diy solar

diy solar

Terrible Signature Solar / EG4 18Kpv Experience - Returning and Replaced with Sol-Ark 15k

Watts Happening

I call it like I see it.
May 3, 2022
I take no joy in writing this, I sincerely wanted to love this new inverter and to support an active business on the forum, but I cannot sit silently and pretend this unit is "flawless" and anywhere near ready for the real world. I am not alone, I have received many messages from other members with their own struggles, we've all seen threads and it needs to be addressed.

After weeks of what I'd call nothing short of a circus, the new EG4 18Kpv is heading back to Signature Solar in a Sol-Ark 15k box and I'm asking Visa to step in and handle the refund. Very long and detailed story to follow, but the short version is this:

I took a chance on the latest and greatest from Signature Solar and I've been beyond disappointed every step of the way. The hardware fit and finish is great, I'd argue better than the Sol-Ark, but the software, support and attitude from specific members of their organization are utterly pathetic. In time I imagine they can fix things, but as of right now, I'd highly suggest considering another platform and company altogether. The software difference between the EG4 and Sol-Ark is like comparing a Nokia flip phone of the early 2000's to a modern day iPhone, they are worlds apart. With the EG4 you're asking it to do things and hoping for a positive outcome, with the Sol-Ark it's well documented, easy to follow and does exactly what you want 100% of the time. If you value your time and sanity, the decision is easy. I will however say the online monitoring and app for the EG4 18Kpv are great, very graphically attractive.

Remember, I'm just a guy on the internet, but I do hope you'll consider I have many years of experience working on dozens of systems with the leading manufacturers in the industry. I am not new to any of this, I am a licensed contractor and my work focuses in the IT and tech space. I am well aware that customers are often the source of problems with technical equipment like this, but in this instance, I can assure you that is not the case. Wrap your mind around this:


My entire goal was the following: Never under any circumstance backfeed the grid, period. The only other major sticking point I had was to peak shave from 3-9pm, then recharge battery bank after 10pm. These are not wild ideas, this isn't some lofty goal, this is exactly what the unit is advertised to do.

First problem: I get the unit installed and try to configure the app/wifi dongle and I'm met with an error, 4 days of no response from Signature Solar and it ends up being fixed by Gilbert from Luxpower. The dongle seemingly was never registered on their servers and needed back end work to begin functioning. There was nothing that could be done on the customer side. I was also given different Customer Codes for registration by different employees.

Once up and running, my sole support for a week was from Gilbert. They seem to have a quasi relationship with him helping diagnose customer issues, but not really working for them. He was always great and very helpful, but clearly had his limitations. Not that he was unqualified in any way, but there was only so much he could actually do with the inverter, everything was always a compromise and lots of, "it's not perfect, this is just how it works". For example, he got the 3-9pm peak shaving semi-functional right off the bat, except it would always pull roughly 10% of it's output power from the grid and the switchover time would (in his own words) happen + or - 8 minutes from the time it was programmed. How a computer decides to drift I do not know, but he didn't have any explanation.

After days of attempted fixes and me speaking to multiple Signature Solar employees, I noticed each person didn't really understand how to make it work. Not because they weren't smart, but because they truly didn't know, nor share any continuity of answers. One employee would tell me solution A would work, then another would be completely contradictory and say solution B would work, neither of which solved the problem. It legitimately was a guess and check situation, and more than once lead to the inverter back feeding the grid.

Second problem: I was never able to install or connect solar panels to the system because my inspector basically laughed at me when he asked about a remote rapid shutdown device. I had the 18Kpv installed in my garage and both CAT6 and 14/2 from the unit to the main service panel for a remote disconnect switch. After asking no less than (4) times both via direct message and email, I never once received a response. I've seen it addressed in other threads as, "we have a white paper coming soon". I've even seen other members posting how they've temporarily rigged up a solution. The manual CLEARLY states this can be done, but has absolutely no direction as to how to do it. There is no pinout, no clue, other than a crude drawing in the manual (there's nowhere to connect said switch, those two spots on the board don't exist). My inspector had serious doubts to say the least, and made it clear that no panels should be connected to the system until a remote rapid shutdown switch could be installed and tested. During this time I'm receiving messages from other forum members that are having differing forms of issues and some expressing how they feel lucky they got their unit at a "substantial discount", which really just twists the knife!
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At this point I reached out to Markus from Signature solar via the forums and expressed the situation, his initial messages were very reasonable:
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He then goes on to offer a full refund, and I express I want to see it work and am willing to help however I can (trust me, I had ZERO desire to take the thing back down, buy another inverter, hang it, redo an expensive wire way, rewire everything, ship the old one back etc.). I was financially invested and hoped for positive results:

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At that point I went camping for the weekend, here's where we picked up. The old firmware he is referring to is the firmware that Gilbert had installed and stated was what helped eliminate grid backfeed (my number one concern).

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The next morning I receive an email from Ty at Signature Solar. He's apparently been tasked with handling this situation.

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So I naturally responded with as much detail as I could, stressing the need to not backfeed the grid, at this point I'm trying to remain hopeful, maybe this person fixes everything and I become a happy customer.

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The next messages to Markus show how well that went. It was becoming a disaster quickly.

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(limit of 10 attachments reached, I'll post the rest in the first comment).
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Now I'm being told I'm asking for things that don't exist... Which clearly do....

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And now I'm accused of just wanting a discount....
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At this point I tell him I'm done, I don't want it at all. I go to bed, but he's apparently going to "personally set it up"

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Again states he'll set the return up, I notice it's STILL not working as it should, we're actually getting worse now.

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All of Tuesday goes by, I hear nothing, then Wednesday, then Thursday and I finally reach out, at this point I cannot believe the scenario from start to finish yet he pretends I have been contacted.

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Ben from Signature solar has replied here:

They are not charging a restocking fee, nor return shipping. I have removed the aspects of the post that covered that topic.


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In my eyes this type of stuff is completely unacceptable. I have tried hard to make it work, it's been a runaround since day one and now I'm being accused of trying to get a discount, being told I'm trying to do things that don't exist and even being blatantly lied to that they have reached out. Simply crazy!

What did I do to fix it? I'll tell you! I was able to pick up a Sol-Ark 15k locally, take down the EG4 18Kpv, install the Sol-Ark, rewire it, set it up, turn it on and have it doing EVERYTHING I WANTED TO DO in an afternoon. It has worked PERFECTLY, no issues whatsoever. My only call to their support was to ensure I understood the six available time of use windows and their relation to each other to ensure proper discharge and recharge. When I told them what I had been going through they laughed and weren't surprised.

If you value your time and want to set a unit up and know that it is going to work, seriously, spend the extra money on the Sol-Ark. It isn't THAT much more expensive and the difference is night and day. Their support called me back quick, totally knew what they were doing and had a deep understanding of the unit. I don't have any questions of whether it will work or not and at the end of the day, it powers my home, I need to know it is going to do what it's supposed to. I'm also not worried about back feeding the grid, or having any settings I have to guess my way through, it's all straightforward and easy to program. It's like using Victron equipment, you KNOW it will work.

Conclusion (for now):
I won't be spending any more of my money with Signature Solar, and I wish that wasn't the case. While I know this is a giant rant and probably horrible for their sales, and even Will's affiliate income, that is NOT my goal. I sincerely hope they can learn from this experience, invest some time in the firmware and take what is physically an excellent product and turn it into a true rockstar. Software isn't easy to get perfect, I understand that, but this is absolutely in the Alpha/Beta phase and not anywhere near mass adoption. Given time, I imagine they will get there, but they are advertising a fully functional product that should ABSOLUTELY do all of the things I wanted it to. However they are delivering something they themselves can't truly control and acting like it's the customers fault.

Please, Signature Solar, get it together, sort out your issues and make this thing great. You guys have a real opportunity to make a massive impact in the solar industry but you're stepping on your own toes. I wanted so badly to support you, but now I find myself warning the forum members because many people don't have the means to buy multiple expensive units and fight over refunds. This is peoples hard earned money we're talking about here.

This unit may work great if you just plug it in and never connect it to the grid, or have a net metering agreement like Will. But, if you're like many people buying this unit, it really isn't ready to go.

Again, I'm just a guy from the internet, but I hope you'll consider what I've said before spending your money.

@Will Prowse - Sorry for the long rant, I hope it pushes them to get their software and support squared away so they can continue to be a solid affiliate for you. I'm just a guy who doesn't deal with nonsense and want to ensure everyone is held accountable (myself included).
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Woofta this sounds like quite the rough time. I hope things get sorted out for you soon! I have been very happy with my solark and their support and only wish I had the 15k instead! Unfortunately was not out when I built my system couple years ago!
While I know this is a giant rant and probably horrible for their sales, and even Will's affiliate income, that is NOT my goal.
Don't over rate yourself, they are the biggest and generally the best place to buy DIY solar equipment.

Yes there has been sell back issues and yes I thought the firmware would have been further advanced than it is.
However, as with any new product I assumed there would be teething issues and accepted that risk.
The sell back thing has been super annoying, but feedback ? has been accepted and will go to improve the product long term.
I replaced a Solark 12k (9k lol yep they have truth sales talk issues too, and they are quite different and both highly capable BUT complex devices.
There is more than enough room for both products, enjoy your Solark.

BTW, seriously not cool posting private messages.
As a general rule, in the first year or two of solar equipment released to market, you are the Alpha / Beta Tester, my advise is NEVER buy in the first year of a product release, it almost never ends well.

You're comparing an inverter that's the software is literally just released to a code base that's been out for 5 years, yes the 15L Sol-Ark is new, but it is built using a mature code base all the way back to the original.

To be clear, it is unacceptable how in general all these China based products are sold, but it is what it is.
Don't over rate yourself, they are the biggest and generally the best place to buy DIY solar equipment.

Yes there has been sell back issues and yes I thought the firmware would have been further advanced than it is.
However, as with any new product I assumed there would be teething issues and accepted that risk.
The sell back thing has been super annoying, but feedback ? has been accepted and will go to improve the product long term.
I replaced a Solark 12k (9k lol yep they have truth sales talk issues too, and they are quite different and both highly capable BUT complex devices.
There is more than enough room for both products, enjoy your Solark.

BTW, seriously not cool posting private messages.
I simply meant ts not helpful, clearly they will still have plenty of sales, and I hope they do.

I’m just sharing my experience. It could have been handled much differently. I was willing to work through bugs but when I’m told what I was, I’m out.
As a general rule, in the first year or two of solar equipment released to market, you are the Alpha / Beta Tester, my advise is NEVER buy in the first year of a product release, it almost never ends well.

You're comparing an inverter that's the software is literally just released to a code base that's been out for 5 years, yes the 15L Sol-Ark is new, but it is built using a mature code base all the way back to the original.

To be clear, it is unacceptable how in general all these China based products are sold, but it is what it is.
I totally agree, however when a product is advertised to do something and doesn’t do that, it’s an issue. Especially when that issue is back feeding a power grid you’re not allowed to do.

If they were up front about that, I’d have no complaints. The way he handled things blew me away.

As I said, I hope they figure it out. The unit itself is awesome. I wish it wasn’t on a bench in my garage. I’d love to have left it on the wall.
Don't over rate yourself, they are the biggest and generally the best place to buy DIY solar equipment.

Yes there has been sell back issues and yes I thought the firmware would have been further advanced than it is.
However, as with any new product I assumed there would be teething issues and accepted that risk.
The sell back thing has been super annoying, but feedback ? has been accepted and will go to improve the product long term.
I replaced a Solark 12k (9k lol yep they have truth sales talk issues too, and they are quite different and both highly capable BUT complex devices.
There is more than enough room for both products, enjoy your Solark.

BTW, seriously not cool posting private messages.
I have to disagree a bit here. First, it's obvious the OP simply meant that he meant no disrespect to those that this has a negative tone toward. I highly doubt that the OP actually was worried that this rant would be a bud lite.
Also, those aren't private messages. They are business correspondences. There was no private info shared. A business shouldn't put anything in an email to a customer that they don't want made public.
However, as with any new product I assumed there would be teething issues and accepted that risk.
but how long does this get to be the default reason?
How many product lines of inverters? I don’t want to badmouth signature solar, they seem to have some great deals
But it also appears that almost every inverter they’ve released has significant issue, typically software it would appear, which indicates that there is not enough time spent lab testing. How many of these issues would have never happened if more scenarios were realized in real time, more staff was properly educated, exposed, and familiarized with the equipment etc.
the notion that Gilbert is the super guru for a 6,000 dollar piece of equipment is ludicrous (no offense Gilbert he seems to genuinely want to help in any way he can) but you said yourself, signature is Huge in the DIY crowd. Which leads me back to…out of all potential resources of 2 separate companies it’s… member Gilbert who saves everyone’s woes?
I hate everything that the solark business model stands for and yet here I am, still researching how to do my off grid home energy and thinking “wow, maybe this wattshappening guy has a point”

In what other industry is it deemed acceptable to spend close to 10k and have the expectation that you will be the beta tester
I'm actually curious about the mentioned issues that the 15k had on release. I'm gland I missed them, I went into my purchase expecting roses, I got roses. But, I've had one purchase with SS and had no issues, so there's that too.
but how long does this get to be the default reason?
How many product lines of inverters? I don’t want to badmouth signature solar, they seem to have some great deals
But it also appears that almost every inverter they’ve released has significant issue, typically software it would appear, which indicates that there is not enough time spent lab testing. How many of these issues would have never happened if more scenarios were realized in real time, more staff was properly educated, exposed, and familiarized with the equipment etc.
the notion that Gilbert is the super guru for a 6,000 dollar piece of equipment is ludicrous (no offense Gilbert he seems to genuinely want to help in any way he can) but you said yourself, signature is Huge in the DIY crowd. Which leads me back to…out of all potential resources of 2 separate companies it’s… member Gilbert who saves everyone’s woes?
I hate everything that the solark business model stands for and yet here I am, still researching how to do my off grid home energy and thinking “wow, maybe this wattshappening guy has a point”

In what other industry is it deemed acceptable to spend close to 10k and have the expectation that you will be the beta tester
You hit the nail on the head here.

I too think Signature Solar has some great deals, some awesome batteries etc. But if you pay ANY attention to the forums, they are riddled with inverter issues. Their business model is to rebrand Chinese equipment and that's FINE, you just have to deliver what you promise. There are tons of things out of China that are terrible, but my iPhone and MacBook Pro come from China and are excellent pieces of equipment.

As for Gilbert, I couldn't agree more. He was awesome within the bounds he had set. Then Marcus alludes to him being new and still in training, but himself couldn't make my inverter work correctly (or even close). Then the "engineer who designed the inverter" worked on it, and what do you know, I'm draining batteries at 9am when it's not supposed to do that till 3pm.

It simply isn't there software wise and I'm not going to pretend like it's all rainbows and butterflies. Then to act like it's my fault, pretend like I'm asking for unreasonable things from the product and follow it with me eating restocking fees because the unit doesn't work right?? Get out of here!

I don't have a horse in this race, I could have started with the Sol-Ark to begin with, I can pick them up 5 miles from my house but I WANTED to see the 18Kpv and Signature Solar succeed. I root for the little guy (not that they're little in this market, but Sol-Ark is clearly the leader). At no point did anyone explain it to be something I should worry about being still in beta. Heck, I posted a thread to consider both the Sol-Ark and EG4 and James from Signature Solar reached out to me and made it sound like I'd be perfectly happy with theirs, no mention of any software issues or bugs to worry about and even sweetened the deal. So, I made the purchase and now here we are..

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BTW, seriously not cool posting private messages.
Also, those aren't private messages. They are business correspondences. There was no private info shared. A business shouldn't put anything in an email to a customer that they don't want made public.

Right, I shared nothing more than our conversation as it directly related to this product and the support I received. You're acting like I shared the location of his child.

If I was able to receive help over the phone, I wouldn't have had those messages. Unfortunately the only time I received a timely response from Signature Solar was when I posted on the forums. If that is the support I receive, which ultimately goes on to say what he said, should I pretend it didn't happen and ask everyone to take me at my word?
I tried to read the thread but this thing is massive. Can you summarize the actual problems that you have and the evidence of those problems and all of the error codes with the 18K? I just learned about the Net Zero issue 4 days ago and it seems like the new firmware has it resolved. But I have not tested this feature yet.

And I don't think you understand my business model. If the 18K fails then I will sell more sol arks. I still haven't even added the 18K to my site because I've been busy with other things. I'm here to review and criticize every product on the market. I am brand agnostic. I have mentioned this many times in my videos and here on the forum. It's a very straightforward model. The reason I started this forum is because I didn't feel like people were heard in the comment section of my videos.

Let me try to reenact what problems you had. I also need the exact error code so I can try to reproduce it myself.

And how in the world did your inspector laugh at you when solark has the same disconnect? If you need it to be its own box then whether you have a sol ark or 18K will not matter.

When I installed my Wi-Fi dongle it worked instantly. Let me know the steps on how to reproduce your error. I could mention that in a video if I can make it not work. Can you oppose a video of this Wi-Fi dongle issue?
I'm actually curious about the mentioned issues that the 15k had on release. I'm gland I missed them, I went into my purchase expecting roses, I got roses. But, I've had one purchase with SS and had no issues, so there's that too.
I vaguely remember the 15k having an issue, but I dont remember what it was?

Either way @Watts Happening i think you did the right thing. I agree that posting private messages isnt a bad thing. It's the same as posting an email. There is no privacy when it comes to support problems and lack thereof.

I really want the 18kPV to be a winner too, and i might own one in the future if i move, or have another system i need to build. Glad you atleast are up and running with the 15k and are happy at the end of the day.