diy solar

diy solar

SMA leased inverter going bad ?


Solar Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2022
my first solar system from 11 years ago is a 20 year lease, back when some killer deals still existed/ its 6.44 kw with SMA6.0 inverter
I paid a total of $3800 one time charge and no paying them for the power produced and they maintain and insure the system, and they got the tax benefits
no issues in last 11 years til now
Has anyone seen an inverter go intermintant like these emporia graphs are showing ?
I sent them to the lease company and am waiting to hear back
hope they will install a shiny new inverter for me at no cost



Is there any way you can measure your voltage output?

If something is up with the neutral bond with your service it might be kicking out on high voltage disconnect.
I have another SMA6.0 on a separate main panel but from same meter and its fine, no issues with my offgrid inverters either even when using grid power to supplement load
Im still guessing the inverter it on its last legs

here is grid voltage as seem by solar assistant from my off grid system

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