diy solar

diy solar



New Member
May 19, 2021
Background info

I have an MPP Solar Hybrid LVX 6048, which uses Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). TCT refers to a "total cross-tied" panel array wiring configuration, like the configuration pictured at "There have been many studies conducted on comparison between different solar array configurations (SP, HC, BL and TCT) under partial shading conditions and in every study (Ishaque et al., 2011, Jazayeri et al., 2014, Ramaprabha and Mathur, 2012), the superiority of TCT configuration under partial shading conditions is proved through simulation" (

1. The TCT power curve has multiple rounded steps, rather than just one, as can be seen in the diagram at

2. This curve will change over time as the partial shading changes on a panel array.


Can a standard MPPT algorithm, and/or can the LVX 6048 MPPT algorithm, correctly optimize the power output from a TCT array, given the facts that 1) its power curve has multiple rounded steps, and 2) the power curve will change over time as the array's partial shading changes?


I would guess the MPPT algorithm is able to handle 2) reasonably well, but perhaps it is not able to handle 1).
What a nightmare. A need for so convoluted a solution screams, MOVE THE ARRAY!!!

I'm highly dubious that "solution" should be implemented without an actual analysis of the particular shading scenario.
The shading scenario I have in mind is an array on top of a camping trailer which will be in many different shaded environments, like forested campsites.
It just seems like a troubleshooting nightmare.
At some point, one of those fuses will blow. And finding it would be a chore.
The shading scenario I have in mind is an array on top of a camping trailer which will be in many different shaded environments, like forested campsites.

The results you linked only looked at 2x2 configurations with single bypass diodes per panel. There is zero reason to expect benefit from an extrapolated array with increased complexity.

Furthermore, standard panels have 3 bypass diodes per panel making them perform superior to the simulated panels in a traditional 2S2P configuration.

IMHO, there's a reason these data are 10+ years old, and this has not become common practice.

IMHO, nothing you can do will to improve production will justify the added complexity/cost. Shade will destroy you. Period.

Favor parallel strings over series voltage and wire in a traditional xSyP configuration and pat yourself on the back for not dramatically increasing cost/complexity for a tiny improvement in performance.

Time/Money would be better spent on a small deployable array of flexible panels you can place remotely in sunny locations.

I appreciate your taking the time to give me your opinion and recommendation regarding a better way to go.
The results you linked only looked at 2x2 configurations with single bypass diodes per panel. There is zero reason to expect benefit from an extrapolated array with increased complexity.
How are you arriving at that that conclusion? If that conclusion is correct, then I can see my original question is not worth answering. However, that conclusion does not appear to be correct, because I'm finding TCT studies online which study larger arrays than 2x2, continuing to claim that TCT handles shade better than a standard xSyP configuration, and some TCT configurations which produce around 10% more power than other TCT configurations.

It seems to me that TCT has not been discussed much on these forums, so I'll summarize some of what I've found as I've tried to answer my question, in case it's helpful to others.

For example, from 2020, "An experimental study is also carried out using 16 number of 20 W solar panels connected in 4
×4 arrays and it is observed that the proposed method gives an enhanced power of
9.46%,10.70%,11.33%, and
18.06% as compared to TCT configuration for various shading patterns" (; another by some of the same authors at

A similar article from 2021 at states a partial answer to my original question, "Because of numerous peaks, the MPPT can skip the right GMPP; this results in an additional power loss in the PV system, and a reduction technique is required to mitigate these losses. According to the literature, several authors have offered reconfiguration to the modules in the TCT PV array to distribute shading effects uniformly to achieve identical currents in each row to solve this problem." It concludes, "the proposed SA method enhanced the power generation of 9x9 TCT array by 26, 3.8, and 13% as compared to the TCT, GA, and SuDoKu methods under short-wide shading, respectively," "the proposed SA method enhanced the power generation of 9x9 TCT array by 13.2, 2.8, and 6.8% as compared to the TCT, GA, and SuDoKu methods under long-narrow shading, respectively," "the proposed SA method enhanced the power generation of 9x9 TCT array by 9.2, 1.9, and 7.6% as compared to the TCT, GA, and SuDoKu methods under short-narrow shading, respectively," and "the proposed SA method increased the power generation of 9x9 TCT array by 18, 2.8, and 15.2% as compared to the TCT, GA, and SuDoKu methods under centre shading, respectively." This results in a total income of $2538.20/year, compared to a standard TCT configuration's $1755.80/year, a $782.40 difference, using a partially-shaded 9x9 array of 170W panels. That $782.40 difference would probably pay for the extra connectors, wire, and perhaps fuses needed.

A 2016 study at states "Study shows that changing the interconnection schemes of the modules from SP to TCT increases the power by more than 5% and the TCT configuration is considered as the best solution to lessen the mismatch losses under partially shaded conditions. An analysis based on probability theory indicates that introduction of cross ties (TCT or BL schemes) in the array almost doubles the life time of the array (Kaushika and Gautam, 2003). SP, TCT, BL, Simple Series (SS) and Honey Comb (HC) configurations have been compared in terms of maximum power and fill factor in Gautamand and Kaushika (2002). The TCT configuration has maximum power compared to other configurations under the same conditions of partial shading. The investigation shows that there is no additional cost for TCT-connected modules than SP-connected modules in large solar parks....One of the thrust areas of research recently in the field of partial shading is the implementation of modified classical MPPT techniques. When the bypass diodes conduct during non-uniform condition, P–V curve of the solar array shows multiple maxima. Thus the extraction of maximum power from the PV array becomes complex since there exist several local maximum power point (MPP) at low voltages and at higher voltages. Hence classical MPPT techniques which track the unique singular MPP in array characteristics under uniform irradiance conditions cannot be implemented. Under partial shading, the MPPT will identify a local optimal point as the global maximum point, thus leading to power losses. Approaches to track the global maximum power point (GMPP) have been demonstrated as in Wang and Hsu, 2011, Patel and Agarwal, 2008a, Patel and Agarwal, 2008b, Esram and Chapman, 2007, Safari and Mekhilef, 2011, but they tend to be complicated and many of them are unable to track the GMPP under changing illumination conditions. The development of different MPPT techniques to determine GMPP involving modified heuristic techniques is another recent area of research work." This answers part 1) of my question: no, the MPPT algorithm won't optimize the rounded steps well, unless they are smoothed out somehow.

A 2017 study at states regarding some algorithms that "the power output gains range from 19 to 140% compared to SP, and 13 to 68% compared to TCT."

A 2019 study at concludes a "cost–benefit analysis of a 10 kWP grid-tied DPVA under different patterns of shade duration is presented. In comparison, the proposed M2 algorithm reports early payback period under high-intensity long-duration PSC. However, under low intensity and short duration shades, DPVA installation may not be necessary. Experimental tests of 4 × 2 size DPVA are conducted under different shade conditions. It is evident from experimental tests that the proposed algorithm has improved irradiance balance of shaded array from 40–47 to 92–97% and has improved output power by 37–104% compared to shade condition." In other words, in the cost-benefit analysis, TCT arrays were considered the baseline for such home-sized installations, and active algorithmic balancing (dynamic PV array or DPVA) has a shorter payback period (7 years) than TCT alone when there is more partial shading; when there is less partial shading the payback period was 15 years.

A 2019 article at states "The maximum power increase is 26.5 percent of the total array output power."

A 2021 study at stated "Total Cross Tied (TCT) configuration is a commonly used now-a-days because it provides maximum power even under shaded condition," and showed the inverted triangle TCT algorithm produced a 7.8% power gain over other existing TCT configurations.

In 2022, an actively-switched TCT array produced 73.5% (of non-shaded power? or power gain? See figure 27) in partial shaded conditions, and made a nearly normal power curve which permitted the MPPT to optimize correctly: "During most shading conditions, the global peak with proposed reconfiguration appeared on the right side of the P-V curve eliminating the necessity of complex MPPT techniques. Thus the proposed system is simple and efficient." ( That's a pretty good answer to my question.

So it would appear TCT research continues, and significant advancements are being made. The future of partially-shaded mobile solar power looks bright!
Furthermore, standard panels have 3 bypass diodes per panel making them perform superior to the simulated panels in a traditional 2S2P configuration.

IMHO, there's a reason these data are 10+ years old, and this has not become common practice.
There are numerous TCT studies with recent dates online, and note the comment above from 2021 about how it is "commonly used now-a-days."
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IMHO, nothing you can do will to improve production will justify the added complexity/cost. Shade will destroy you. Period.

Favor parallel strings over series voltage and wire in a traditional xSyP configuration and pat yourself on the back for not dramatically increasing cost/complexity for a tiny improvement in performance.
I appreciate the recommendation to favor parallel strings. That requires buying more wire. Space and weight are at a premium on a camping trailer, so some might welcome a 10% performance improvement from a TCT array. The increased cost and complexity of a passive TCT configuration amounts to buying relatively cheap MMF/FFM connectors, and some more wire, so far as I can see, and that is complexity I'm willing to manage. The additional wire, sensors, switches, and programming needed for the actively-switched methods is more complexity than I want.
A need for so convoluted a solution screams, MOVE THE ARRAY!!!
The shading will occur because I move the array. I like camping in the forest. So I bought lots of panels. ?

Sometimes, it is not easy to move the array "in urban environments due to chimneys, streets lighting poles, antennas, neighboring buildings, etc.," not to mention obstructions which move on their own, like dirt, bird droppings, birds, and clouds. (
Time/Money would be better spent on a small deployable array of flexible panels you can place remotely in sunny locations.

I'd rather not move my 21 panels (5kW) regularly; I'd rather have them mounted on my trailer, similar to Josh's at
I can't access the full articles you link, and I'm not going to pay for them to critique them. The first one you referenced described panels that don't exist in the wild.

Any testing you cite must:
  1. Use off-the-shelf PV modules with a typical bypass diode configuration.
  2. Must have well described shading scenarios that realistically represent your target scenario.
If neither of the above are true, then the conclusions are N/A.

What you may not realize is that the interconnects between panels accomplish the same thing as the bypass diodes in the panels.

You have a 5kW array.

In a shadey forest, a 5kW array is likely going to produce no more than 500W.

A TCT array that improves by 10% would mean you generate 550W rather than 500W. Yes. 50W. That's it.

So, I stand by my recommendation of a small deployable array you can move into a sunny area. 200W of a deployable array will be drastically cheaper and far more effective than a TCT array.

Concerning using extra wire, no way. A TCT array uses way more wire than any traditional xSyP array due to the interconnects between each panel. I don't even understand how you can arrive at that conclusion.
What you may not realize is that the interconnects between panels accomplish the same thing as the bypass diodes in the panels.
In every shading scenario except where the last panel in a series is shaded, the TCT interconnects permit the voltage of each series to be equal at the point where their positive output wires are joined in parallel; bypass diodes in a SP configuration don't. I'm not sure whether that will increase the TCT array's final power output, but it seems that it would.
You have a 5kW array.

In a shadey forest, a 5kW array is likely going to produce no more than 500W.

A TCT array that improves by 10% would mean you generate 550W rather than 500W. Yes. 50W. That's it.
That is true in a scenario where the majority of the panels are shaded, but becomes less true as the percent of shading decreases.
So, I stand by my recommendation of a small deployable array you can move into a sunny area. 200W of a deployable array will be drastically cheaper and far more effective than a TCT array.
I need more power than that, so have a bigger array, and will have a big battery bank.
Concerning using extra wire, no way. A TCT array uses way more wire than any traditional xSyP array due to the interconnects between each panel. I don't even understand how you can arrive at that conclusion.
I meant that the more the ratio of parallel to series increases, the more wire is required. Panels can be connected in an 10S1P array with no extra wire. 1S10P array would require purchasing far more wire - 20 wires to connect each side of each panel to the positive and negative "Y" connectors or buses in a junction box.
Even a single string of PV panels can burn up bypass diode and melt/crack the panel.
Some manufacturers say shading is only OK with sun at an oblique angle, not in direct sun.

With your PV array wired 3p7s rather than 7s3p, you can have 3x Imp being forced through a single PV panel's diode (current doesn't divide evenly with paralleled diodes, because current is an exponential function of voltage, and self heating gives positive feedback.)

Diodes work fine, and 6s || 7s (due to one panel shaded) doesn't impact production much.

Separate MPPT per string is the way to deal with significant differences in shading.

There are half-cut panels, which are internally wired 2p3s. They probably have single diode across each 2p able to handle the current. The configuration is likely to confuse dumb MPPT.
Even a single string of PV panels can burn up bypass diode and melt/crack the panel.
Some manufacturers say shading is only OK with sun at an oblique angle, not in direct sun.

With your PV array wired 3p7s rather than 7s3p, you can have 3x Imp being forced through a single PV panel's diode (current doesn't divide evenly with paralleled diodes, because current is an exponential function of voltage, and self heating gives positive feedback.)

Diodes work fine, and 6s || 7s (due to one panel shaded) doesn't impact production much.

Separate MPPT per string is the way to deal with significant differences in shading.

There are half-cut panels, which are internally wired 2p3s. They probably have single diode across each 2p able to handle the current. The configuration is likely to confuse dumb MPPT.

One other dumb thought - the corroded MC4 you cut off, is it possible the corrosion extended up the wire into the sheath? It would cause a small drop that might show on a thermal camera. You could also check it with a watt meter connected between the cables to see if it is the same as the others.

I think @Hedges is right on the money but wanted to throw that out there.
I would just rip out the weird simultaneous parallel series wiring and start over.
Even a single string of PV panels can burn up bypass diode and melt/crack the panel.
Some manufacturers say shading is only OK with sun at an oblique angle, not in direct sun.

With your PV array wired 3p7s rather than 7s3p, you can have 3x Imp being forced through a single PV panel's diode (current doesn't divide evenly with paralleled diodes, because current is an exponential function of voltage, and self heating gives positive feedback.)
Thank you for this warning. I considered it as carefully as I could and so did some more research to verify whether your concerns are a reason to change the TCT design I'm proposing and testing here. Your concern is that too many amps could flow through one panel, and so burn up its diode or melt/crack the panel, correct?

I take this concern seriously, so did some more research. I explained the TCT array to the company who sold me the panels, SanTan Solar, and asked them whether the panels they sold me can handle the amps created by 3 panels in parallel, and they said "yes."

So far as I can see, the following math and circuit modeling support the company's statement. The spec sticker (created by SanTan Solar) on the back of the panel says it has a "Fuse rating" of 15A. The black plastic junction box on the back of the panel (created by TrinaSolar) says "20A" with no further explanation. According to the spec sticker, 3 panels in parallel could create a maximum of 30.4V and 23.67A. I calculate that the internal resistance of one panel is 4 ohms. Modeling the 7S3P TCT array using a circuit modeler at, where the 2nd row has 2 panels completely shaded so they have their full 4 ohm resistance, indicates the 3rd unshaded panel in the 2nd row would have a maximum of 15.2A flowing through it. The 3rd panel does not receive the full maximum of 23.67A which can be created by 3 panels in parallel, because the panels are not in a pure parallel configuration; they are also in series, so some of the amps flow through the 1st & 2nd panels in the 3rd row with a 4 ohm resistance per panel. Because it is highly unlikely any panel would be completely shaded (receiving no light at all; completely black) and so have that full 4 ohms as its net internal resistance, I think the modeled 15.2A is within acceptable limits.