diy solar

diy solar

Problem with Smart SmartSolar MPPT 100/50, "Solar Current (A)" scale Reading in Thousands


Solar Enthusiast
Jul 10, 2020
Southern Indiana
I have a Victron Smart SmartSolar MPPT 100/50.

First below is a screenshot of the Trends tab. Notice that when “Solar Current (A)” is selected, here shown in blue, the scale on the left is in thousands of amps, which is not helpful.


However, a few minutes later, in another screen shot shown next below, the amp scale is in tens, which is helpful.


But then, a few minutes later, the scale reverts back to thousands. I cannot figure out how to control the scale. Does anybody know why this is happening and what I can do to keep the scale in tens rather than thousands?
"update firmware"
Yeah, my Victron Connect app says I have the latest firmware "v1.61".

genuine Victron cabling
Given that my charger communicates to my iPhone and my Macbook Pro laptop via bluetooth, I assume I have no need for genuine Victron cabling.

I'd report it on Community.

Another oddity is that I have two identical charge controllers, both of which exhibit the same problem (i.e., amp scales in thousands).
Yeah, my Victron Connect app says I have the latest firmware "v1.61".

Given that my charger communicates to my iPhone and my Macbook Pro laptop via bluetooth, I assume I have no need for genuine Victron cabling.

LOL... I have cerbo on the brain...


Another oddity is that I have two identical charge controllers, both of which exhibit the same problem (i.e., amp scales in thousands).

Sounds like a VC bug then.