diy solar

diy solar

Solar panel security/anti-theft


Solar Enthusiast
Apr 3, 2022
I’m trying to figure out the best way to lock down solar panels without too much obstruction of sunlight on the panels themselves. I’m using unistrut for the mounting base which is secured down to the top of a 20ft container. I’m using standard end and mid clamps adapted to work with cone nuts in the unistrut.

I understand that nothing is 100% secure and if someone really wants what you have they will find a way or at least destroy it trying. I guess I’m just trying to keep honest people honest or dissuade someone from easily loosening a couple bolts and taking thousands of dollars of panels. The property these are on is out in Southern California desert and tend to avoid the desert during the hottest months of the year when it’s 115-120 degrees. Unfortunately all of the crack heads in the area know this and that’s when they browse for valuables they can steal.

Anyone have any simple and effective methods for securing panels?

Here’s a picture of what the top of the container looks like. The panels will lay flat across the two rows of unistrut. The 2x6s won’t be there, I had temporarily thrown them up there for some shading. A0BFC31D-9B35-4724-B372-7962815C62A2.jpeg
Can't think of anything that wouldn't be to hard to bypass. Lock tight to make loosening more difficult, security torx bits to add another layer of annoyance, wire rope threaded through the frame or a few thousand volts and millamps running through the frame, barbed wire, are a few random thoughts.
I actually considered making the container itself hot and energized kinda like an electric fence. Not sure what kind of liability issues that could cause though. Would hate for a crack head to touch, get a shock and have a heart attack and then his crack head buddy sues me for everything I own.
I actually considered making the container itself hot and energized kinda like an electric fence. Not sure what kind of liability issues that could cause though. Would hate for a crack head to touch, get a shock and have a heart attack and then his crack head buddy sues me for everything I own.
Ya can’t do that… the fuzz will come get ya… I promise..
Ya can’t do that… the fuzz will come get ya… I promise..
Reminds me of an old Andy Griffith show where they energized the cash register to catch the thief. They caught him, but a different time back then. :)
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Ya can’t do that… the fuzz will come get ya… I promise..
Yea. Think this falls under “booby trap” which is a felony in every state. I have read if you have adequate no trespassing signs and warnings about high voltage on the container in can alleviate some liability but not sure it’s worth the risk.

Maybe a OSHA decal like this on the container. Ok
My thoughts? A visible camera system with signs stating you are on camera.
Cameras are kinda useless in my opinion in this area. I’m 2 hours away and law enforcement isn’t gonna show up in any reasonable time. It might help me identify but most the thieves out there know the cameras are fake and if they are real no one is showing up in a timely fashion because most people don’t live in the area. It’s 99% recreation.
Here’s the problem we all face today…

“ Mr smith , isn’t it true you had a deadly electric machine in your yard with no sign on it and that man’s son died from shock because you didn’t warn him ? . “
“ Mr smith , isn’t it true you had a deadly electric machine in your yard WITH A BIG SIGN saying so and yet knowing it was dangerous you didn’t have a tall fence around it and that mans son is dead….?
“ Mr smith , isn’t it true you had a deadly electric machine in your yard WITH A BIG SIGN AND A TALL FENCE , and you knew that people under 16 in this state are not considered old enough to understand a danger sign on a fence and you didn’t have extra safety procedures or personel standing in place to protect the teens stealing you gear and now that man son is dead…?”

ya see , ya may as well just Give the stuff to em …that’s where we’re at anymore.
Here’s the problem we all face today…

“ Mr smith , isn’t it true you had a deadly electric machine in your yard with no sign on it and that man’s son died from shock because you didn’t warn him ? . “
“ Mr smith , isn’t it true you had a deadly electric machine in your yard WITH A BIG SIGN saying so and yet knowing it was dangerous you didn’t have a tall fence around it and that mans son is dead….?
“ Mr smith , isn’t it true you had a deadly electric machine in your yard WITH A BIG SIGN AND A TALL FENCE , and you knew that people under 16 in this state are not considered old enough to understand a danger sign on a fence and you didn’t have extra safety procedures or personel standing in place to protect the teens stealing you gear and now that man son is dead…?”

ya see , ya may as well just Give the stuff to em …that’s where we’re at anymore.
I get it but how is it any different then someone walking up your driveway in your suburban neighborhood and touching or messing with the breaker panel and electrocuting themselves. It’s not. I believe in comes down to intent. Is the device intended or placed to hurt someone.
high voltage electric fence with matching warning labels every 3 feet
Only legal on designated agriculture or farm land. Doesn’t mean I won’t have the signs still
I get it but how is it any different then someone walking up your driveway in your suburban neighborhood and touching or messing with the breaker panel and electrocuting themselves. It’s not. I believe in comes down to intent. Is the device intended or placed to hurt someone.

Only legal on designated agriculture or farm land. Doesn’t mean I won’t have the signs still
Don’t ask me…I don’t have a perfect answer. I’m just a old hillbilly… but I intend to secure my the old fashion way.. a couple of dogs to wake me up and rope to tie the creeps up .. till the cops get here to arrest them.
I’m putting in a fence on the property, at least on the front. It will look like a 4 rail horse fence but it will be made with 5x5 0.25 steel posts with 5x2 steel rails along with 8 inch 0.5 in gate posts and 24 ft cantilever gate. Using reject steel tubing.

Doing it a bit of time.

Thieves are lazy…trying to keep them from cutting a fence to drive in.
I get it but how is it any different then someone walking up your driveway in your suburban neighborhood and touching or messing with the breaker panel and electrocuting themselves. It’s not. I believe in comes down to intent. Is the device intended or placed to hurt someone.

Only legal on designated agriculture or farm land. Doesn’t mean I won’t have the signs still
I AGREE WITH YOU ABOUT INTENT , but many times that’s not the way it works in reality…my family grew up with a swimming pool in our yard and i learned alot about what can happen even if you were innocent of everything in existence… you are correct about having no intent ,but some lawyers have a different idea about how things work If you have ASSETS.
If you want some idea of what you face as a home owner with ASSETS a little reading on google about swimming pool accidents or drownings and what crazy things people go through when getting sued afterwards..
it is mind boggling if you have any ASSETS worth going after what will happen to your ASSETS after the legal fees from both sides get paid and you agree to settle with the family of the deceased to avoid trial ,And everyone but you gets to divide up your ASSETS.
It would likely be similar in an electrocution case.. Intent, common sence, if they are breaking the law , if they are drunk , if you have signs , whatever .. none of that will matter as much as if you ASSETS… that’s the key word ..
That’s why I want to remain a old backwoods hillbilly. No one wants anything I have,
Is PV panel theft even an issue? Just seems like too much trouble for your avg crackhead.
Rubber 50 cal on opposing corners of the sea container?
