diy solar

diy solar

Heat sink question

Is there a way to send you a private message, where we can discuss EXACTLY what I need
I already messed up and posted my phone # and the moderator removed it for me,
yes, if you click on my avatar and "start conversation", you can chat with me.

A couple others have said they feel effects from EM fields. Apparently some people do perceive them or experience health issues; need to do blind tests to confirm. Most of us don't experience any acute symptoms, maybe there can be low-level or long-term effects. The body compensates for quite a bit, until it isn't able to. There seems to be epidemiological data correlating portable radios with tumors. Cell membranes reportedly respond to such fields. We know that EM wave are highly attenuated at a shallow depth in the body, but something does get through to some depth. I've heard from a test lab that someone who walked into a chamber while the 200V/meter transmitter was on experienced confusion.

I don't have a literal ability to see EM waves (outside visible light, and some shorter wavelengths that cause heating.) And I had adverse reaction to UV when on some medication. My tag line relates to my understand electromagnetism, so when I look at a circuit I can envision how it radiates and interacts. I'm sometimes the EMI/EMC guy who solves problems. It also helps with crosstalk and signal integrity. I was working on that decades ago, with measurement equipment, field solvers, circuit simulators. Recently I've gotten deeper into the nuances of transformers (a technology used for amplifiers and RF modulators before the invention of vacuum tubes or transistors.)