diy solar

diy solar

New EG4 Chargeverter V2


Solar Enthusiast
Jun 27, 2022
Signature solar are now taking pre-orders on a second version of the Chargeverter. Does anyone know what the difference is to the original other than the colour and the price?


Cheers. I looked but couldn't find anything. Obviously didn't look hard enough. Hopefully someone will come along and delete this.
Comm ports (except can’t use them with EG4 18Kpv and PowerPro wallmount ESS systems), and SOC-based generator control (except see above). I have two on order because they discontinued the old yellow ones. Not sure if any of the new features are actually going to be of any use.
I'm wondering if there aren't some other differences that aren't publicized such as different internals.
I doubt it. The power supplies in the previous version were capable of the new features. (The control interface wasn't) But simplicity and lowest cost was the goal.
But we shall see, when someone opens it up.
They had to discontinue V1.
Otherwise V2 wouldn't sell at all.
It's a shame because V1 was selling faster than they could get them.
Yeah, that's what doesn't make sense.. would have preferred a cheaper V2 then more expensive with features I would never use now.
But now you have no choice but to pay more if you want a chargeverter. Its supply and demand. If they are selling like hot cakes, raise the price. If you want to make your own, check out the chargenectifier thread on this forum.
With so much demand on the V1 Chargeverter, I imagine a second vendor will come along. Great opportunity for the folks at Current Connected to do so. Here's hoping. I need one (V1 Unit)
Heads up - got a notice from Current Connected:
The new EG4 -GC (generator control) version will be ready to ship by end of April,
AND they have 110 of the basic yellow (version 1) units shipped from EG4 to CC expected in stock next week.

{And YES I shamlessly made sure I got my order in for a V1 BEFORE posting this note !!}
Looks like I will be making my first purchase from Current Connected.
I've always been a fan. They just didn't have anything that I wanted. I really don't need another V1. But I'd rather have it and not need it. Than need it after I can't get it.
How did you do that. There's no way to order a V1 from them, just get an email.
We have been burned many times before by taking pre-orders for stuff that we don't have direct control over. The last chargeverter order got delayed many times, including FedEx getting it stuck at one of their hubs. We had many upset customers and really just didn't feel the situation was handled properly.

Now, with the mailing list, we are getting names, and when the inventory actually makes it to our warehouse, we make a hidden listing that we blast out to the product-specific mail-list subscribers, and give them 24-hours to place an order before opening up inventory to the general public. I think this is very fair, because then we are never taking a penny from anyone for product that is not on our shelves. That's been a pretty common complaint of some vendors on this forum.

This will be standard operating practice for us from here on out. Yes, it will cost us some sales to other vendors that do take pre-orders, but that's ok. It's our job as a warehouse distributor to bridge the gap between manufacturing runs and customer demand, and using pre-orders as a crutch at someone else's expense just doesn't settle well.