diy solar

diy solar

Another school shooting.


Solar Wizard
Nov 14, 2021

17 year old kid. Shot himself at the end.

1) Too much internet usage

2) Probably prescribed SSRI'S. If you think the covid cover-up is bad, look at how many hands there in prescribing anti-depressants. They literally throw these things at any kid who says they are sad or anxious.

3) Missing parent at home. Probably raised by a single parent.

What reasons do you guys think contribute to this crap?
You don't, you stop the mentality that makes them want to even get a gun for that purpose in the first place.

I double-checked my wording there.

I did *not* mean: "How do you keep guns out of the hands of kids and dysfunctional adults"

But exactly what you just said.

How do we stop people, especially young people from doing stuff like that? It's so "final".
You don't, you stop the mentality that makes them want to even get a gun for that purpose in the first place.

Bingo. I think the actual reason for wanting to carry out such mayhem is so deeply woven into American society by now that it would take massive change and generations to fix, and because of this, the focus will remain on the tool because that's the easy cop-out to placate the masses.

We had easy access to guns when/where I grew up and bullying was just as bad if not worse than it is today as was the perception of a level of unfairness in life in general. Yet, mass shootings were rare because we were raised differently than children are today.

The problem in my view and stated simply: victim mentality and the normalization of using violence to solve problems.
Does that work on people who are suicidal?

It does.
At the very least they wont be able to enact a massacre.

And then there is this (suprise suprise)

My mind thinks arming people to defend against other shooters in an average everyday environment is kind of a pipe dream as well as blaming the "gun free" zones around schools.

I guess I'm looking more at motive.

I'm upset with how the industry of shrinks, counselors and big pharma essentially work together to suppress the obvious fact that anti-depressants have played a role in nearly every shooting.

Literally, at least one of columbine kids was taking that shit at the time.

Lots of money in those pills.
It does.
At the very least they wont be able to enact a massacre.

And then there is this (suprise suprise)

I disagree with the first part. You can rattle off lots of shots in a school and hit a lot of people before someone else, skilled enough to shoot another shooter without getting shot first, arrives and is able to shoot the shooter.
I disagree with the first part. You can rattle off lots of shots in a school and hit a lot of people before someone else, skilled enough to shoot another shooter without getting shot first, arrives and is able to shoot the shooter.

This is why its important for people not only to have firearms, but to also become proficient in using them.
This solution is not ideal but there are no others. (Yes taking big pharma money out of politics would be THE solution, but what are the chances of that happening eh?)
y mind thinks arming people to defend against other shooters in an average everyday environment is kind of a pipe dream as well as blaming the "gun free" zones around schools
Since we will never put the toothpaste back in the tube with either guns or drugs we are left with arming either teachers or better yet TWO fully armed guards at each school etc. Why 2? If one is taken out immediately theres still a second guard somewhere in the school drawing most of the attention of the douchebag who decided this was a good plan to do.... imho I believe that will deter MOST of the Godless drug enduced shootings.
My 2cents.
Since we will never put the toothpaste back in the tube with either guns or drugs we are left with arming either teachers or better yet TWO fully armed guards at each school etc. Why 2? If one is taken out immediately theres still a second guard somewhere in the school drawing most of the attention of the douchebag who decided this was a good plan to do.... imho I believe that will deter MOST of the Godless drug enduced shootings.
My 2cents.

The threat of being shot does not deter someone who is suicidal.

In a classroom of 30 students or a gym or whatever, you can fire off 60 rounds and hit everyone long before someone would even get the message that something is amiss.