diy solar

diy solar

Growatt Inverter available

D. Abineri

New Member
Jun 25, 2021
Blacksburg, VA
I have a 6 month old Split Phase SPF 6000T DVM Growatt Inverter that I have decommissioned. It simply stopped working with NO sign of physical or electrical damage on the inside or outside. It looks brand new! Would you be interested in having this, perhaps for repair/resale? I really don't want to send it to the land-fill. Thanks
It arrived, today.
It appears that it was dropped on the top right corner. Mounting flange is bent on the corner. But I don't see any other damage. So, I'm not worried about it. I can bend it back, if I get it working.
I opened it up for a visual inspection, and powered it up from battery. Lights just blink for a second. No smoke, heat, or sparks. So, it doesn't appear to be shorted.
I'll try to tear into it this weekend, if I get time.
Thanks, for the project. I'll let you know what I find.
Check for loose connections, especially near the input terminals.
I gave it input power and the led lights blink in sequence. But not like a system code. Just in continuous succession.
And now I smell the magic leaking. lol
I'll go deeper, this weekend.
I gave it input power and the led lights blink in sequence. But not like a system code. Just in continuous succession.
And now I smell the magic leaking. lol
I'll go deeper, this weekend.
Wonder if watts247 has any boards for these left in his shop
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