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diy solar

The Great Reset. Globalist Scumbags. Things that don't fit somewhere else.

Rut Ro

””The motion seeks to have the charges against Michael Roman dismissed and for Fani Willis, Nathan Wade and everyone in the DA’s office to be disqualified from the RICO case against Trump.
The filing claims Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor hired to go after Trump, paid for luxury vacations he took with Fani Willis to Napa Valley and a cruise in the Caribbean – and used money from Fulton County to pay for their out-of-town escapades.
“County records show that Wade, who has played a prominent role in the election interference case, has been paid nearly $654,000 in legal fees since January 2022. The DA authorizes his compensation.” the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.
The motion claims “sources close to both the special prosecutor and the district attorney have confirmed they had an ongoing, personal relationship.”
The filing asserts Fani Willis never got Wade’s appointment to special prosecutor approved by the Fulton Board of Commissioners, which is required by law.
It alleges that Willis and Wade have been involved in a romantic relationship that began before Wade was appointed special prosecutor.“‘

While we are on a topic of Russian propaganda, here is the lastest news from the motherland (in English).

Greetings and merry Orthodox Christmas.

Welcome to the new and improved weekly Russian media news roundup and open thread-thing. Feel free to share your own URLs in the comments section.

The quote of the week:

Unfortunately, Russia’s almost two-year participation in the war of annihilation with the collective West has not led to the country’s exit from global trends, so desired by patriots. Moreover, many of [the aforementioned unsavory global trends] are being implemented in our country at an accelerated pace … We wish all of us in the new year to finally unhook from the globalist train, which is flying at full speed into the abyss of dehumanization!, December 31, 2023
And now for some news.
What is Zuckerbucks building? Is he aware of something that we don’t know? I figure the 1% elite are going to Nuke us then blame some supposed enemy…. Iran, N Korea, China, Russia Name one.

reality of bunker and after money loses value…. They created this World of Shit then want to run - hide.
Jimmy Kimmel always on Trump

what is this ? Can anyone confirm attached picture?

Was billionaire Oprah on the list? This guy with Oprah was friends with a lot of the same ppl. Real piece of work. I am starting to think that Q crap was onto something. I originally laughed at them because they were putting out some wild stuff. These ppl do seem to be connected to convicted ppl with sex slaves minors and what not. Epstein comes in different versions. Maybe Pizza Gate is REAL.


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klaus opened the can of worms

this guy is nutz ?? Klaus acts Like the kamona wearer in movie Demo Man.
completely disconnected from Real World
That jimmy Kimmel thing looks to be false for ties to Epstein.
However the Rodgers guy is not backing down according to the website and offering an apology.

That jimmy Kimmel thing looks to be false for ties to Epstein.
However the Rodgers guy is not backing down according to the website and offering an apology.

Quite a feud they have going there ..... Kimmel is one of those entitled smart asses that I would like to see taken down a notch.
Sounds like Rogers is using Kimmel's own game against him .... mentioning him in context with Epstein, but not actually accusing him of anything .... of course, once that gets to the 3rd person in the string it will be a whole different story.

The Final Countdown to CBDC​

The haunting tale woven within these pages, echoing the dystopian visions of Black Mirror and the literary masterpieces of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley, serves a dire purpose: to confront you with a stark choice between rising against the encroaching surveillance state for a brighter future or succumbing to the inescapable grip of tyranny. Every element of this narrative springs from today’s unsettling realities, from China’s social credit system to New York City’s pronoun laws and Canada’s MAID program. Governments are ceaselessly striving to mold a future where surveillance and centralized control reign supreme.

This is not a far-flung sci-fi fantasy; it is a looming possibility. This book aims to sound the alarm, educating you about the existing technologies and the political ambitions driving their implementation. Halting this relentless march demands awareness and decisive action. The time for complacency or the belief that “this could never happen in America” has long passed.

In the chapters that follow, you will discover that the technologies and systems discussed are not mere concepts but are already being trialed and adopted in the United States. At the heart of this dystopian nightmare lies the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), which empowers governments to manipulate behavior through social credit scores, vaccine passports, and more by leveraging digital, programmable, and censorable money. Stopping CBDCs can thwart everything else.

The solution is clear, though not as simplistic as casting a vote. Members of Congress, who draw power from their monopolistic control of currency, are unlikely to vote for a reduction in their control or authority. The true power resides with the people. "
Rebel News in Davos .... Blackrock tries to get pushy and it doesn't work.
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Ever Notice that We have major problems helping our own? It is because the one on the left deals money back to the ones that gave it to him. Round Robin of Criminals.


Death, 'Disease X', & "Rebuilding Trust" With The Denizens Of Davos​

“I have decided to unilaterally rebrand Disease X! It is now Disease DIC! Debt Implosion Cover-up”
- Edward Dowd
The nabobs and panjandrums of the World Economic Forum (WEF) meet up at Davos, Switzerland, the next several days to lay plans for their latest assault on humanity.

This year’s theme is “Rebuilding Trust.”

Did you just blow your coffee through your nose?

The outfit that coordinated the world-wide Covid-19 response (that perhaps birthed the very concept of Covid-19 itself), and especially pushed mRNA vaccines on the credulous global public — this gang of super-wealthy, super-connected, super-important celebrity punks, poohbahs, pricks, and predators wants a cuddle.

This Davos crowd moiling around the opening soirée amid drool-worthy trays of crab puffs, asparagus gougères, lobster crostini, waygu morsels, Prosciutto-Fig bites, chickpea panisse, stuffed castelvetrano olives, wild boar and quinoa dolmas, fava bean puree toasts, pigeon pea fritters, and Nürnberger rostbratwurst pigs-in-a-blanket, all washed down by bottomless flutes of Roederer Cristal Millésime Brutcould not stop chattering about the debut of the latest viral confection, “Disease X”, said to be twenty times deadlier than Covid-19.

Imagine the opportunities this one will provide for the WEF’s Davos prom date, the World Health Organization (WHO). And just in time to create enough hysteria for the May vote on the new WHO treaty binding the world’s governments to its pandemic diktats. In that new disposition of things, whatever Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says, goes! Lockdowns. Quarantine camps. Mandatory (improved) safe-and-effective vaccines. Nevermind what the actual citizens of Countries A, B, or C might otherwise decide for themselves under the obsolete system of national sovereignty. Follow the science, useless eaters of the world! (And please quit carping about it!)

Any resemblance of “Disease X” to the remaining global free speech platform (Elon Musk’s X, formerly Twitter), is just another bothersome conspiracy theory. Of course, theories imply the discovery of proofs, and it so happens that the unelected European Commission, under its Digital Services Act (passed in Nov., 2022), has already threatened Mr. Musk’s X to remove so-called hate speech, illegal content, and disinformation or face a fine amounting to 6-percent of its annual global revenue.

Hate speech and disinfo are whatever the EU says it is, including information that is true but disagreeable to the agenda of all supranational orgs such as the EU, the WEF, and the WHO.

Last time around, those mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna proved to be super-effective at one thing: disordering all the cells and organs in the human body so as to produce a severe auto-immune reaction resulting in death and disability. The artificial spike protein replication induced by the vaxxes has a special yen for heart tissue, the linings of blood vessels, and the reproductive organs — thus, all those world-class soccer players dropping dead in mid-kick, all the massive clots the size of shipworms discovered by the morticians, and all the spontaneously aborted babies over the past three years.

By the way, having seen all this, the CDC Director, Mandy Cohen, is still pushing “updated” mRNA shots, down to six-month-old babies. No, I’m not making this up. Read the CDC’s latest recommendations, released five days ago:

It happens that Dutch virologist Geert Vanden Bossche warned a month ago that — per his earlier warnings about the dangers of vaccinating into the teeth of a pandemic — the world can expect a soon-to-come crisis of 30-to-40 percent mortality in highly vaccinated countries with the emergence of a new Covid variant that won’t be stopped by vaxx-damaged immune systems.

Let that sink in.

It means not just a bone-chilling, unprecedented mega-wave of deaths, but the likely dysfunction of every complex system that advanced nations depend on for normal operation as the people who know how to run them succumb. That is, farewell to normal modern life as we have known it. Geert’s just sayin’.

It’s even possible that some of the things that cease operation will include the WEF, the WHO, the EU, and the CDC, considering their presumably multi-vaxxed and boosted members.

Enjoy the scrumptious canapés while you. can, ladies and gentlemen of Davos. We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when.