diy solar

diy solar

From not very sunny at all Scotland.

May I suggest utilizing stored low-grade solar energy?

May I suggest utilizing stored low-grade solar energy?

I'm very much into using solar already, the amount of energy I can harvest here (especially in winter) in Scotland is I acknowledge, rather limited.

But i get by quite comfortably with my set up, I am about to make a few changes and looking forward to find out what those changes will bring.
May I suggest utilizing stored low-grade solar energy?

I regret to admit that I do not know what low-grade solar energy is :( .

Happy to be enlightened Hedges.
Plants grow even in dim light. They fix carbon out of the CO2 in the atmosphere.
Firewood, and peat, are stored solar energy, convenient for those long winter nights.
"Carbon neutral", more so than PV panels and EVs.
but only if managed as a sustainable resource. Apparently Germany that does with forests.
Plants grow even in dim light. They fix carbon out of the CO2 in the atmosphere.
Firewood, and peat, are stored solar energy, convenient for those long winter nights.
"Carbon neutral", more so than PV panels and EVs.
but only if managed as a sustainable resource. Apparently Germany that does with forests.
Thanks Hedges, I spent a large part of my childhood living in a house that was heated using peat fires, peat was also a cooking medium
(along with bottled LPG for more controlled cooking requirements).

I dried peat on bog land ( adults did the peat cutting), carried it out to the track in wicker baskets and then loaded it onto a tractor\trailer for transporting the the quayside where it was loaded onto a boat and on reaching our island destination it was manhandled yet again to the house, a lot of time consuming hard work.

About the only thing I miss about harvesting peat for fuel is the unforgettable and wonderful smell of a peat fire.
May I suggest utilizing stored low-grade solar energy?

Burning peat , it's big over in Ireland .

You'll see big piles of it by the road where they are drying it ready for burning over winter