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diy solar

Optimal settings for EG4 18kPV with PowerPros, let it charge more before starting to discharge


New Member
Oct 14, 2022
Depending on the day, my batteries flip back and forth from charging to discharging depending on the moment in time (ie: a cloud floats over, or something gets turned on).

Is there a way to let it charge more before it starts to discharge and let it use the grid instead? For instance, say I'd like it to get to 50% before it starts discharging or when the sun goes down. Something like that. I don't know what's optimal for the equipment. Which leads another question:

Regarding battery lifespan, does it matter if it flips back and forth from charging to discharging a bunch of times per day?
If there are comms between the batteries and inverter, the BMS is instructing the inverter to stop charging. In most cases, this is due to over-voltage protection at the cell level due to imbalace.

Something you can try is to remove comms, and set battery type to USE and then set absorption and float voltages to encourage balance without repeatedly triggering charge/discharge cycles.
It's not charging because there's not enough solar energy being produced.
You’re fine, that’s what batteries are supposed to do (charge and discharge). Fractional cycles are OK, it takes 100 cycles at a 1% depth of discharge to equal one full cycle. Unless you have TOU charges it shouldn’t matter if you use grid power in the day or at night to supplement your batteries.

If the question is “How do I keep my batteries at a minimum of 50% to cover loss of grid?” then that’s another question that I’m sure someone here will answer
It's not charging because there's not enough solar energy being produced.

Sorry. I missed that bit.

You’re fine, that’s what batteries are supposed to do (charge and discharge). Fractional cycles are OK, it takes 100 cycles at a 1% depth of discharge to equal one full cycle. Unless you have TOU charges it shouldn’t matter if you use grid power in the day or at night to supplement your batteries.

You can use “pv priority” in the settings and a start and stop time, up to 3! and soc% or volts. This will force the battery to charge using solar pv only and if your loads exceed solar production it will use additional utility to power the loads and use whatever solar to charge the battery. You can also set how much power to charge the battery during those times. It will also not discharge the battery during these times.

This is how mine is setup
You can also use “ac charging” to charge the batteries using utility power.
You’re fine, that’s what batteries are supposed to do (charge and discharge). Fractional cycles are OK, it takes 100 cycles at a 1% depth of discharge to equal one full cycle. Unless you have TOU charges it shouldn’t matter if you use grid power in the day or at night to supplement your batteries.

If the question is “How do I keep my batteries at a minimum of 50% to cover loss of grid?” then that’s another question that I’m sure someone here will answer

The "how do I keep my batteries at a minimum of 50%" setting is under DISCHARGE SETTINGS, ON-GRID CUT-OFF SOC.
I have mine set at 50% so I always have something in the tank in case of an outage.