything that can do HTTP requests (painless). All the modbus registries are exposed and all the metrics/tallies of the combos. I mean everything you see and do on the Combox web interface is exposed by the cgi. I made a PHP library that lets me read any variables, poll devices, read device state, read configuration variables and write to configurations.
That's interesting. How would the method you described above be better/easier than the using Node Red with Modbus TCP or RS485 with USB adapter. My software-programming-networking skills are kind of weak.

Secondarily, would it still be true that any Modbus registers that are read only would retain this property if accessed via the CGI?

Please expand on the explanation.