diy solar

diy solar

Need more energy - Multiplus in 3-Phase or Parallel Split-Phase?


New Member
Aug 5, 2020
Seems like when I add more capability, I find more and more uses for my energy.

I have 24V system with (2) Victron Multiplus 24/3000/70 set up in Split-Phase Configuration. I decided to do Split-Phase as opposed to parallel configuration because with split-phase I didn't need to balance my loads and balancing loads would be a challenge for my set up. But I keep finding more uses for my solar power - especially when sun is out and I want to add another inverter...

So, I thought about buying another Multiplus 24/3000/70 and putting all my inverters into 3-phase configuration. Hopefully it is as easy to do as it was with setting up the split-phase configuration. I tried to look for info with 3-phase configuration and needing to balance the loads in any way - couldn't find much. Can anyone confirm that 3-phase configuration would be similar to split-phase in that I don't need to worry about balanced loads?

Any other considerations to consider in going 3-phase vs parallel split-phase?

If I go 3-phase, can I have two phases go to one load center and the other one go to another (and I just combine neutrals?)
Check the manual to see which voltages are available in 3-phase configuration.
I'm not 100% sure. But it might not offer 120v/ 208v.
If it does, then what you want to do should work.