diy solar

diy solar

RS485 issue (causing PC shutdown?)I


New Member
Aug 17, 2022
I have a Solar PV system with Growall SPH5000 and Growatt GBLI6532, and also two AliExpress 60Ah add-on batteries in parallel (so I have about 12.5 kWh of storage). Works well, and I am trying to use mini-PCs to monitor both the battery and the SPH5000.

The batteries have RS485 output, as does the invertor. I have two mini-PCs bought from AliExpress and use an RS485 to USB converter (supplied with the batteries) to connect. Also, I have a couple of self-supplied RS485 to USBs to connect to the invertor. The issue is that both the mini-PCs randomly power themselves off, after a very variable number of hours of monitoring. This can range from a few hours to several days...

I use the supplied monitoring program for the batteries, and a very old Growatt program called 'ShineBus' for the invertor (that still largely works fine). I have ordered an Orange Pi and plan to use Solar Assistant to replace ShineBus. When it works the monitoring is fine but the annoyance is obviously the random shutdown.

a) I initially thought the PCs were overheating, as it's currently getting up to 40C in my loft - where the invertors and batteries are. So I fitted small fans to the PCs, but no change.

b) I tried both PCs and both shut down.

c) I extended the RS485 output with Cat 5e ethernet cable down into my office (maximum current temperature 25C, normally 20C or so) and monitoring was fine, but *still* the random shutdown occurs.

d) I changed the OS from W10 to W11 - but still the shutdown occurs. I wiped and re-installed Windows to be sure of getting a clean copy. These little PCs are great value and work fine - no shutdown occurs if they are not connected to the RS485 and as both show this shutdown behaviour the only common thing is the RS485...

Any thoughts please? I hope that Solar Assistant won't be affected by this!

The PCs can be seen at these pages:

What exactly are you using as your mini-pc and RS-485 adapter?
I used a Qotom mini in my astronomical observatory for years (in Central Texas summers) without an overheating problem so I suspect that is not your problem. RS485 (and RS232) to USB converters are notoriously picky about drivers. I would check to see what brand of chip is used on your converter and make sure the driver is correct. Actually, I'd just buy a converter with an FTDI chip and download their driver.
Have you tried simply leaving the mini PCs running with just a fresh OS install, nothing else ?

I've never found anything other than the Intel Compute sticks reliable enough for long term monitoring.
If it is not overheating then it is likely a poor port driver in the PC. You might try finding another port software driver for the PC.

Some port drivers, and applications receiving the data, do not take well to time gaps in the data. They don't abort from a gap timeout gracefully.
I would not call the RS485 adapter a likely suspect for a random shutdown. I would expect it to be immediate if related. It's not out of the question, but I would suspect the power supply or disk first.