diy solar

diy solar

Which server rack battery has fewest issues: SOK, Trophy, or Jackiper?

I only have experience with the SOK, was $1100 and I picked-up myself from the seller. I am abusing it in my golf cart with occasional 100+amp shutdowns and bouncing along the road. I have not managed to destroy it [yet?].
Upside: modular case and terminals are bolted. Very easy to reconfigure, or replace bad cells, should you have the need.
Downside: no Bluetooth on the BMS. There are communications however I have no desire to connect.
There is bluetooth on the cheaper NCBT version. But the BMS is only rated at 80a, instead of the 100a on the Pro.
Wow they shot back up quick.

Wow, these look awful familiar...

If I were buying a server rack, I'd likely go with SOK based off all the positive feedback here and previous pleasant transactions with Current Connected. First I'd try to buy a case only and put my own rack battery together.

Spelling edit.
The LVGOO are missing a couple of RS485 ports and do not appear to have to RS232 port.

I believe but am not certain that the SOK and SunGoldPower batteries are pretty much the same and they both use the same monitoring software
Why would a firmware update be necessary? I mean like everything else if it’s not broken why fix it? In my line of work the enemy of good is better
Firmware updates may be necessary when new batteries with new firmware are added to an existing battery stack with older firmware. Will they play well together, particularly in closed loop
The LVGOO are missing a couple of RS485 ports and do not appear to have to RS232 port.

I believe but am not certain that the SOK and SunGoldPower batteries are pretty much the same and they both use the same monitoring software
Keep in mind that was in April last year.

Current low mark on rack mount 5kWh with comms seems to be something like these gokw units for $885 shipping on slow boat from China.

Keep in mind that was in April last year.

Current low mark on rack mount 5kWh with comms seems to be something like these gokw units for $885 shipping on slow boat from China.

Looks like an SOK or SunGoldPower battery. The display even has all the same menu items. Does the manufacturer provide any monitoring software?
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Looks like an SOK or SunGoldPower battery. The display event has all the same menu items. Does the manufacturer provide any monitoring software?
Mines still on the boat but I anticipate connecting it to a Cerbo and monitoring from there/VRM.