diy solar

diy solar

Prepping for impending grid outage

Is it possible for the mods to split this covid talk off into that other thread that we generated a couple days ago, it's great conversation but has sweet fa to do with this particular thread.
Dunno if I'll ever be able to fully do that here in Ohio. With some work and time 8-10 months of the year would be doable. But Dec-Jan would be impossible.
I agree completely in Pennsylvania.
I'm somewhat prepared but not enough...
I'm hopeful one more ground mount and at least 2 more battery expansions will get me there next dark season.

Now if we could develop and MSDDH (mostly sunny during daylight hours ) vaccine and spread it to the masses I'll fully support it. I'm sure we could get SAA (Solar addicts anonymous) emergency approval. Enforce the spread of sunlight, mask the clouds.