diy solar

diy solar

Another school shooting.

We know there were not helicopters there shooting people.

I don't care. There were not people in helicopters shooting people.

I would not be so dismissive. While i am not saying 100% that there were, i would never say with 100% certainty that there was not. I personally do not have enough information to say, but the official story is suspicious.
We know there were not helicopters there shooting people.

I don't care. There were not people in helicopters shooting people.
How do you know? You weren’t there and neither was I But ppl did make reports there.
I used to be sure (before 2020) that it was indeed all about money. But then i learned that they already have all the money in the world (and total control over the printing press) so it became all about control, and with top psychos it was playing god. (These guys truly believe they are royalty and more, they are insane).

PS. Isnt it interesting that noone is peaking at Epstein whole eugenics thing?

Backing up for a second, surely you have spent enough time on here reading my posts to know what I believe and why.

Saying "surely the jabs are to kill people" to me as an analogy in my response the d71 going off the deep end with his claims is silly.

Do you just post without reading and understanding the posts other people here are making?
Backing up for a second, surely you have spent enough time on here reading my posts to know what I believe and why.

Saying "surely the jabs are to kill people" to me as an analogy in my response the d71 going off the deep end with his claims is silly.

Do you just post without reading and understanding the posts other people here are making?

No, that was not my intent.
I simply suggest for you not to be dismissive. We do not have enough info.
Backing up for a second, surely you have spent enough time on here reading my posts to know what I believe and why.

Saying "surely the jabs are to kill people" to me as an analogy in my response the d71 going off the deep end with his claims is silly.

Do you just post without reading and understanding the posts other people here are making?
Again I was not there but am bringing up the claims of others so you need to separate that as fact.
black govt helicopter were in several States and special ops taking to the streets in last days of Obama … just training . Or so they claimed Lot more in Texas and Florida then other places for the training. Residents in those States were making complaints. Most incidents take place during some nearby training activity why ppl always say “Govt FLAG events”. Notice the barrels have plugs in this picture …. During training events or photo ops it is Court Martial event to remove the barrel blank adapters - plugs.
All military want to have this type of military teams. Saudi have teams too. Remember 9-11 terrorist were Saudi - 15 of the reported 9-11 terrorist were Saudi. The night of vegas there were scores of at least 17 helicopters airborne there. The FAA Govt is required keep records…but even that gets fudged. The Saudi crown prince being rescued would have been hush hush black ops. Some ppl say Trump sent them in.… to rescue the Prince in Vegas. If true that would indicate Trump had prior intel.
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Btw don’t really buy the Louder Crowder letter Nashville Transgender Criminal supposedly verified by govt.
Unless their break with reality was hating their own white appearing skin. Nothing more repulsive then a ghetto white woman hooked up with a black man and she tries to act and talk black …. Surely you have seen those types. Some black ppl take exception to that behaviour by those white women. It is just another version of black face. Of course white ppl are and have been - govt attacked so much over skin tones that they want their skin to be another color vs white. ? what color was the nashville trans shooter? Or are you color blind …. are white ppl really a color? or are they ORANGE like Trump. ? If Trump is “orange” is he a super minority??????

I kinda don’t buy that letter. I do remember Crowder manufacturing the news a long long time ago for an event. That incident was scrubbed from internet so maybe it was not true and crowder had sued. I don’t know that either.. Events like Vegas is ancient history to ppl buried by most other recent events. Just to much to keep up with and it is intentional Wave after wave of current events. Hahaha best to report it let ppl make up their own mind…. If they can. ??

as for covid Bill Gates predicted years ago before covid it - an Event popped up would cost us $5 trillion dollars then when covid popped up it cost us rough $5 trillion dollars which was spent on all kinds of unrelated crap. Broad daylight robbery by our own govt. Alibaba and the 40 thieves

You have pretty bad ADHD.
  • Haha
Reactions: D71
No, that was not my intent.
I simply suggest for you not to be dismissive. We do not have enough info.

If we don't have enough info then let's not make the claims.

The stuff they do is bad enough without having to embellish and make ourselves look crazy by making implausible, Outlandish claims that have no evidence.
Again I was not there but am bringing up the claims of others so you need to separate that as fact.

Don't do that.

If someone told you the moon landed in their backyard would you parrot it back and say "I am just bringing up the claims of others"?

Come on man. Stick within the realm of plausibility.
If we don't have enough info then let's not make the claims.

The stuff they do is bad enough without having to embellish and make ourselves look crazy by making implausible, Outlandish claims that have no evidence.

I hear what you are saying, but there is a long history of both intellespook agencies committing some pretty crazy (batshit crazy) stuff.

Imagine for a second that I would tell you in, say, 2017 (or even better in 2006?) that they are going to require some untested goo to be injected into you, or you are going to be kicked out of your job (USA) or not allowed to enter a grocery store (EU/Asia/Many places)?

Batshit crazy?
If we don't have enough info then let's not make the claims.

The stuff they do is bad enough without having to embellish and make ourselves look crazy by making implausible, Outlandish claims that have no evidence.
Evidence is often sworn eye witness testimony. . Don’t shotgun the person showing their stories - me. Some ppl still say we never went to the moon. Does that make me a denier too.
I hear what you are saying, but there is a long history of both intellespook agencies committing some pretty crazy (batshit crazy) stuff.

Imagine for a second that I would tell you in, say, 2017 (or even better in 2006?) that they are going to require some untested goo to be injected into you, or you are going to be kicked out of your job (USA) or not allowed to enter a grocery store (EU/Asia/Many places)?

Batshit crazy?
That is exactly how they hide things make it unbelievable
Evidence is often sworn eye witness testimony. . Don’t shotgun the person showing their stories - me. Some ppl still say we never went to the moon. Does that make me a denier too.

Ah the moon landing :)
Personally, i am of the opinion that I dont know for sure.
But again, official version has a lot of holes.
This is not to say that we did or did not. I reserve judgement on that one.

There is not doubt in my mind though that we have been at best lied to about at least 50% of "accepted common knowledge" things in the last 100 years. Vaccines is one. there are many others.
Go back read it again I pointed out the dog guy - eye witness in one video was likely a co-op support for that video. Might be total bs bad actor.

“‘’convenient witness seems way more military then just a causal witness out pooping his dogs. Co-sponsers story ??? Most mass shootings are like this ….. towards the end they discuss the American reporter that was chopped up in Turkey on the anniversary of Vegas Shooting. Coincidence? Remember that time when so many members of Royal Family were collected?
again guy - witness sounds military - cia. Maybe paid actor. Who knows? ???”’’
Post in thread 'Another school shooting.'

don’t read me into doing the story… as eye witness ot stating fact. leave me out of your picture painting part. Instead look at the stories. Doesn’t mean I buy all of it either. Thanks. ?
I hear what you are saying, but there is a long history of both intellespook agencies committing some pretty crazy (batshit crazy) stuff.

Imagine for a second that I would tell you in, say, 2017 (or even better in 2006?) that they are going to require some untested goo to be injected into you, or you are going to be kicked out of your job (USA) or not allowed to enter a grocery store (EU/Asia/Many places)?

Batshit crazy?

Non-sequitir to something that is technically impossible.
Ah the moon landing :)
Personally, i am of the opinion that I dont know for sure.
But again, official version has a lot of holes.
This is not to say that we did or did not. I reserve judgement on that one.

There is not doubt in my mind though that we have been at best lied to about at least 50% of "accepted common knowledge" things in the last 100 years. Vaccines is one. there are many others.

Don't you mean landings? They went like 7 times.

You just make yourself look crazy when you say things like this.
Non-sequitir to something that is technically impossible.

Don't you mean landings? They went like 7 times.

You just make yourself look crazy when you say things like this.
were you alive then?
Did the gooberment teach you about the moon space program. Do You trust the gooberment? If all the resources were claimed to be on the moon then why have we not been back in 50+ years. Our own gooberment says we lost the ability to figure out radiation shields that they would have been needed back then. Don’t be a goober.

I often wonder if we went too. It is an internal struggle. To keep us interested back then the govt stated “we would be a colony on the moon by now”. Then one day it just turned off…. No more colony…… No more hopes dreams. Star Trek became next gen then another next gen…. Movie after movie ?? Is their doubts yes because of our own govt.

Was it a big money grab… were we advanced with innovations that might not of seen otherwise? ? Could the govt pull it off for a hoax?

Did we get hoaxed with covid or not? The reward was $5+ trillion dollars and transfer or power and wealth.
Non-sequitir to something that is technically impossible.

Don't you mean landings? They went like 7 times.

You just make yourself look crazy when you say things like this.

I mean the famous human one.
My biggest questions are around the part where they take off from the moon, redock with an orbiting module and return back to earth, with 1960's tech.
Again i am not saying they didnt, i just have my doubts given my knowledge of physics and 1960's tech (Granted, i may not know some things which is why i wouldnt say one way or the other).
I mean the famous human one.
My biggest questions are around the part where they take off from the moon, redock with an orbiting module and return back to earth, with 1960's tech.
Again i am not saying they didnt, i just have my doubts given my knowledge of physics and 1960's tech (Granted, i may not know some things which is why i wouldnt say one way or the other).

They went 6 times with people.