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diy solar

The Great Reset. Globalist Scumbags. Things that don't fit somewhere else.

Even if no one else was in the room would not happen hahaha She got to the top with suction. Everyone knows it. Then she was forced on Biden He didn’t want her and she hated him. Perfect Union ….. then could both live in a vacuum. No oxygen required. ??

Her dad wrote an interesting book about their business - past slave ownership….. she not only inhaled she didn’t dribble like monica. Ever notice her throat scar - looks like adams apple has been shaved. No kids. Hmmmm…. I almost bet leaves seat up after pee’ing. Like big mike.
Seems like the Dems didn't know what they were getting ... and now have buyers remorse.

Israel’s - AIPAC controls this country. The Israeli buy congress with small portion of our tax money - that we send them every year. Why most everyone in politics votes yes to sending money over to Israel. Congress - Politicians know some money will be washed - laundered then sent back to them. They did the same thing with Ukraine and Zelensky which is a corrupt puppet for Israel. Our congress voted send Ukraine money…..Zelensky sent some of our tax monies back to congress as lobby campaign money. Why they voted it up.

When we have disaster here there is not much kick back money so they screw our own ppl. Ohio maui so on.

Israel has a very strict policy at their own borders. We should adapt it. They - Israeli will shoot you for crossing their borders if it is done illegal. Yet the Israeli like in the ADL groups protect and want open borders here in USA. Once ppl look can’t unsee what they are doing…..

Not sure what or why ppl don’t want to acknowledge these things. Ppl are terrified to talk about it.
Israel wants the land - gaza - want trail of tears - wanted stop their own civil war - whatever else they can grab. Netanyahu is special forces trained.

This 2019 Documentary explains most all of it. The Criminals controlling the World are Bankers = Zionist = Communist = WHO = WEF = Globalist
This is an extremely long documentary so will have to be watched in parts unless you have a lot of free time….. 12+ hours.

If you don’t know about the Rothschild, Karl Marx, Jacob Schiff, Soros then you need to start looking - watch the documentary.
The word Antisemitism is used when they can’t call you a liar and to shut you down about the truth. This word Antisemitism has been used to murder ppl that did not follow the Rothschild’s Plan and Game. The Rothschild wealth is directly traced to Wars.

I think Americans will soon learn why the Southern Border was left open and see the plan acted out in a short time. Probably this year. No doubt most Americans will run to tune into the corrupt news media for them to explain it. ?

All this can be verified such as in these samples. Look it up.

It only takes about 30 days to starve ppl to death if no food is given. All these things are being put in place to be done again. History always repeats for ppl that do not study it. These Criminals will use the cookie cutter method over and over until it stops working. So far they - Criminals have gotten away with it time and time again. Towards end of video they outright admit and tell you 10:30 time

Davos Elites: “Ve Vont to Protect You From Dis Information”​

Last week from January 15th to 19th, the world’s private-jet-setting elites held their annual champagne and caviar fuelled knees-up in Davos. One of the key speeches at the event was made by the fragrant, always immaculately-coiffed EU supremo Ursula Von Der Leyen. Here’s the opening paragraph of Ursula’s speech:

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Klaus. Your annual Global Risk Report makes for a stunning and sobering read. For the global business community, the top concern for the next two years is not conflict or climate. It is disinformation and misinformation, followed closely by polarization within our societies. These risks are serious because they limit our ability to tackle the big global challenges we are facing: changes in our climate – and our geopolitical climate; shifts in our demography and in our technology; spiraling regional conflicts and intensified geopolitical competition and their impacts on supply chains.
The sobering reality is that we are once again competing more intensely across countries than we have in several decades. And this makes the theme of this year’s Davos meeting even more relevant. ‘Rebuilding trust’ – this is not a time for conflicts or polarization. This is the time to build trust. This is the time to drive global collaboration more than ever before. This requires immediate and structural responses to match the size of the global challenges. I believe it can be done. And I believe that Europe can and must take the lead in shaping that global response.
So, in spite of the Russia/Ukraine war, the growing conflict in the Middle East and the Chinese military threats to Taiwan, Ursula believes the most important issue facing the world is “disinformation and misinformation” – basically what we plebs are allowed to see and hear. And she believes a key role for the elites is rebuild trust in the plans the elites have for us by protecting us against being fed information which she and other leaders consider to be potentially harmful or polarizing.

It seems that the attack on free speech is happening on at least three levels. First there is what we might call hidden censorship, by which a small group of people decide what information we are permitted. That’s why websites such as the Daily Sceptic are so important – they bring us stories and viewpoints which our rulers would rather we didn’t know about. I experienced this hidden censorship with my book There is No Climate Crisis. When I first mentioned writing a book debunking the whole man-made global warming nonsense – before I had a title and before I had written a single word – my literary agent told me I was wasting my time as no U.K. publisher would dare publish the book and no U.K. bookshop would dare stock it for fear of attack by the cyber-pitchfork-wielding social-media mob. So I had to self-publish through Amazon. And even though over 4,000 copies have been sold largely through word of mouth and even though I have presented the book to buyers at the main book chains, not a single copy has ever appeared in a U.K. bookshop.

The second level of the assault on free speech seems to be a coordinated effort by much of the mainstream media and the major technology mega-corporations to allow just one approved narrative on key issues like the origin of COVID-19, the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines, the finances of the Biden family and, of course, the global boiling scare. In a previous article for the Daily Sceptic I wrote about the BBC’s Trusted News Initiative. This includes many of the world’s leading news media – the BBC, CBC, ABC (Australia) and the European Broadcasting Union; the main press agencies such as AP and Reuters; and the Big Tech mega-corporations such as Meta (owner of Facebook, Instagram, Threads and WhatsApp ), Microsoft and Twitter.

The Trusted News Initiative claims its aims are to “work together to build audience trust and to find solutions to tackle challenges of disinformation. By including media organizations and social media platforms, it is the only forum in the world of its kind designed to take on disinformation in real time”. It would seem that the main media members decide the correct narrative for each story, the press agencies help spread that narrative and the technology giants shutdown, de-platform and ban anyone daring to question the Trusted News Initiative’s version of events.

The third method of expunging freedom of expression from our lives seems to be through legal restrictions. Many countries are busy passing toughened hate crime legislation and ‘online safety’ laws. One of the most draconian may be in the Republic of Ireland. Critics have claimed the new Irish laws will “have a chilling effect on the freedom of speech”, the CEO of X (formerly Twitter) Elon Musk has threatened to take the Irish State to court over the legislation and Donald Trump Jr. has described the bill as “insane”. But both the EU and many other countries around the world are also introducing similar laws restricting what we are allowed to say, write, see and hear. The Foreign Policy website reported last month: “The global landscape for freedom of expression has faced severe challenges in 2023. Even open democracies have imposed restrictive measures to combat a range of threats including hate speech, disinformation, extremism and public disturbances.” And one certainty in life is that when politicians start introducing new laws, they always find good reasons to keep giving themselves greater powers by adding to the laws they have made.

At Davos, Ursula made it very clear that our access to reliable news and opinions is to be increasingly restricted in order to avoid polarization and rebuild trust in those who govern us. Let’s hope we all are suitably grateful to Klaus, Ursula and the Davos elites for their willingness to protect us from misinformation and disinformation which might confuse and worry us.
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“‘Supreme Court allows federal agents to cut razor wire Texas installed on US-Mexico border​


Updated 5:34 PM EST, January 22, 2024
WASHINGTON (AP) — A divided Supreme Court on Monday allowed Border Patrol agents to resume cutting for now razor wire that Texas installed along a stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border that is at the center of an escalating standoff between the Biden administration and the state over immigration enforcement.
The 5-4 vote clears the way for Border Patrol agents to cut or clear out concertina wire that Texas has put along the banks of the Rio Grande to deter migrants from entering the U.S. illegally. Some migrants have been injured by the sharp wire and the Justice Department has argued the barrier impedes the U.S. government’s ability to patrol the border, including coming to the aid of migrants in need of help.
None of the justices provided any explanation for their vote. The one-page order is a victory for the Biden administration while the lawsuit over the wire continues.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott had authorized the wire, one of a series of aggressive measuresthe three-term Republican has taken on the border in the name of curbing illegal crossings from Mexico. His spokesman said the absence of razor wire and other deterrents encourages migrants to risk unsafe crossings and makes the job of Texas border personnel more difficult.

“This case is ongoing, and Governor Abbott will continue fighting to defend Texas’ property and its constitutional authority to secure the border,” Abbott spokesman Andrew Mahaleris said.

A spokesperson for U.S. Customs and Border Protection did not immediately return a message seeking comment Monday.

A federal appeals court last month had forced federal agents to stop cutting the concertina wire.

The concertina wire stretches for roughly 30 miles (48 kilometers) near the border city of Eagle Pass, where earlier this month the Texas Military Department seized control of a city-owned park and began denying access to Border Patrol agents.

5-4 supreme court judges are criminals. I bet Roberts voted to cut wire.
Roberts is a rino and so is barrett

everyone on various forums like telegram use to say Robert hung out with Epstein so you know they have something on him if it is even remotely true. He votes democrap about every time

“‘Supreme Court allows federal agents to cut razor wire Texas installed on US-Mexico border​


Updated 5:34 PM EST, January 22, 2024
WASHINGTON (AP) — A divided Supreme Court on Monday allowed Border Patrol agents to resume cutting for now razor wire that Texas installed along a stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border that is at the center of an escalating standoff between the Biden administration and the state over immigration enforcement.
The 5-4 vote clears the way for Border Patrol agents to cut or clear out concertina wire that Texas has put along the banks of the Rio Grande to deter migrants from entering the U.S. illegally. Some migrants have been injured by the sharp wire and the Justice Department has argued the barrier impedes the U.S. government’s ability to patrol the border, including coming to the aid of migrants in need of help.
None of the justices provided any explanation for their vote. The one-page order is a victory for the Biden administration while the lawsuit over the wire continues.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott had authorized the wire, one of a series of aggressive measuresthe three-term Republican has taken on the border in the name of curbing illegal crossings from Mexico. His spokesman said the absence of razor wire and other deterrents encourages migrants to risk unsafe crossings and makes the job of Texas border personnel more difficult.

“This case is ongoing, and Governor Abbott will continue fighting to defend Texas’ property and its constitutional authority to secure the border,” Abbott spokesman Andrew Mahaleris said.

A spokesperson for U.S. Customs and Border Protection did not immediately return a message seeking comment Monday.

A federal appeals court last month had forced federal agents to stop cutting the concertina wire.

The concertina wire stretches for roughly 30 miles (48 kilometers) near the border city of Eagle Pass, where earlier this month the Texas Military Department seized control of a city-owned park and began denying access to Border Patrol agents.

5-4 supreme court judges are criminals. I bet Roberts voted to cut wire.
That one doesn't surprise me. I'm actually surprised it was that close. I don't think they had any choice unless they want to maintain their constitutional integrity.

Protection of the US border IS constitutionally a federal government responsibility, so it's likely the Biden administration will win those kind of battles.
All Texas can do is keep defying them and arrest as many illegals as they can.
The problem is the Biden administration has no intention of enforcing border law .... and so far the Republican congress hasn't had enough spine to force the issue.

I think most of the border patrol actually do want to protect the border .... not the illegals. Can you imagine having that job and being ordered to tear down razor wire and helping the illegals get in?
That one doesn't surprise me. I'm actually surprised it was that close. I don't think they had any choice unless they want to maintain their constitutional integrity.

Protection of the US border IS constitutionally a federal government responsibility, so it's likely the Biden administration will win those kind of battles.
All Texas can do is keep defying them and arrest as many illegals as they can.
The problem is the Biden administration has no intention of enforcing border law .... and so far the Republican congress hasn't had enough spine to force the issue.

I think most of the border patrol actually do want to protect the border .... not the illegals. Can you imagine having that job and being ordered to tear down razor wire and helping the illegals get in?
The federal govt are allowing over run of the borders which the supreme court should rule on but won’t . The texas state citizens are being exposed to immediate dangers and take over because the federal govt are not responding and up holding their part of the constitution. It is illegal for the federal govt to aid and help criminals breaking USA laws that endanger american citizens.

Congress is allowing it too
The federal govt are allowing over run of the borders which the supreme court should rule on but won’t . The texas state citizens are being exposed to immediate dangers and take over because the federal govt are not responding and up holding their part of the constitution. It is illegal for the federal govt to aid and help criminals breaking USA laws that endanger american citizens.

Congress is allowing it too
I totally agree with that ..... I am proud that Texas is taking the fight to the Biden administration which is forcing attention to the problem.
I just think the case was about access, not enforcement.
I totally agree with that ..... I am proud that Texas is taking the fight to the Biden administration which is forcing attention to the problem.
I just think the case was about access, not enforcement.
Sadly the previous videos all over twitter showed Feds taking down these barriers and escorting the illegals over - to cross illegally. That is criminal.

These ppl are skirting the known check points. If were Israel they would know to go other way to the check points because there would be dead bodies and blood stains warning them. At one location they - feds were using buses to transport them … waste of money. There are legal procedures to get into this country ….. there is no reason to set those aside. They had plenty of time to legally apply.

It is documented years back ppl like Soros were funding these illegal runs on our borders. Once Biden pardons them they will register to vote and move to Red States like Texas to vote and change the govt. They don’t need weapons to take over. Our citizens will do the heavy lifting for them It is in Bidens favor. Just like Obama took over parts of Minneapolis with refugees.

I don’t have much longer to live but am concerned for grand kids. Less days in front then behind me. The Right are always a day late and a dollar short because try to be civil and lawful. ?? Exactly why the Left are going to keep winning when they break laws. ?? I can only laugh. The best part the Right are so broken that if removed the Left they would actually fight amongst themselves which is another way the unified Left beats the Right. The Left would be nuking the border if those ppl were going to vote for the Right. ??

crazy World we are living in for these interesting times.
Sadly the previous videos all over twitter showed Feds taking down these barriers and escorting the illegals over - to cross illegally. That is criminal.

These ppl are skirting the known check points. If were Israel they would know to go other way to the check points because there would be dead bodies and blood stains warning them. At one location they - feds were using buses to transport them … waste of money. There are legal procedures to get into this country ….. there is no reason to set those aside. They had plenty of time to legally apply.

It is documented years back ppl like Soros were funding these illegal runs on our borders. Once Biden pardons them they will register to vote and move to Red States like Texas to vote and change the govt. They don’t need weapons to take over. Our citizens will do the heavy lifting for them It is in Bidens favor. Just like Obama took over parts of Minneapolis with refugees.

I don’t have much longer to live but am concerned for grand kids. Less days in front then behind me. The Right are always a day late and a dollar short because try to be civil and lawful. ?? Exactly why the Left are going to keep winning when they break laws. ?? I can only laugh. The best part the Right are so broken that if removed the Left they would actually fight amongst themselves which is another way the unified Left beats the Right. The Left would be nuking the border if those ppl were going to vote for the Right. ??

crazy World we are living in for these interesting times.

It was a lot easier to be young and not understand any of this crap.

I saw a post on Twitter a while back, but didn't save it. A mother was trying to sue the feds for failing to vet the illegal who raped and killed her daughter .... I'd like to see a case like that make it to the Supreme Court.

Abbott has done a lot of smart things to bring attention to the problem .... like busing them to the sanctuary cities. A pretty large % of democrats are fed up with the problem also.

There is no doubt what is happening is exactly what the elites want to be happening. similar stuff all over the world. I think part of it is an attempt to destroy patriotism by overwhelming countries with people who don't identify with that country.
They just create a war here or there and the result is refugees that overwhelm other countries.
It was a lot easier to be young and not understand any of this crap.

I saw a post on Twitter a while back, but didn't save it. A mother was trying to sue the feds for failing to vet the illegal who raped and killed her daughter .... I'd like to see a case like that make it to the Supreme Court.

Abbott has done a lot of smart things to bring attention to the problem .... like busing them to the sanctuary cities. A pretty large % of democrats are fed up with the problem also.

There is no doubt what is happening is exactly what the elites want to be happening. similar stuff all over the world. I think part of it is an attempt to destroy patriotism by overwhelming countries with people who don't identify with that country.
They just create a war here or there and the result is refugees that overwhelm other countries.
Rothschild type ppl made their monies from wars. They are awful blood thirsty greedy ppl. They love when crime and riots happen real estate prices go into the dumpers. You could recently buy houses land in detroit area for $100……. They do that on purpose. I have watched them ride cities like roller coasters and NYC is prime example it goes up and down….. when gets on top bring in the crime and such knock it down rebuild make more money. Buy low sell high control it all.

They do Wars like this all the time. They want Civil War here. Israel was on verge of civil war but Netanyahu knew what to do. Everybody on the bottom are pawns. War is easy for the Elite when they have nothing to lose for themselves but profit off the Fighting. Damn shame young ppl can’t figure this out sooner. ?

Rothschild type ppl made their monies from wars. They are awful blood thirsty greedy ppl. They love when crime and riots happen real estate prices go into the dumpers. You could recently buy houses land in detroit area for $100……. They do that on purpose. I have watched them ride cities like roller coasters and NYC is prime example it goes up and down….. when gets on top bring in the crime and such knock it down rebuild make more money. Buy low sell high control it all.

They do Wars like this all the time. They want Civil War here. Israel was on verge of civil war but Netanyahu knew what to do. Everybody on the bottom are pawns. War is easy for the Elite when they have nothing to lose for themselves but profit off the Fighting. Damn shame young ppl can’t figure this out sooner. ?

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There's probably some WAY underpriced real estate in San Francisco right now ..... Who is going to buy it up and then get crime and homeless under control?
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