diy solar

diy solar

Basic Question


New Member
Dec 21, 2023
I have two 200 watt Bouge RV panels feeding my Blue Sky MPPT controller for battery charging on a sailboat with a 12 volt electrical system. To properly charge my LiFePO4 batteries I want to shut down the solar output under certain conditions. Is it safe/appropriate to use a remote battery switch (relay) on the positive output of the panels, before the controller, and have it open when I want to disable the solar charging? For my wind generator I had to set up a dump load for when I disconnect the generator and for the alternator I had to interrupt the field current a few seconds before disconnecting it from the battery. I don't think that solar panels present any such problem and they can simply be disconnected from the controller. True?
I have two 200 watt Bouge RV panels feeding my Blue Sky MPPT controller for battery charging on a sailboat with a 12 volt electrical system. To properly charge my LiFePO4 batteries I want to shut down the solar output under certain conditions. Is it safe/appropriate to use a remote battery switch (relay) on the positive output of the panels, before the controller, and have it open when I want to disable the solar charging? For my wind generator I had to set up a dump load for when I disconnect the generator and for the alternator I had to interrupt the field current a few seconds before disconnecting it from the battery. I don't think that solar panels present any such problem and they can simply be disconnected from the controller. True?
Solar panels can be disconnected at anytime with no issues.
Just make sure that whatever you use to disconnect them is rated to do so.