diy solar

diy solar

Lv6548 random restarts


New Member
Jun 20, 2022
Great Bend, Kansas
I finally got all the parts together for my LV6548 setup and fired it up Saturday and it immediately started randomly restarting every 15-45min I've searched the forum and can't find anything I'm missing IMG_20230612_073103837.jpgthe communication cables are outside the gutter to prevent interference, I've got 4s panels with 160vdc to each inverter, the batteries are lead acid for now, I've got 127vac coming in, and I'm running SUB.
It will restart with no fault codes and I'm running somewhere between 800-4000w

the sunnyboy next to them is grid tied at the main
panel before the 6548s
Any help/suggestions are appreciated
Are these MPP Solar branded, or something else? Usually MPP Solar is white with their logo on the front.
Sry yes they are mpp I'm just OCD a bit and a painter so I painted to match the boxes
Gotcha. Could they be getting hot and restarting? I had a problem with keeping my 2x LV6548's cool in the past and they would shut down/restart. I don't remember if they would throw a code though.
They feel Cool to the touch on the front (grey) panel fans are in low speed. First time it happened was within 5min of startup. I lose power for 2-3 seconds before they fire up again. I haven't tested without solar yet. This evening I'm going to try sbu
Its got to be a setting problem. If setting to SBU doesn't help, then post up the list of your settings and maybe we can dissect it and see if something is amiss.
First and simple, split them back apart and see if each one will run in 120 volt mode without resetting.
First, get that breaker out of there…
Next, these inverters pull 160A each, you need some serious cable to feed them. I hope that single riser is 4/0 minimum…
I need a picture of how you have the batteries tied in as well. What are the battery voltages when the restart happens?
First, get that breaker out of there…
Next, these inverters pull 160A each, you need some serious cable to feed them. I hope that single riser is 4/0 minimum…
Yes this is a quick-n-dirty battery wiring to test with. The batteries are 4 12v deep cells wired in series with all 2/0 wire. Charge/equalize at 58v when shutdowns occurred

I was running in SUB mode as I'm grid tied with 1-1 so I want to float batterys and use the 2500w of solar on these during the day to run house while my sma is feeding the grid for return at night. And still have battery backup for storms