diy solar

diy solar

Limit on number of SCCs/strings? Victron or EG4


Solar Addict
Aug 17, 2022
As I plan out our new (hopefully off grid) house, I see that I have room for quite a few strings of panels mounted at various angles and orientations to optimize sun position and season. I want to use either ground mounts or mounts on only the steepest portion of the roofs (e.g. steep angle of the gambrel roof on the barn because of snow (we're in Maine).

For example, I could fit 6-7 450W panels on the steep portion of the gambrel roof of the barn, another 6-7 mounted vertically on the side of the barn (great for Nov-Feb), another 6-7 verticals on the side of the house, then 2-3 ground mount strings of ~6 panels each at 45 degree angle, perhaps oriented from SE to SW to optimize collection. You get the idea.... Each of these strings would therefore require a separate SCC as I understand it, so...

If I go with Victron, how many SCCs could I fit into a Cerbo GX, for monitoring? My alternative if I go with EG4, btw, is to just put in another 6000XP for every two strings, even if I don't need the extra watts the inverter would supply. Thanks in advance for advice, info, and commentary.
If I go with Victron, how many SCCs could I fit into a Cerbo GX, for monitoring? My alternative if I go with EG4, btw, is to just put in another 6000XP for every two strings, even if I don't need the extra watts the inverter would supply. Thanks in advance for advice, info, and commentary.

25 VE.Can capable MPPT can by daisy-chained to a single Cerbo.

If you use VE.Direct, there are 3 VE.Direct ports. There are also two USB data ports (the 3rd is for powering the touch screen). The processing capability of the Cerbo limits the TOTAL number of VE.Direct devices to 15.

You could use the 3 VE.Direct ports + two VE.Direct to USB cables for 5 devices.

To go beyond 5, you would have to use one or more of the USB ports with a USB hub and VE.Direct to USB cables to the hub.
25 VE.Can capable MPPT can by daisy-chained to a single Cerbo.

If you use VE.Direct, there are 3 VE.Direct ports. There are also two USB data ports (the 3rd is for powering the touch screen). The processing capability of the Cerbo limits the TOTAL number of VE.Direct devices to 15.

You could use the 3 VE.Direct ports + two VE.Direct to USB cables for 5 devices.

To go beyond 5, you would have to use one or more of the USB ports with a USB hub and VE.Direct to USB cables to the hub.
Thanks, @sunshine_eggo - exactly the info I needed!
I'm currently running 7 Victron 100/30 on one system and 5 on another. Non of them are synced. They work great together. They change charge mode at different times but it doesn't really matter.
I'm currently running 7 Victron 100/30 on one system and 5 on another. Non of them are synced. They work great together. They change charge mode at different times but it doesn't really matter.

Syncing really only benefits in poor conditions or partly cloudy where you have highly variable conditions.

VE.Can connected MPPT are synced simply by making the physical connection even if just connected to each other and not to a Cerbo.