diy solar

diy solar

DIY Vendor agnostic low-cost Smart Shunt and much more


Solar Enthusiast
Apr 29, 2020
Nort-Rhine-Westphlia Germany
My project Victron_VE_on_Steroids gets more and more functions.
It started as an alternative logger for the Victron VE interface (MPPT Chargers and Smart Shunts)
It can now be configured as a very low-cost vendor agnostic Smart Shunt.
The Smart-Shunt hardware is extremely limited:
- a shunt (that you probably already have, any shunt up to 75mV can be configured)
- an ESP 8266 microcontroller (~4$) (Wemos-D1 recommended but others do as well)
- an INA226 off-rail power interface (~5$)
- a 8-35V to 5V micro buck converter. (~2$)
- a few wires and some prototype case
- a snap-on OLED shield 64x48 pixels for the Wemos D1 (~5$)
- or a 128*64 I2C OLED display (~5$) much better, needs a few more wires soldered.

The software is completely free and open source, highly configurable and is always current on GitHub.
Everything is self-contained. The communication occurs over WLAN and is completely wireless. (no ground loops to be feared).
No additional computer or gateway required for permanent operation !
From your computer, you can access the device over Telnet, e.g. :
$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Waiting for input
 Battery Stats
 Hour   |  00   |  01   |  02   |  03   |  04   |  05   |  06   |  07   |  08   |  09   |  10   |  11   |
 Bat Ah | 12.63 | 00.00 | 00.00 | 00.00 | 00.00 | 00.00 | 00.00 | 00.00 | -0.00 | -0.02 | 00.01 | 00.06 |
 Bat V  | 12.46 | 12.45 | 12.43 | 12.43 | 12.43 | 12.42 | 12.42 | 12.41 | 12.41 | 12.43 | 12.45 | 12.61 |
 Hour   |  12   |  13   |  14   |  15   |  16   |  17   |  18   |  19   |  20   |  21   |  22   |  23   |
 Bat Ah | 00.36 | 00.52 | 00.36 | 00.06 | 00.46 | 00.02 | 00.00 | 00.00 | 00.00 | 00.00 | 00.00 | 00.00 |
 Bat V  | 13.28 | 13.95 | 12.96 | 12.57 | 12.79 | 12.56 | 12.51 | 12.50 | 12.48 | 12.47 | 12.47 | 12.46 |

Values Report
BatV:12.56 BatI:-0.03 BatW: -0.38 PanV: 17.52 PanI: 00.00 PanW: 00.00 LoadI: 00.00 LoadW: 00.00 IOhm: 0.0008
BatV:12.56 BatI:-0.03 BatW: -0.38 PanV: 15.27 PanI: 00.00 PanW: 00.00 LoadI: 00.00 LoadW: 00.00 IOhm: 0.0008
BatV:12.56 BatI:-0.04 BatW: -0.50 PanV: 15.23 PanI: 00.00 PanW: 00.00 LoadI: 00.00 LoadW: 00.00 IOhm: 0.0008
BatV:12.56 BatI:-0.04 BatW: -0.50 PanV: 14.75 PanI: 00.00 PanW: 00.00 LoadI: 00.00 LoadW: 00.00 IOhm: 0.0008
BatV:12.56 BatI:-0.04 BatW: -0.50 PanV: 14.58 PanI: 00.00 PanW: 00.00 LoadI: 00.00 LoadW: 00.00 IOhm: 0.0008
BatV:12.56 BatI:-0.02 BatW: -0.25 PanV: 14.43 PanI: 00.00 PanW: 00.00 LoadI: 00.00 LoadW: 00.00 IOhm: 0.0008

Waiting for input
Weather list :
Temp: 8.9°C Hum: 80.0% Press: 1028mBAR WindSpeed: 8.8m/s Direction: 230°N Clouds: 100% Summary: overcast clouds

Over Internet, using a permanently free account at for up to two devices, you get a gorgeous dashboard to monitor your data.
And the project permanently evolves and gets new functions...

(I live in a condominium and cannot use a full blown solar installation, so the shown Voltage / Current values in my examples are limited, but everything is scalable)
Of course it has also some limitations:
If your maximum battery voltage can exceed 36V, you will need to chose carefully the small DC buck converter for a model that supports higher voltages, unless you can tap the middle of you battery.
If you have e.g 48V batteries done with 2x24V batteries, there is an option to run on the lower battery and monitor the higher battery.

Enjoy the discussion on:


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Hmm. I should make some time to look into this. That’s very much close to something I’d want to do.
I will be the first to ask about 48 volt, a lot of people will.
48V can be configured, if you get access to the middle voltage of the battery.
Else, I can make a second schematic with a voltage divider and a specific buck converter.
You must find a DC-DC buck converter that features a high voltage converter chip e.g. LM2596HV. That one can accept up to 57V input.
Something like that one: (whereas the vendor does not be that serious if he advertise the converter for a voltage above the specs...)
Or that one (whereas the vendor does not be that serious either if he advertise the converter for a voltage equal to the max capacitor voltage and does not mention the converter chip...)
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48V can be configured, if you get access to the middle voltage of the battery.
Else, I can make a second schematic with a voltage divider and a specific buck converter.
You must find a DC-DC buck converter that features a high voltage converter chip e.g. LM2596HV. That one can accept up to 57V input.
Something like that one: (whereas the vendor does not be that serious if he advertise the converter for a voltage above the specs...)
Or that one (whereas the vendor does not be that serious either if he advertise the converter for a voltage equal to the max capacitor voltage and does not mention the converter chip...)
Here a 48V Version: the VBus input gets 1/2 of the battery voltage. I will double the input value in software.
Be cautious to use a high voltage capable buck converter !