diy solar

diy solar

Will PV panels get any cheaper?


Photon Sorceress
Aug 17, 2022
So... I've just ordered some new panels - another 6.6kWp. A top brand in sub-pallet quantity worked out at just $0.17/W. So, that's just 0.7c per Watt if I survive they last another 25 years ;)

Do you think they'll get any cheaper or will duties and shipping bump them back up over the next year or two?

Or will we be looking at 30% or 40% efficient panels in 5 years time, keeping cost per W down?
It's always about supply and demand.
Solar is currently booming. So prices are still dropping. I think that trend will last for the next 5 years. Possibly longer, because the used market is growing exponentially. And whether they want to or not, new has to compete with used.
(y) though panels do have size and weight against them when they have to be shipped half-way round the world.
Recently Looked into the price of me shipping a great deal smaller size item at less weight than some solar panels that were shipped to me for free. That shipping price was higher than I paid to buy the panels! I frankly do not know how shipping gets factored into the price especially for fragile items that a breakage amount has to be included.

Good deal you grabbed on the PV panels. You need to order a few more Seagulls to go with them.
Prospective buyers might want to keep an eye on the politics!
The prices have been low and continuing to drop because the chinese got around the 30% tariffs by marketing through other asian countries. New tariffs, favored by a majority of house members, if enacted would expand the tariffs to include several asian countries.

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So... I've just ordered some new panels - another 6.6kWp. A top brand in sub-pallet quantity worked out at just $0.17/W. So, that's just 0.7c per Watt if I survive they last another 25 years ;)

Do you think they'll get any cheaper or will duties and shipping bump them back up over the next year or two?

Or will we be looking at 30% or 40% efficient panels in 5 years time, keeping cost per W down?
Mind sharing the deal ? I’m searching for smaller quantities than a whole pallet at the moment. Thanks
Mind sharing the deal ? I’m searching for smaller quantities than a whole pallet at the moment. Thanks
Am in the UK, so guess not useful, but pm me if you like more info.
I think new ones will continue to be better value per dollar for a while longer at least, but what i really worry about is politics and competition driving up the cost of used panels massively. I think we're still in an era where people find it hard to believe that a used panel could be basically as good as new and purveyors of new are not doing much underhanded stuff to make used a less attractive option, but i suspect both those things will change as people gradually realize panels last decades (ie it becomes 'common knowledge') and the purveyors of new do things like get laws and codes changed to add barriers to installing used components while being compliant with the law etc.
Panel quality is not necessarily going up over time. I have panels from a company ( no longer in business ) that were made in the bay area and there are a number of features that they did long ago that beat out a lot of stuff today.

The efficiency improvements do come at a cost and some of that is wire size. That is why we are seeing more roof fires.
There was an article two days ago on Flipboard about a big Chinese manufacturer having to lower prices drastically because they have Giga Watts more panels in storage than what they expect to Sell in 2024.
So yes there is a big price drop coming.
So... I've just ordered some new panels - another 6.6kWp. A top brand in sub-pallet quantity worked out at just $0.17/W. So, that's just 0.7c per Watt if I survive they last another 25 years ;)

Do you think they'll get any cheaper or will duties and shipping bump them back up over the next year or two?

Or will we be looking at 30% or 40% efficient panels in 5 years time, keeping cost per W down?
They are already dirt cheap, doubt they will get much cheaper
China has finally reacted to the glut and is laying off Solar Panel workers, maybe too late to stop US tariffs..

They are so cheap now there is no point holding off, the savings from some future possible decrease are more than offset by what a panel would save making electricity during the same time.
RE: Shipping

When I wuz writing software for a trucking company, ... They wanted $1200 of shipping revenue to pull a 53' trailer along the route up thru New England, and back to North Carolina. That is around 4000 cubes, so around $0.30/cube, you'll cube out before you weigh out most every time. I'm guessing a container can push a load across the ocean for similar money even today, so shipping costs are going to be more around how many pallets of panels you can stuff in a 40' shipping container ~ 2500cubes. 40x8x8. . . A lot.
My local Installer friend can now get 550W panels in bulk for under $150.
Below 550W and the prices plunge off a cliff.
Straight out of China you can see that the prices are now at about $80 for a 550W Mono Panel