diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: All-in-One vs component for essentially same price

    It depends. Really the only reason I don't use an all in one is that I don't like the idea of one part dying and then nothing works. With a component setup you can replace components as necessary. I do like the AIO though for simplicity sake. There are a few drawbacks to some of the AIO as...
  • Post in thread: I stumbled in to the batteries now looking for the best way to hook them up.

    I don't see a problem with all 4 in parallel
  • Post in thread: Low voltage drop out

    I would use the LVDO from the inverter then use the BMS as a backup. Many of us here feel the BMS should be the safety of last resort so to speak.
  • Post in thread: Used solar panels testing procedure

    This is just an Idea but I have a cheapo MakeSkyBlue SCC it costs like 80 bucks you could hook it to a car battery (not fully charged) and the hook to each panel in the sun and see how many watts it produces. I do this to test my panels when I think something is wrong.
  • Post in thread: Would you pay a $700 for 4 tested 280Ah lifePo4 cells that could be delivered to CONUS within 1 week?

    Yes I have unwrapped about 25 so far they are all within 5mv . I have 16 charged up and waiting for the discharge test. I am in the process of rigging a new tester that will record the results. Hopefully finish testing first batch Sunday and can start shipping Tuesday or Wednesday.
  • Post in thread: Why not just switch inverter off instead of using a relay?

    Thank you I would like to take credit for Will's latest video. Just Kidding but it is nice to see a video validating ones ideas. (y)(y)(y)
  • Post in thread: Off-grid Solar / Battery monitoring and control freeware

    Just buy a pi4 from Amazon. And an 16gb SD card. They use a USB C for power if you do not have one. I interface over SSH from my computer. If you want stand alone you will need USB keyboard and mouse. Plus micro HDMI to HDMI
  • Post in thread: Solor fridge..

    The Idea is that a chest freezer will hold the cold in better than a standard upright refrigerator. So you need to stop the freezer from freezing if you wish to use it as a refrigerator. To do this we used external temperature switches to simply turn freezer off when it gets close to freezing...
  • Post in thread: Weight as a battery?

    There is no doubt a lithium battery is cheap and practical. But that is not the question. I have my solar panels attached to a power pole Having grid power is even cheaper than lithium but it's no fun. :)
  • Post in thread: Mpp lv2424 not turning on..

    OH NO! Here we go again Lol. What is the voltage at the MPP from the battery. With the BYD turned on?
  • Post in thread: Why not just switch inverter off instead of using a relay?

    Will made a great video about using a relay to shut down inverter if battery gets undervoltage. But there seems to be some discussion as to how long the relay will last and arc's and on an on. The victron battery protect will not work because the capacitators charge too fast when switched on...
  • Post in thread: C rates

    C rate is ratio of charge or discharge rate to capacity of battery in Ah so a 100Ah battery with a discharge C rate of .5 can be discharged at 50Ah or with a C rate of 2 can be discharged at 200Ah
  • Post in thread: Where is the cover?

    It's covered by the packaging. Lol
  • Post in thread: Chargery BMS now with Low Temp Cutoff

    I can confirm the same result
  • Post in thread: Solar Input Current Different Than Coulometer

    Yep the MT 50 is showing incoming from PV The Ali is showing from SCC to battery it will always be more. You have more volts from PV than from SCC to battery creating less amps from PV If you calculate watts in to SCC and watts out you will see the numbers are much closer but still different...
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark Inverters 8 and 12K

    I think if you can write code for an arduino or other device that is great. I fortunately am able to as well. But most people cant or do not have the time to learn it. This is why I look for a solution that is not reliant of someone hacking together an intermediary device. I have done that...
  • Post in thread: Can someone help me decide ifa Combiner Box is Needed?

    If you have low Sun and no shading panels in series may work better. I suggest trying things both ways.
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark Inverters 8 and 12K

    Thank you for making my point!!! Not everyone can easily create an interface. I wouldnt have a problem with Canbus or any other protoicol if there were an industry standard.
  • Post in thread: New Daly "Smart" BMS w/ Communication. (80-250A)

    The SOC is not correct for the way I use the batteries and I think it can be adjusted. I will play some more tomorrow and try and post updates. 2 Awg cable on the unit total weigh about 5 pounds. It feels solid about 9 inches by 4.5 inches and 1 inch thick
  • Post in thread: got fined 1k for an off-grid, 500 dollar, 9 panel system i lay on the roof

    Grid tie is great if you want to continue to bow down to your overlords. Solar for me is about being independent. And this guys system was not grid tied so why do we keep arguing its merits. if ya want to be grid tied then be if you don't then don't but be safe obviously
  • Post in thread: SSR testing

    Just tested the 200 amp AC SSR ran 2500 watts through it for 30 minutes the most it heated up to was 101 degrees if that according to my heat gun. By touch it didn't even feel that warm. My shop was about 75 degrees when i started the test.
  • Post in thread: Video explaining my problem with my install

    I want to see how many volts are at the MPP battery input terminals. Does the BYD have a built in BMS? Turn it n and show us the voltage at the MPP that will answer a ton of questions. That is I want to see it without you needing to keep switching is on and off.
  • Post in thread: First attempt at a parts list..advice appreciated

    Check into this. Look for panels on craig's list Consider Diy lithium battery I Dont have a problem with the PIP but also keep your options open to not using an all in one. yes it is simpler but it may be more than you need (unless you are planning on growing in the future) These are just...
  • Post in thread: Seeking INEXPENSIVE 80~100A MPPT SCC - asking for a friend

    makeSkyBlue 2 60A mppt for $220.00 for both they have USA stock just google makeSkyBlue I have bought from E-bay but you can get cheaper on their site. They ship out of Oklahoma so you could get them fast.
  • Post in thread: Need help purchasing

    This is 2.4Kw and about 250 square feet I also have 3 other sets of panels facing different directions those add up to about another 2.4Kw. But this one produces the most winter power. Yes shading is a huge issue but we muddle through somehow even if it is impossible! Remember anything can...
  • Post in thread: Video explaining my problem with my install

    It's not the current theory it's my theory from 4 days ago lol.
  • Post in thread: 12S 2P BMS?

    Yes I use the chargey BMS for my LTO cells . I would recommend if you wish to start with 6 and add on you build the 6 pack first then break it down and add the next 6 in 2p6s configuration to save on the bms. If you want some cells to play with let me know I have some that are around 35-38...
  • Post in thread: Slim configuration & flexible busbars (280AH)

    They will not go up in flames. They may get warm but you could even double them up and you will b fine.
  • Post in thread: Balance or not to balance... 24V 8S 280Ah

    Honestly I wouldnt mess with them at all. I would hook them all up and add the CHargery then I would monior from there to make sure no one cell goes below X.xx Volts. My theory is that if after 2 plus weeks of shipping if all the cells have exact same voltage they are probably pretty stable...