diy solar

diy solar

My 44kW vertical and bifacial set in Finland.

You have asked this same question now multiple times to different forum member and basically got the same answer..
EXW is a major headache in the eu..
If a seller is still not wanting to do DDP, it is time to look for a new seller

Just my (not so ) humble opinion
Yeah, my (sometime unreasonable) stubborn-ness,
Seller can do DDP, but they told me it is more expensive to me. I feel they meant well so I kept going forth and back with the to-DDP-or-not-to-DDP question.
I value this shadowmaker guy because he and his friends have already done EXW.
Can you share your EXW experience as well ?
Yeah, my (sometime unreasonable) stubborn-ness,
Seller can do DDP, but they told me it is more expensive to me. I feel they meant well so I kept going forth and back with the to-DDP-or-not-to-DDP question.
I value this shadowmaker guy because he and his friends have already done EXW.
Can you share your EXW experience as well ?
Already did.. and NEVER again
Om het op zijn Nederlands te doen..
Een grote pleuriszooi en spullen 4 maanden bij douane vast gezeten, en ook nog eens 21% extra belasting moeten betalen
Oké, ik geef toe. Nu ik zie dat DDP verplicht is, is het kopen op Alibaba misschien wel duurder dan direct kopen in Nederland op of vanuit Poland / Spanje op voor ons 3 woningen: 8 Kw 3 fase, 5 Kw 1 fase, 4 Kw 3 fase. Ik houd vast aan tier-1 panelen en Growatt. Wat denk jij?"
Oké, ik geef toe. Nu ik zie dat DDP verplicht is, is het kopen op Alibaba misschien wel duurder dan direct kopen in Nederland op of vanuit Poland / Spanje op voor ons 3 woningen: 8 Kw 3 fase, 5 Kw 1 fase, 4 Kw 3 fase. Ik houd vast aan tier-1 panelen en Growatt. Wat denk jij?"
Qua panelen zal het waarschijnlijk helemaal niets verschelen, die zijn op het moment al spot goedkoop.
Kits ben ik geen fan van, maar qua inverter zou ik ( en ik ben bevooroordeeld ) eerder naar een deye kijken..
Te verkrijgen bij ;)
Batterijen ( cellen) kun je bij bestellen tegen represantieve prijzen, en enclosures bij meerdere
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It doesn't matter if your panel is vertically or horizontally installed. It's all about getting light to the backside of the panels. The more light there is the more chances it has to hit the backside of your panel (reflecting from the ground, nearby buildings, trees, fences...). Albedo plays a big role here.
How is the performance of you vertical panels ? Any data already ?
DDP, en in het slechtste geval (of als bedrijf) DAP. Tenzij je echt grote hoeveelheden transporteert en de infrastructuur intern hebt (of uitbesteed) zijn de andere Incoterms het niet waard.
Een Alibaba verkoper heeft een half-CIF, half-DDP aangeboden:
- Customs clearance 150 Euro
- Freight 133 Euro
- Destination port fee 599 Euro
wat ik moet nog doen is: BTW betalen, en op een aanhanger laden om naarhuis te gaan.
Anders doet hij alleen maar CIF, en hij geeft mij 150 + 133 + 599 Euro korting om zelf een importing agent in te huren (
Werkt dit goed of niet ?
half-CIF, half-DDP

Switching back to English so everyone can follow. And This really should go into another thread because we're hijacking @shadowmaker 's thread.

CIF means you're also responsible for any and all import formalities and you are responsible for getting insurance (the seller contracts for carriage and insurance, but you assume the risks once it's on the boat). If you've done that before, CIF is fine. There is no such thing as a half-CIF/half-DDP.
How is the performance of you vertical panels ? Any data already ?
Not much to compare with, but yearly target was 40MWh, PVWatts predicted 42MWh for my setup and 44,6MWh came true. It seems to work really nicely with snow (even blizzards) and fog. There's a study saying that due to snow covered panels here in Finland almost half the amount of summer production can be wasted. I'm pretty sure my close to vertical (80-85 degree) array is loosing some (10%???) summer production due to bad sun angle, but that's OK as in summer I have more production than I can use anyway. I could sell that extra to grid, but usually selling prices are really low at that time. The whole point with my setup was to optimize winter production and It seems to do that really well. A bit of a surprise was that even how winter optimized your setup is there's almost zero production if sun decides to hide behind clouds in December. I mean my daily record so far has been 340kWh (April, snow on the ground), but there were many ridiculously low 2kWh days around Christmas.
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Wow, December ' worst is equal to 0.6% of April's best.
Can you post your monthly production ?
Monthly productions and PVWatts predictions are all mentioned in this thread. If you want to find Dec-23 production just look for few first posts in Jan-24.

Nov-Dec-Jan is so bad here that doubling my PV to 88kWp would do almost nothing meaningful productionwise especially compared to my usage. Chance has big impact as having 10 sunny days instead of two in December makes huge difference. In Dec sun rises only ~5 degrees above horizon and day is 5 hours long. Now in the end of April sun raises ~43 degrees above horizon and day is almost 16,5 hours long already. The difference is huge.
270kWh today. Almost perfect day.

Backside production at 21.00.

Also witnessed 5,5kW power transfer between Deyes through LOAD-ports (Deyes not AC-coupled with GTIs, but GTIs pushing power to my loads/grid so keep an eye left side of the screen only). Upper one delivering power to lower one to charge its battery enabling 13,21kW charge with only 7,5kW PV power.
Got Deye12K to my FIL and he is going to connect 6,6kWp to MPPT1 and his old 3kWp array to MPPT2. Now he wants to add more panels to MPPT2 with 180 degree difference in azimuth (adjacent slope in his roof) by paralleling strings and wants to use 3-way split with MC4 connectors including diodes in both strings leads. This is supposed to prevent strings fighting each others when other is in sun and the other isn't. I told him it's a bad idea, but then what would I know...
