diy solar

diy solar

Half price electric cars

A 10k electric car?

Look at how much a Quad, say a Honda foreman costs.

Now we are expecting that we can get a car that has all the niceties for $20k?
Just what it would take for me to buy one lol
I can buy used vehicles for 10k all day (albeit that too is slowly closing) some of the used EVs are getting there now too
You can be sure ICE will be around a long time, maybe longer than most of the members on this forum will be around. Even with sales ending on some date in the future, if that doesn't get kicked down the road a few times, doesn't suddenly remove any ICE from the road. I can plan to buy an ICE truck in 2030 and drive it for a decade to 2040 or so, oh wait, not sure I will be able to drive anymore by 2040!!
I think it is pretty exciting to see the transition from polluting 30% efficient expensive to operate ICE into a new tech where the EV can run on sunshine I collect on my own property, needs no oil changes, is quiet and efficient, maybe self driving will be sorted out in time for my failing eyesight and aging body! LOL so I will be able to still get around without resorting to a scooter.
Still in the very early days of EV development, and I am sure we will see vastly better batteries, range, weight, charging networks, features before this decade is done. They better hurry up, I ain't getting any younger it seems.
No one is being denied anything. You can go out right now and buy whatever you want.
So gas car aren’t being phased out?
You gonna buy everyone an electric car?
Put up the solar or increased grid capacity for everyone to charge at home?
So gas car aren’t being phased out?
You gonna buy everyone an electric car?
Put up the solar or increased grid capacity for everyone to charge at home?
I do not know what auto companies plan to do in the next 10 years ... and neither do you. But I can tell you it is nearly impossible to buy a car any more ... all SUVs and trucks.
You can be sure ICE will be around a long time, maybe longer than most of the members on this forum will be around. Even with sales ending on some date in the future, if that doesn't get kicked down the road a few times, doesn't suddenly remove any ICE from the road. I can plan to buy an ICE truck in 2030 and drive it for a decade to 2040 or so, oh wait, not sure I will be able to drive anymore by 2040!!
I think it is pretty exciting to see the transition from polluting 30% efficient expensive to operate ICE into a new tech where the EV can run on sunshine I collect on my own property, needs no oil changes, is quiet and efficient, maybe self driving will be sorted out in time for my failing eyesight and aging body! LOL so I will be able to still get around without resorting to a scooter.
Still in the very early days of EV development, and I am sure we will see vastly better batteries, range, weight, charging networks, features before this decade is done. They better hurry up, I ain't getting any younger it seems.
then next step after banning ICE engines is bumping up taxes on them, after that making gas stations unprofitable to run....
You are living in an illusion if you think you can stop progression of tech.
I do not know what auto companies plan to do in the next 10 years ... and neither do you.
Sure you do.
The Government is making it so difficult to make ICE vehicles and incentivizing EVs.

Rules in place in California for the BAN of everything gas.

10 years is not that long.
then next step after banning ICE engines is bumping up taxes on them, after that making gas stations unprofitable to run....
You are living in an illusion if you think you can stop progression of tech.
You live in illusion to think everyone will have access to it or be able to afford it.
You live in illusion to think everyone will have access to it or be able to afford it.
since when has that stopped regulations ?

the good news for those , is that affordability and access come with adoption rate
the more folks use a tech, the cheaper and the better the access to that tech becomes...

cell phones being the prime example here...

late 80's , early 90's they where incredibly expensive, clumsy and infancy tech and coverage was spotty at best...
that kind of changed now hasn't it ?
since when has that stopped regulations ?

the good news for those , is that affordability and access come with adoption rate
the more folks use a tech, the cheaper and the better the access to that tech becomes...

cell phones being the prime example here...

late 80's , early 90's they where incredibly expensive, clumsy and infancy tech and coverage was spotty at best...
that kind of changed now hasn't it ?
Cell phone isn’t a necessity. Car is.
Sure you do.
The Government is making it so difficult to make ICE vehicles and incentivizing EVs.

Rules in place in California for the BAN of everything gas.

10 years is not that long.
I have been around long enough to know that "the government" has never hit a proposed timeline except when we go to war.

How does "the government" (by and for the people) make it difficlut to make ICE vehicles? by taking away their incentives and bailing out their failed businesses?
A new v8 is pretty much a luxury vehicle now days. Do luxury vehicles need to be affordable to everyone?
Most would pay half that as affordable is a 4 banger. Remember the gas guzzler tax? It was a bit before its time.

Imagine the premium on a billionaire getting v12 Bugatti or similar. That would be horrible.
The billionaire will just use the tax system to offset the cost of any fine/tax.
I have been around long enough to know that "the government" has never hit a proposed timeline except when we go to war.

How does "the government" (by and for the people) make it difficlut to make ICE vehicles? by taking away their incentives and bailing out their failed businesses?

NHSTA doesn’t mandate cafe standards then fine the shit out of the company’s for not meeting them?